Education and Training
Here are some education and training related websites:
ASTD - a leading association of workplace learning and performance professionals, forming a world-class community of practice. | - Training magazine is a 40-year-old professional development magazine that advocates training and workforce development as a business tool. The magazine delves into management issues such as leadership and succession planning, HR issues such as recruitment and retention, and training issues such as learning theory, on-the-job skills assessments and aligning core workforce competencies to enhance the bottom line impact of training and development programs. |
Distance Education and Training Council - (formerly the National Home Study Council) is a non-profit educational association located in Washington, D.C. The association also sponsors the "Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council." | - Learn Macromedia Flash 5, Training Courses, Fireworks 4, Dreamweaver and many more. |
Online Degree - Find courses and schools that allow you to get your degree online. |
Vocabulary Training - This site is meant to replicate on the Internet a means of learning words and phrases in different languages. |
Lynda - A site designed for for web designers and publishers. |
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School for International Learning - offers graduate degrees, certificates, study abroad opportunities, international experiences, and institutional partnerships in a diversity of fields including teacher training, international education, policy advocacy, social advocacy, language education and more. |
U.S. Department of Labor - The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) administers federal government job training and worker dislocation programs, federal grants to states for public employment service programs, and unemployment insurance benefits. |
Career Education Colleges - Looking for a new career? Search for colleges by topic or state. |
Management Training - We provide in-house management training, management development programs and HR consulting. |
Lyndsay Swinton provides a wealth of management skills articles including stress management, time management and a section on management gurus through across the years. |
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