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MetWEB provides a comprehensive, detailed and up-to-date range of weather products online from the Met Office. Designed to be highly flexible, it is suitable for both regular and occasional users. MetWEB uses a prepaid 'ticket' system with no annual subscriptions.

Who is it for?

  • Anyone needing up-to-date forecasts to support leisure and business activities - from trips by air, land or sea, to outdoor pursuits ranging from building site operations to open-air events and hill-walking.
  • Marine users have specially designed products that enable safe journey planning
  • Business and other professional users can plan their work with confidence
  • Essential weather data is provided for outdoor activities like climbing and hill-walking
  • International weather data helps you to plan overseas travel

Complete product listing - including detailed marine, inland and aviation forecasts, weather charts and satellite images.

FREE preview of the service

The weather for today is shown below, using a small selection of MetWEB products:

UK midday symbol chart
Surface pressure chart
UK satellite image
UK midday symbol chart
Surface pressure chart 00:00 GMT
UK satellite image
Setting up an account

How MetWEB works - simply, efficiently and at a low cost

Setting up your account is fast and easy - a single call gives you instant access

Customer entrance - to access MetWEB, to set up an account or to register your new account

For more information or to set up your account, contact our Customer Centre.

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