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2000 News items

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press releases
WTO news
Mike Moore's speeches
Renato Ruggiero's speeches, 1995-99

22.12.00 Report issued on Korea-US steel dispute
A WTO panel, on 22 December 2000, issued its
report (DS179/R) on the case “United States — Anti-dumping measures on stainless steel plate in coils and stainless steel sheet and strip from Korea” and also an Appellate Body report (DS/166/AB/R) on “United States — Definitive safeguard measures on imports of wheat gluten from the European Communities”.
21.12.00 Panel report out on US' lamb measures
A WTO panel that examined complaints by New Zealand and Australia on United States' safeguard measures on imports of fresh, chilled or frozen lamb from those two countries issued its
report (DS177/R) (DS178/R) on 21 December 2000.
19.12.00 General Council adopts decision on implementation issues
The General Council, in Special Session on 15 December 2000, adopted a
decision on implementation-related issues and concerns raised by developing countries. Director-General Mike Moore gave his report on actions to increase the participation of developing countries in setting international standards; another report was made on the extension of the TRIMs transition periods.
19.12.00 Panel rules on Argentina's leather measures
A WTO panel, on 19 December 2000, issued its
report (DS155/R) on a complaint by the European Communities about Argentina's measures affecting the export of bovine hides and the import of finished leather.
15.12.00 Canada's trade liberal but barriers persist in few sectors
WTO members, in concluding the review of Canada on 15 December 2000, commended the country for its “liberal and transparent” trade regime but pointed to barriers in a few sectors such as food products, textiles and clothing, footwear and shipbuilding.
Go to the Chairman's concluding remarks
Go to the press release
13.12.00 Germany boosts WTO fund for poorest members
Director-General Mike Moore, on 13 December 2000, welcomed Germany's DM 5 million contribution for a five-year programme to strengthen the participation of least-developed countries in the WTO.
> Go to the press release
12.12.00 Canada’s retaliation against Brazil approved in aircraft case
The WTO Dispute Settlement Body on 12 December 2000 approved Canadian trade sanctions in retaliation for Brazil’s failure to implement a ruling on aircraft export subsidies. The DSB also set up a new panel to hear the EU’s complaint about Chilean restrictions on unloading swordfish in its ports.
Go to summary of the meeting.
12.12.00 WTO Secretariat hits false attacks against GATS
WTO Secretariat's Director of Trade in Services, Mr. David Hartridge, in a speech at the European Services Forum on 27 November 2000 in Brussels, said recent attacks on the GATS arise from misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the Agreement.
Go to his speech.
11.12.00 “Breakthroughs” in China talks
Breakthroughs have been made in the latest round of China membership talks, including in the areas of intellectual property, non-tariff measures, and services licensing and transparency, reported Deputy Director-General Paul-Henri Ravier, the acting Chairman of the Working Party on China, on 8 December 2000. He said that “political decisions are still needed in key capitals in important outstanding areas” in time for the January 2001 meeting.
Go to the Chairman's note
Go to China's statement
11.12.00 Appellate Body issues 2 reports
The WTO Appellate Body, on 11 December 2000, issued its findings on the following cases:
US import measures on certain products from the EC, and Korean measures affecting imports of fresh, chilled and frozen beef.
08.12.00 Moore hands out WTO diplomas
Officials from 28 governments — from Algeria to Vanuatu — received diplomas on 8 December 2000 from Director-General Mike Moore at the end of the 15th WTO Trade Policy Course for developing countries.
Go to the press release.
08.12.00 Round will boost agriculture negotiations — Moore
Director-General Mike Moore, in a
speech at a meeting on “WTO Negotiations: Agriculture and the Developing Countries” on 6 December 2000 in Paris, said that developing countries are focusing on opening more markets, particularly for processed goods, and disciplining export subsidies in the ongoing agriculture negotiations. He underlined the “importance of a broader WTO Round” in ensuring the success of these negotiations.
08.12.00 Lithuania's WTO membership approved
The General Council, on 8 December 2000, approved the accession of Lithuania to WTO at a session attended by the country's President Valdas Adamkus. Director-General Mike Moore said “Lithuania's forthcoming accession is good news for the country and good news for the WTO”.
Go to the press release       > Statement by President Adamkus
07.12.00 Moore: 2000 a year of challenge and consolidation for the WTO
Director-General Mike Moore, in introducing his
annual report (42 pages; 518 KB) to members on 7 December 2000, called 2000 a year of “challenge and consolidation” for the WTO. He cited the challenge of continuing to “work hard for a consensus on a broader negotiating agenda”, adding that “the goodwill that has been created over the past year gives us an opportunity to take our system forward and deliver benefits to all our peoples”.
Go to Mr. Moore's statement.
06.12.00 WTO cites export-led growth in Switzerland and Liechtenstein
Members, in concluding the trade policy review of Switzerland and Liechtenstein on 6 December 2000, noted that growth is export-led and pointed to the important role of the WTO in keeping markets open to these countries' exports. They urged the two members to continue reforms, mainly in the highly protected sectors (agriculture, and electrical and gas utilities in particular).
Go to the Chairman's concluding remarks and the press release.
06.12.00 France to fund SPS seminars
Director-General Mike Moore, on 6 December 2000, welcomed the French Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries' FFR 1 million contribution to WTO seminars and workshops for developing countries on the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Agreement.
Go to the press release
30.11.00 Croatia becomes the WTO's 140th member
Croatia officially became the WTO’s 140th member on 30 November 2000. Its membership was formally approved by the WTO General Council on 17 July 2000. As required under WTO rules, Croatia then ratified its membership agreement and formally joined the organization 30 days after it confirmed ratification with the WTO on 31 October.
Earlier press release
30.11.00 World trade growth to double this year
World merchandise trade will grow by about 10% in 2000, twice the rate recorded for 1999 and one of the highest in the last decade, according to International Trade Statistics 2000 by the WTO Secretariat published on 30 November 2000.
Go to the press release
30.11.00 Regional initiatives cannot be a substitute to the WTO — Moore
Director-General Mike Moore, in a
speech in Buenos Aires on 28 November 2000, said that “while regionalism can be a positive force and provide an important complement to the multilateral system, it cannot be a substitute -- this means above all that we need to push hard for a new round which is the surest way to ensure that regional and multilateral interests converge.”
28.11.00 Agriculture committee issues latest annual report, with trade data
The WTO Agriculture Committee’s contribution to the General Council’s overview of WTO activities in 2000 (document G/L/417) is now available. It contains agricultural trade statistics such as countries’ market shares for various products, and information on the situation facing net food-importers, including data on food aid and commodity prices.
Read the main two-page text and download the full 88-page report.
22.11.00 External Transparency: Overview — November 2000
The Third Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization in late 1999 in Seattle placed a number of issues regarding the
external transparency of the multilateral trading system under renewed scrutiny. This overview provides an account of initiatives on external transparency which are currently being pursued within the framework and guidelines agreed by Members.
22.11.00 Moore campaigns for a new round in Latin America
Director-General Mike Moore will be paying an official visit to five Latin-American countries from 25 November to 6 December 2000. “It is my intention to thank them for their contribution to the organization and seek firm support for the launching of a new round of trade liberalization negotiations,” he said.
Go to the press release            > Audio news release
17.11.00 Work programme on IT non-tariff barriers approved
Participants to the WTO Agreement that eliminated tariffs on information technology products are now turning their attention to non-tariff barriers in this dynamic trade sector.
> Go to the press release
17.11.00 Moore applauds APEC call for a new Round next year
Director-General Mike Moore, on 16 November 2000, said the APEC Leaders' call for the launching of a new Round of trade negotiations in 2001 “will surely energize work in Geneva for a broad-based negotiating agenda that will benefit all members”.
Go to story
17.11.00 African Ministers reject marginalization, reaffirm confidence in WTO
Director-General Mike Moore, on 17 November 2000, hailed the recently-concluded African Trade Ministers conference in Libreville as a “historic first” where trade ministers and officials from more than 50 countries “have rejected marginalization and reaffirmed their confidence in the WTO system”. The conference's communique emphasized “the need to make trade a priority in the national development policies” of African countries.
Go to the press release     > Go to Mr. Moore's closing statement
Final Communiqué
17.11.00 Committee discusses unfilled quotas, export credit
Whether unfilled
tariff quotas are the result of trade obstacles and how to deal with export credits, were among the subjects discussed in the WTO Agriculture Committee in its regular session (i.e. not the negotiations) on 14 November 2000. Details.
16.11.00 WTO welcomes signs of Japan's economic recovery
WTO members, in reviewing
Japan's trade policies on 14 and 16 November 2000, welcomed signs of economic recovery as important for world trade. They urged the government to maintain the momentum of structural reform so as to ensure the recovery is sustained. Concerns were raised on tariff structure, quarantine procedures and the level of domestic support for agriculture.
Go to the Chairperson's concluding remarks
Go to the summary of the Secretariat's report
13.11.00 SPS body mulls pests in wood crates, studies ‘equivalence’
A draft EU emergency measure against pests in pinewood packaging, affecting a large share of goods trade, generated some concern in the 8-9 November 2000 meeting of the WTO Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures. Also discussed was “equivalence”, a subject which also comes under “implementation” in the General Council.
Unofficial summary.
13.11.00 Africa's concerns should be on the new round's agenda — Moore
Director-General Mike Moore, in a
speech at the opening of the Libreville 2000 Meeting of African trade ministers on 13 November 2000, underlined that “we need a new round of trade negotiations with Africa at the table and with Africa's great concerns on the agenda”.
13.11.00 Join the on-line forum on Africa and the WTO
Users of the WTO website are invited to join an
on-line discussion on Africa and the WTO, running in parallel to a summit of African trade ministers in Libreville, Gabon from November 13 to 15, 2000. This is the inaugural on-line discussion for the new WTO Forum section of the official WTO website. Visit the new WTO Forum and register to participate in the WTO and Africa on-line discussions, or start your own discussion on a WTO topic.
10.11.00 US boosts WTO fund for Africa
The U.S. Government has pledged 650,000 USD to the WTO trust fund for technical assistance, to be used specifically for sub-Saharan African countries. “The U.S. contribution will help a particularly disadvantaged part of the world increase its participation in the multilateral trading system”, said WTO Director-General Mike Moore.
Go to the press release
09.11.00 “Solid momentum” in China talks
The Working Party on China has established “solid momentum” this week and China is accelerating efforts to conclude all its outstanding negotiations, said the acting Chairperson, WTO Deputy Director-General Paul-Henri Ravier, on 9 November 2000.
Go to the Chairperson's remarks       > Go to China's statement
08.11.00 Asbestos Appeal — new procedure
The members of the Appellate Body hearing the appeal in European Communities - Asbestos adopted on 7 November 2000 an additional procedure (WT/DS135/9) (37KB downloadable in Word format) dealing with written briefs from persons other than parties or third parties in that case (including non-governmental organizations).
> Guide to
downloading files.
08.11.00 WTO publishes technical assistance guide
The WTO has published a comprehensive
Guide to Sources of Trade-Related Technical Assistance. In his foreword, Director-General Mike Moore said the idea for this Guide came about when recently a Minister from a country that had just emerged from a terrible civil war asked him whether a single reference source on technical assistance was available.
06.11.00 Moore cites improved climate for trade talks
WTO Director-General Mike Moore, in a
speech on 6 November 2000 before the Link Foundation in London, said that achievements this year have rebuilt confidence in the WTO after Seattle and have improved the climate for further trade talks.
06.11.00 Transition economies and the WTO
The WTO has an important role to play in helping ex-communist countries overcome daunting economic challenges and create successful market economies, WTO Director-General Mike Moore said on 6 November 2000. He was
addressing a conference on “Completing Transition” at the Joint Vienna Institute.
06.11.00 Over 1100 participants have joined WTO-World Bank on-line forum
The WTO-World Bank on-line forum on Trade and Sustainable Development attracted the participation of over 1,100 individuals from around the world during the first two weeks of discussions. The second part of the on-line forum is focusing on how Trade and Environment can be mutually supportive. Existing participants do not need to register again. If you have not participated in the first two weeks of discussions there is still time to join the forum by
registering. The first two weeks of discussions have been put together in a summary.
01.11.00 "WTO says reform helped Brazil recover from crisis"
WTO members, in their
review of Brazil's trade policies on 31 October and 1 November, were impressed by the resilience of the Brazilian economy and its rapid recovery from the financial crisis of 1997 and 1998. Some of them asked for a simplification of laws and regulations governing trade.
Chairperson's concluding remarks
Press release
31.10.00 WTO head hails African free-trade area
Director-General Mike Moore, on 31 October 2000, hailed the establishment of a free trade area by nine members of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) as a “vote of confidence in trade as an engine for growth and development”.
Go to the story.
31.10.00 Moore cites e-commerce potential for development
WTO Director-General Mike Moore, in his opening remarks to the to the ITC Briefing Session on E-Commerce Conference on 31 October 2000, cited the development potential of e-commerce for “linking distant markets and creating new ones”. He stressed that “we at the WTO aim to do our best to promote rather than hinder the development of the Internet and to help the poor as well as the rich benefit from it”. The ITC is inviting the public to participate in an e-trade virtual forum on 20-23 November 2000.
30.10.00 New dispute panel finds against EU measures on Indian bed linen
A WTO dispute panel has concluded that some aspects of the European Union’s anti-dumping measures against imports of cotton-type bed linen from India violated the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement.
Download panel report WT/DS141/R
26.10.00 “The Backlash Against Globalization?”
Speech by Mike Moore, Director-General of the World Trade Organisation , Liberal International, Ottawa.
24.10.00 Moore calls for cooperation on trade-environment issues
WTO Director-General Mike Moore, on 24 October 2000, called for greater cooperation and understanding between the WTO and environment agreements to help “maximize synergies and reduce potential tensions”. He also urged sensitivity to the needs of developing countries and vigilance against hidden protectionism. UNEP Executive-Director Klaus Töpfer said a coherent relationship between the WTO and these agreements will be “a vital element in creating a sustainable global economy”.
Go to Mr. Moore's speech      > Go to Mr. Töpfer's speech
24.10.00 Panel rules on Mexico-Guatemala cement dispute
A WTO dispute-settlement panel, on 24 October 2000, issued its
report on Mexico's complaint against Guatemala's definitive anti-dumping measures on grey Portland cement from Mexico.
24.10.00 Panels set up in steel safeguard, ‘shrimp-turtle’ and corn syrup cases
The WTO Dispute Settlement Body agreed on 23 October 2000 to set up a new panel to hear Korea’s complaint about US safeguard measures on welded carbon quality pipes. It also recalled two panels to rule on whether the countries concerned are still failing to comply with rulings in the “shrimp-turtle” and high-fructose corn syrup anti-dumping cases.
23.10.00 Delegations welcome progress report on implementation issues
Delegations, at the General Council's Second Special Session on Implementation on 18 October 2000, welcomed a progress report on consultations by the Chairman, Ambassador Kare Bryn (Norway), and Director-General Mike Moore on implementation issues as an important first step from which to build on.
Go to summary of the meeting.
17.10.00 WTO and World Bank open online forum on trade issues
The WTO and the World Bank are inviting the public to participate in a month-long online forum on “Trade and Sustainable Development” on their joint website starting on 23 October 2000. Director-General Mike Moore said this is the first initative of the WTO Network, aimed at building and disseminating knowledge on trade issues.
Go to the story
16.10.00 WTO holds “Geneva Week” for non-resident members
The Secretariat is organizing a second information week on 21-27 October 2000 for the 37 WTO members and observers without permanent representation at headquarters. Director-General Mike Moore said “it is a way of increasing participation and transparency for the smaller members.”
Press release
13.10.00 WTO lauds Bahrain's liberal policies
WTO members, in their
review of Bahrain's trade policies on 11 and 13 October 2000, cited the role of liberal policies in helping the country maintain stable growth. There were questions on non-tariff measures and suggestions for more WTO commitments in services.
Chairperson's concluding remarks
Press release
12.10.00 Dispute body adopts Canada patent reports, notes US-EU subsidy procedure understanding
The Dispute Settlement Body on 12 October 2000 adopted the panel and Appellate Body reports in the Canada —Term of Patent Protection case. It also approved a one-month postponement in the deadline for the US to implement the rulings in the “Foreign Sales Corporations” case, and took note of the US-EU understanding on how to proceed.
News page
11.10.00 WTO deputy chief says TRIPS balances health costs and benefits
A health challenge facing the international community is how to share the high costs of medical research and ensure the results are affordable for everyone, WTO Deputy Director-General Miguel Rodríguez Mendoza said in a
speech on 28 September 2000.
11.10.00 WTO holds trade policy course for LDC officials
Trade officials from 42 least-developed countries will participate in the WTO's third short trade policy course for LDCs on 16 October-3 November 2000. Director-General Mike Moore welcomed the record number of participants and the involvement, for the first time, of three regional Secretariats.
Go to the story
10.10.00 Oman set to become 139th WTO member
The General Council, on 10 October 2000, approved the accession of Oman to the WTO. Director-General Mike Moore welcomed the forthcoming membership as “a new vote of confidence in the WTO”.
Go to the press release      > Summary of the meeting
05.10.00 WTO reinforces Spanish information service
The WTO Secretariat, on 5 October 2000, announced the appointment of a Spanish-speaking press officer, Mr. Josep Bosch, formerly of Agencia Efe. Spokesman Keith Rockwell said the goal is to "improve the dialogue" with the 400 million Spanish-speaking people of the WTO membership.
Go to the press release.
04.10.00 African trade ministers to meet on WTO in Libreville
More than 50 African trade ministers, on 13-15 November 2000 in Libreville, will discuss how the continent can participate more fully and maximize benefits in the WTO in a meeting organized by the Government of Gabon in collaboration with the WTO Secretariat.
Go to the press release
04.10.00 WTO arbitrator sets deadline on auto pact dispute
A WTO arbitrator, in a
report issued on 4 October 2000, gave Canada eight months — or until 19 February 2001— to implement recommendations and rulings regarding its “Auto Pact” dispute with the EC and Japan.
02.10.00 Lithuania completes membership negotiations
WTO Director-General Mike Moore, on 2 October 2000, said the forthcoming membership of Lithuania should help “buttress the country's impressive reform programme and bring tangible economic benefits to her citizens”. A Working Party has approved the country's accession documents, which now go to the General Council for final approval in December 2000.
Go to the story
02.10.00 Moore welcomes French boost to WTO's technical assistance fund
WTO Director-General Mike Moore, on 2 October 2000, thanked State Secretary for External Trade François Huwart for France's contribution of one million euros to WTO's technical assistance fund.
Go to the press release
28.09.00 China accession: re-examination of negotiating positions urged
The Chairperson of the WTO Working Party on China, Swiss Ambassador Pierre-Louis Girard, in summing up two weeks of talks on 28 September 2000, urged a “fundamental re-examination of negotiating positions in capitals” to meet the target of concluding this year. China's Vice-Minister Long Yongtu underlined the importance of cooperation in the final stage of negotiations. Earlier, on 26 September 2000, WTO Director-General Mike Moore discussed with China's Trade Minister Shi Guangsheng possible ways of moving the process forward.
> Go to the
Chairperson's summing up
> Go to
Vice-Minister Long's statement
28.09.00 WTO lauds Korea's strong recovery
Members, after reviewing Korea's trade policies on 26 and 28 September 2000, highlighted the role of structural reforms and that of the WTO in Korea's swift recovery from the 1997 crisis.
> Go to the
concluding remarks and press release.
28.09.00 DSB establishes panel on US trademark dispute
The WTO Dispute Settlement Body, on 26 September 2000, agreed to set up a panel to adjudicate on case DS176 “United States - Section 211 Omnibus Appropriations Act of 1998”. This was one of the
12 disputes discussed.
28.09.00 Report out on Poland-Thailand steel dispute
A WTO dispute-settlement panel issued today, 28 September 2000, its report on Poland's complaint against Thai anti-dumping duties on certain iron and steel products (DS122).
25.09.00 Panel issues additional texts for dispute 162: US - Anti-dumping Act of 1916
The WTO dispute panel circulated on 25 September 2000
two additional sections of its report on case DS162, “United States - Anti-dumping Act of 1916”. These deal with claims and main arguments, and third party submissions. The original report was circulated on 31 May 2000, and the Appellate Body report on 28 August 2000.
20.09.00 Moore welcomes US Senate vote on China
WTO Director-General Mike Moore, in a
statement issued on 20 September 2000, welcomed actions by members that would facilitate the rapid accession of China into the WTO.
19.09.00 WTO launches 15h trade policy course
Deputy Director-General Paul-Henri Ravier, on 19 September 2000, told 28 developing country trade officials that “to deal with global issues, you have to be global yourself”.
Go to the press release.
18.09.00 Dispute reports circulated: on asbestos and patent terms
A WTO dispute panel has upheld a French ban on asbestos, rejecting a Canadian complaint. Download report. Separately, the Appellate Body has endorsed an earlier panel ruling against Canada and in favour of the US on the term of patent protection in Canada. Download report.
14.09.00 WTO launches live broadcast to Latin America
The WTO Secretariat has started a cycle of videoconferences broadcast live via satellite to Latin America.
Go to the press release.
11.09.00 Panel to examine Canadian complaint
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 11 September 2000, established a panel to examine Canada's complaint against US measures treating export restraints as subsidies.
Go to summary of the meeting.
11.09.00 Moore cites need for dialogue and cooperation in financial services
WTO Director-General Mike Moore, on 11 September 2000 in Basel, Switzerland, said international dialogue and cooperation are critical for confidence and stability in the financial systems of the world. >
Go to his speech.
08.09.00 Albania becomes 138th WTO member
Director-General Mike Moore, on 8 September 2000, welcomed Albania into the organization, adding that by encouraging trade links “the WTO can help foster greater peace, stability and development in south-eastern Europe”.
> Go to the press release.
28.08.00 Brazil-Canada Aircraft Dispute
Arbitrator's report (28 August 2000) on Canada's level of retaliation against Brazil (DS 46).
28.08.00 US Anti-Dumping Act of 1916
Appellate Body's report (28 August 2000) in the dispute filed by the EC (
DS 136) and Japan (DS 162) against the US Antidumping Act of 1916.
25.08.00 “Reflections on the global trading system”
Speech by Mike Moore, Director-General of the World Trade Organization, at the Symposium on Global Economic Integration, Jackson Hole, United States, 25 August 2000.
21.08.00 WTO Highlights Jan — Aug 2000: Informal background note
Secretariat's note on some of the developments in the first eight months of this year.
> Go to the informal background note
18.08.00 New report by arbitrator
WTO publishes today ( 18 August 2000) the arbitrator's report determining the period of time for Canada to implement the findings in the “Pharmaceutical Patents” dispute.
> You can download the report here. (DS114/13)
14.08.00 “Trade lifts people out of poverty”
Director General Mike Moore in a speech to the Chamber of Commerce in Christchurch, New, Zealand, on August 14, 2000, cited “overwhelming evidence” that openness to trade boosts economic growth and raises living standards for everyone.
> see
“Trade and Poverty” study
04.08.00 Developing countries call for more help in TBT area
The WTO, on 19-20 July 2000, organized a workshop to pinpoint — and discuss possible solutions — to problems encountered by developing countries in implementing the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement and dealing with international product standards.
Go to the story.
31.07.00 WTO issues “Korean beef” and “Wheat gluten” panel reports
A WTO dispute-settlement panel issued today, 31 July 2000, its report on the US complaint against Korean import measures on beef (DS161).
You can download the report
Another WTO dispute-settlement panel issued today its report on the European Communities complaint against US definitive safeguard measures on imports of wheat gluten (DS166).
You can download the report
28.07.00 "Concrete progress" in China WTO talks
The Chairman of the WTO Working Party, Ambassador Pierre-Louis Girard of Switzerland, in his summing up on 27 July 2000 said “concrete progress” was made during a full week of meetings on China's membership bid.
28.07.00 Moore welcomes Swedish contribution
Director-General Mike Moore in Stockholm this week welcomed Sweden's contribution of 7 million crowns to WTO's technical assistance fund. Go to the press release
26.07.00 Moore underscores benefits of openness
Director-General Mike Moore, in his speech In Praise of the Future on 26 July 2000 in Malmo, Sweden, called on young socialists to embrace openness and stressed that there is “no contradiction between being on the Left and supporting free trade and the WTO”.
23.07.00 DG Moore welcomes G-8 statement on new trade round
Director-General Mike Moore, on 23 July 2000, welcomed the G-8's call for a round of trade negotiations to start this year. He said “it is through a round that our organization can achieve a balanced agreement that enables us to tackle the many problems and concerns affecting the world’s citizens”. Go to the story.
21.07.00 Reports out on Brazil's aircraft appeals
The Appellate Body, on 21 July 2000, issued reports on Brazil's appeals regarding its aircraft dispute with Canada.
20.07.00 Tourism proposed as GATS annex
Services negotiators, on 13-14 July 2000, discussed guidelines for negotiations and proposals from delegations including one for a new GATS annex on tourism services.
Go to summary of services meetings, 5-14 July 2000
17.07.00 WTO membership of Albania, Croatia approved
The General Council, on 17 July 2000, approved the entry of Albania and Croatia into the WTO. Director-General Mike Moore expressed the hope that through closer trade, “the WTO can, in a small way, help foster greater peace and stability in south-eastern Europe”. Go to the story.
17.07.00 Panel issues report on EC complaint against US import measures
A WTO dispute-settlement panel issued today, 17 July 2000, its report on the EC complaint against US import measures on certain EC products. The US action was related to the banana dispute. Go to the panel report.
17.07.00 Dutch boost to WTO's technical assistance fund
Dutch Minister Dirk Bruinsma, on 17 July 2000, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Director-General Mike Moore pledging a contribution of 2.6 million guilders to the WTO technical assistance fund. In thanking the Dutch government, Mr. Moore said that with “insufficient” regular budget for this purpose “only through these types of generous contributions can the WTO respond now to an increasing demand for technical assistance”.
14.07.00 Members hold wide-ranging discussions on EU trade policies
In reviewing the European Union's trade policy regime on 12 and 14 July 2000, members lauded the region's economic recovery and the generally open EU markets, which are of singular importance to export interests of many countries. Concerns were raised on EU's outstanding implementation of the banana and hormones cases and the import regime for agricultural products. Go to the press release and the chairperson's concluding remarks.
14.07.00 Trade officials get WTO diplomas
Deputy Director-General Miguel Rodriguez Mendoza, on 14 July 2000, handed out diplomas to 25 developing-country officials upon their completion of the 14th WTO Trade Policy Course, which was conducted in Spanish. He noted that some 1700 trade officials from developing countries and economies in transition have participated in this programme since its inception in 1955.
06.07.00 CTE holds information session with secretariats of environment accords
The WTO Committee on Trade and Environment, on 5-6 July 2000, held an information session with secretariats of environmental agreements to facilitate members' understanding of the linkages between the multilateral environment and trade agendas. It also discussed a number of new papers, including a proposal from Switzerland on the relationship between the WTO and MEAs, a submission from Bangladesh on trade in domestically prohibited goods, from India on the protection of biodiversity and traditional knowledge, from the EC on the precautionary principle, and from the US on subsidies in fisheries. Go to the Trade and Environment Bulletin.
06.07.00 New approach to helping LDC trade agreed
The heads of six international agencies have agreed on a new approach to improve the delivery of trade-related technical assistance to the least-developed countries, including the launching of an Integrated Framework Trust Fund. Director-General Mike Moore, who chaired the meeting of the ITC, IMF, UNCTAD, UNDP, the World Bank and the WTO on 6 July 2000 in New York, stressed that “it is time these countries saw more of the positive side of globalization”. Go to the joint statement and the press release
03.07.00 WTO praises successful transformation of the Polish economy
Members congratulated Poland on its successful transformation into a market economy during a review of the country's trade policies held on 3 and 5 July 2000. They said that Poland's target of acceding to the EU creates opportunities for further reforms. Some members questioned the country's high level of agricultural support and the gap between preferential and MFN tariffs. Go to the Chairperson's concluding remarks and the press release.
23.06.00 Members laud Norway's liberal trade but some question high agri support
At the conclusion of WTO's review (21 and 23 June 2000) of Norway's trade policies, members lauded the country's recent economic performance and its overall commitment to liberal trade and investment policies. However, several questioned the high level of support granted to the agricultural sector.
Go to the Chairperson's concluding remarks.
22.06.00 WTO to deal with poor countries' problems in implementing agreements
Director-General Mike Moore, on 22 June 2000, welcomed the approval by the General Council of an action-oriented work programme for addressing problems of developing countries in implementing WTO agreements as “another important step in building confidence in the WTO and the global trading system”.
20.06.00 Officials examine how to analyse risk for food safety measures
How Central American countries have dealt with the risk of mad cow disease, Madagascar with African swine fever, Australia with Chinese pears, the US with salmonella in eggs — these and other topics were discussed in a two-day WTO workshop which ended 20 June.
19.06.00 New study says free trade helps reduce poverty
A new WTO Secretariat study published 19 June finds that trade liberalization helps poor countries to catch up with rich ones and that this faster economic growth helps to alleviate poverty.
The 74-page report is only available in English. You can download it here in pdf format:
Ch 1: An overview (265 KB)
Ch 2: Trade, growth and disparity among nations (492 KB)
Ch 3: Trade and poverty: Is there a connection? (264 KB)
16.06.00 Trade, Poverty and The Human Face of Globalization
Speech by Mike Moore, Director-General of the World Trade Organisation Reuters/Carnegie Public Policy Series - London School of Economics
15.06.00 WTO publishes panel report on EC complaint against US Copyright Act
This report "United States - Section 110(5) of the US Copyright Act" deals with the rights of music and TV broadcasts and the payment of royalties. For the time being, the 258-page report is only available in English. You can download it here in Word (part 1: 450KB, part 2: 803KB) or pdf format (part 1: 238 KB, part 2: 496KB). The conclusions and recommendations of the panel can be found on page: 69.
14.06.00 Georgia becomes 137th WTO member
became the 137th member of the World Trade Organization on 14 June 2000. “This accession is particularly noteworthy given Georgia’s remarkable transition to a market economy. Georgia is the fourth former Soviet republic to join the WTO and has done so in less than 4 years after applying for membership,” said WTO Director-General Mike Moore.
05.06.00 WTO's unique system of settling disputes nears 200 cases in 2000
Alcohol, brooms, buses, cars, cement, coconut, coffee, computers, footwear, gasoline, leather, macaroni, rice, scallops, steel, tomatoes, underwear – are among the many products in international trade which have been the subject of
nearly 200 disputes brought to the World Trade Organization (WTO) since its creation in January 1995
31.05.00 WTO issues Panel Report on Japan's complaint against US Anti-dumping Act of 1916

Appellate Body issues report on Canada's import measure on cars
The Appellate Body, on 31 May 2000, issued its
report regarding the case "Canada - Certain measures affecting the automotive industry".

25.05.00 Moore welcomes US House vote on China
Director-General Mike Moore, on 25 May 2000,
welcomed the approval by the US House of Representatives of permanent normal trade relations with China as a "vital step in bringing China into the family of governments that make up the WTO" and a "vote of confidence to a rules-based trading system".
25.05.00 WTO Completes appointment of appellate body members
The WTO's Dispute Settlement Body, on 25 May,
completed the appointments to the Appellate Body by selecting Mr. Yasuhei Taniguchi of Japan. He joins Mr G M Abi-Saab of Egypt and Mr A V Ganesa of India who were appointed last month.
24.05.00 WTO Arbitrator issues report on reasonable period of time for Chile to implement in the alcoholic beverages case
22.05.00 Moore bats for US-China deal
"History demands we welcome China into the world trading order," said Director-General Mike Moore in a
keynote speech at the National Foreign Trade Council's World Trade Dinner in New York on 22 May 2000. He urged the US Congress to approve the China trade deal, stressing that "a more open China brings benefits for everybody". Mr. Moore also pushed for further trade liberalization, particularly in the information technology sector.
19.05.00 Mike Moore hails EU-China agreement
Director-General Mike Moore
hailed the EU-China agreement on 19 May 2000 as "another major step towards extending the benefits and responsibilities of the WTO system to a quarter of the world's population".
10.05.00 Panel Reports rule on implementation by Brazil and Canada concerning aircraft subsidies
The WTO issued
2 panel reports today, on Brazil's and Canada's implementation measures under DSU Article 21.5
09.05.00 WTO issues Appellate Body Report on US — Countervailing duties on certain lead and Steel Products from the United Kingdom
08.05.00 Moore hails General Council outcome
The WTO General Council on 3 and 8 May 2000
agreed on a series of measures designed to raise confidence in the multilateral trading system by addressing the needs of developing countries, including the world's poorest.
The Council also appointed
chairpersons for the TRIPS Council and subsidiary bodies of Goods Council . This completes the list of chairpersons for all WTO bodies. The previous decision   was on 8 February
08.05.00 Ukraine accessions talks get new chairperson

The post-Seattle trade agenda
Speech by the D.G. Mike Moore to the International Chamber of Commerce 33rd World Congress Budapest.

05.05.00 Panel issues report on US-Canada patent dispute
The panel that examined a US complaint against Canada's term of patent protection, today, 5 May 2000, issued its

WTO now in much better shape with new agreements
Director-General Mike Moore, at a press conference on 3 May 2000, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Frankfurt. 

02.05.00 Bangaldesh trade policy review
WTO members encouraged Bangladesh to persist in its economic reforms at the conclusion of
the second review of the country's trade policies held 2 and 4 May 2000.
01.05.00 Panel report out on US-Korea airport dispute
The WTO panel that examined a US complaint against Korea's procurement measures related to the Inchon International Airport project today, 1 May 2000, issued its
26.04.00 14th WTO Trade Policy Course gets underway
17.04.00 Services Council adopts negotiating timetable for this year
13.04.00 Moore urges trade package for poorest countries
He was
addressing the US National Press Club in Washington, DC
13.04.00 Developing country export growth double the world average - WTO
11.04.00 Jordan becomes 136th WTO member
11.04.00 "Useful progress" in post-Seattle consultations — Moore
07.04.00 Trainees complete first course of 45th anniversary year
04.04.00 WTO holds workshop on rules of origin
31.03.00 Panel issues report on US Anti-Dumping Act
EC's complaint against the US Anti-Dumping Act of 1916
28.03.00 Intellectual Property: Council debates call to expand geographical indications protection
28.03.00 WTO General Council Informal Meeting
27.03.00 Agriculture Negotiations: Talks reach swift agreement on 'Phase 1'
23.03.00 Major progress in China's membership bid
Go to the Chairperson's summing up
22.03.00 WTO organizes seminar on services for delegations
The WTO Secretariat will hold on 10-11 May a seminar to brief Members on the various issues relating to GATS and the services negotiations.
22.03.00 DSB establishes two new panels, adopts salmon and FSC reports
20.03.00 DG Moore notes with sadness the passing of Appellate Judge Beeby
17.03.00 SPS Committee completes draft on risk "consistency"
02.03.00 WTO to hold seminar on special provisions for developing countries
29.02.00 Trade-environment body focuses on market access
25.02.00 Services negotiations formally launched
A special session of the Council for Trade in Services
formally launched negotiations on services.
24.02.00 DSB adopts HFCS report

Moore calls for closer Parliamentary involvement in WTO matters

11.02.00 Details and summary of DSB meeting
09.02.00 "Open societies do better"
Director-General Mike Moore's
speech at the 11th International Military Chiefs of Chaplains Conference
08.02.00 Denmark boosts WTO technical cooperation fund
08.02.00 WTO Chairpersons for 2000
08.02.00 Farewell statement by H.E. Mr Ali Mchumo, Chairperson of the WTO General Council, 8th February, 2000
08.02.00 General Council sets dates for negotiations — Services Council and Agriculture Committee to meet in special sessions
07.02.00 WTO services and agriculture negotiations: meetings set for February and March
07.02.00 WTO Director-General’s report to General Council on consultations after Seattle
28.01.00 Norway makes another contribution to WTO's global trust fund
26.01.00 DG Moore embarks on consultations on future WTO work
25.01.00 Germany contributes to WTO's Global Trust Fund
17.01.00 Thirteenth WTO Trade Policy Course opens in Geneva
10.01.00 "Revisiting the multilateral trading system"
Director-General Mike Moore's keynote address to the Confederation of Indian Industry at the "Partnership Summit 2000", New Delhi.

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