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More Bugs Found In Firefox And Mozilla
On your marks, get set (to download patches . . .).
Following Monday, February 7th's disclosure of spoofing vulnerabilities in most non-IE web browsers, a security researcher Tuesday logged another few bugs in Firefox browser and the full-fledged suite, Mozilla. The flaws, involving some user action, can be exploited by crackers to drop code onto a PC and, among other things, enable them to steal cookies. More details on TechWeb. And don't forget to check for those patches!


Open Source Community Gets Legal Protection
Open source software developers have received a measure of protection from litigation related to the components of their products with the formation of the Software Freedom Law Center. The center was established by Columbia University law professor Eben Moglen, an authority on software copyright regulations, and has received US$4 million from the Open Source Development Labs (OSDL).


Acclimating To Open Source
Open source software is already powering computer servers at many organizations. Now with the growing popularity of programs like Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird, open source is making new inroads on the desktop. And as more IT managers make the transition to open source, they're finding that the road is a bit bumpy, but ultimately satisfying.

+ now “open” for business
The Solaris operating system is being released under the terms of the OSI-approved, Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) Version 1.0. Millions of development hours worth of code and over 1,600 patents are being contributed to the open source community. We know that innovation happens everywhere. And we're going to stand shoulder to shoulder with you. To push Solaris. And see how far we -- together -- can take it.


Sun Overwhelms Open Source Patent Move
According to The Inquirer, Sun will be allowing patents on over 1600 products to be used by the open source community, making Sun the largest open source code contributor in the world. The Inquirer goes on to report . . .


NetBeans 4.1 Early Access Release!
NetBeans 4.1 supports development of applications for the J2EE 1.4 Platform and their deployment to the Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 Platform Edition.
Highlights include these and more:
* Create a J2EE application, automatically add EJB modules and Web modules, and deploy the application.
* Create an EJB module with EJBs (session beans are supported in Early Access 1), deploy the EJB module either as a stand-alone module or packaged in a J2EE application.
* Create a Web module, generate calls to EJBs, and deploy the Web module either as a stand-alone Web application or packaged in a J2EE application.

Visit the download center for your copy.

And for a top level view about the community in action, subscribe to the weekly newsletter and the monthly NetBeans Edge.

+ 1.1.4 Now Available announced the availability of the 1.1.4 version of its open source office suite. It has bug fixes since to the 1.1.3 release. Find those changes in the release notes and download the source below.


Announcing Grid Engine 6.0 Update 3
TGrid Engine 6.0 Update 3 is now ready and courtesy binaries are available for download. The SGE 6.0u3 release fixes bugs of the software, installation procedure and man pages.
Grid Engine 6.0 is an important step forward to simplify Grid Computing at the Enterprise and Cluster Grid level. Important new features of Grid Engine 6.0 are support for flexible to use cluster queues, resource reservation and availability of the job submission and control library DRMAA.

+ - The Source for Java Technology Collaboration
Start a project, join a project. Comment on wikis, blogs, and other forums. Ask questions from experts. Get valuable tips and information in the javapedia. But whatever you do, join the the community, now over 100,000 members strong, it's THE community for java developers.

+ JXTA J2SE release, 2.3 "Jambalaya" Release is available is pleased to announce the availability of a new JXTA J2SE release, 2.3 "Jambalaya". A lot of progress has been made in this release and there is a lot to be excited about! The JXTA Jambalaya release provides significant functional enhancements of the JXTA J2SE platform, some important performance and scalability improvements, along with a number of important bug fixes. Binary, and source downloads are available at:
Web Application Development, Sun Labs Projects
 Grid Engine
Distributed Resource Management for Grid Computing
 Interoperability Prototype for Liberty
The Interoperability Prototype for Liberty Project
Java Libraries and Services for Building Reliable Multicast-Aware Applications
The Source for Java™ Technology Collaboration
Project JXTA - distributed computing using peer-to-peer topology
Java IDE
Office Productivity Suite
A utility for checking an application binary's use of library interfaces
A Java Based Build Tool
  Autofs NG
An automounter for Linux allowing for better interoperability between Solaris and Linux
A Java Based Toolkit For Scalable Vector Graphics
A Java XML Parser Derived from the Sun Project X Parser
OASIS ebXML Registry Reference Implementation Project
Evolution connector for JES Calendar Server
A speech synthesizer written entirely in the Java programming language
A benchmark to stress old-gen collection
UNIX Desktop, Development Platform, and Office Productivity Applications
A command-line interface to systems supporting the Intelligent Platform Management Interface
  JDesktop Integration Components (JDIC)
Aimed to make Java™ technology-based applications ("Java applications") first-class citizens of current desktop platforms without sacrificing platform independence.
  JDesktop Network Components (JDNC)
Aimed to reduce the effort and expertise required to build rich, data-centric, Java desktop clients for J2EE-based network services.
A Make Tool for the Java™ Language
  JavaServer Faces
JavaServer Faces technology simplifies building user interfaces for JavaServer applications.
A Web Browser
  PDM Primes
Prime Number Generation Code
  Solaris I18N Framework
X Window System Technology
A speech recognizer written entirely in the Java™ programming language
  Standard Type Services Framework
A new API for text & font handling the display of text on Unix and Linux systems
The Reference Implementation For the Java Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 Technologies
A modified Java™ Virtual Machine used to gather data on the behavior of Java applications
Java implementation of the Web-based Enterprise Management (WBEM) standard
An XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types.
XACML OASIS Open Standard for security.
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