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Rashelle's Hair Care Steps

There is a connection between how much oxygen you supply to your body and how well every organ of your body will function. You really do have a great deal of control over how well your body works and how healthy you look.

After many questions about healthy hair I thought it might be helpful to create a list of things that I have found to be extremely helpful over the years. It might help you to know that my hair is baby fine and tangles easily. I have had to search for things that would help it look fuller so I have tested plenty of products.

There is no doubt in my mind that flooding your body with oxygen will benefit every cell in your body. Certainly from this your hair, nails, skin and your entire body will see wonderful changes. Incorporate your breathing into everything you do and watch the changes it will make in how much more energy you feel, how much better your skin and hair will look and pay extra attention to how much your stress levels will be reduced if you do just a few LifeLift breaths daily. Some ideas of when to incorporate them into your life; while you are driving your car, watching television, sitting at your computer, doing dishes, in the tub or shower, in bed just before you get up, any time, any place will do.

Just remember to breathe. I have noticed a huge increase in fabulous testimonials since many of you have been adding these extra LifeLift breaths daily. Why? Because you are helping your metabolism to function at full speed on a regular basis, rather than just a spurt of fuel here and there. Your body will adapt to this new state of being flooded with oxygen by rewarding you with better health and a better attitude.

Here is the list of things that may help you enjoy a healthier head of hair.

I have long believed that combining the power of the oxygen from doing your LifeLift breathing with simple pressure with your finger tips on the reflexology points of your head can give remarkable results. I added the face-lift to the video because I could see changes in my face after doing it for a very short time.
We are searching for ways to look and feel younger and healthier and the tools we need are right inside us. Our ability to breathe correctly and our fingertips. By doing simple scalp massage during a few of your breaths you may see something you did not expect, healthier hair.

It is true if you trim your hair about once a month it will grow longer. You will be cutting off those split ends that cause your hair to break off keeping your hair from getting longer. Layering your hair so it is different lengths can add more volume. My hair is shorter at the front, around the cheekbones and gets long as it goes down my back. Not only does it add volume, but also it allows for many more hairstyles.

Don’t over shampoo. Unless your hair is oily I have found that going a day or two without shampooing keeps your hair from drying out.

I have the good fortune to be able to create a full line of skin and body care products that include all the products that I personally use and love. Now that includes the hair care products. For Several years I have used a shampoo and conditioner that I consider spectacular. It is now available for you to order on my web sites. It is called Rashelle's Crowning Glory shampoo and conditioner.

I continue to receive positive messages from those using them. The best way I can tell how much everyone loves a product is when they keep re-ordering. The hair care line has been a huge hit!

After I have finished shampooing my hair I add a product from Thicker Fuller Hair called thickening serum. It really does add body. I have tried many of their other products and the one I stay with is the thickening serum. I apply it to damp hair and towel dry for a few minutes before either blow-drying or air-drying.

One of the tricks I learned from a hair stylist to bend at the waist when you blow dry your hair and let it hang down as you dry it. It fluffs it up. It really does make your hair look fuller.

Someone asked why my hair is straight in some pictures and yet looks so curly in others. It is really simple. When I want to curl it I use a setting gel, with no alcohol and just rub a little on my hair when it is dry. I either use small curlers; the heated ones or the little sponge ones. It takes very little time and the curls last all day. I use a light hair spray without alcohol to keep the curl. That is even a good idea if you want to leave your hair straight. Bend over and spray the underside of your hair, just a little. Then when you stand up fluff it and spray it just a little more. It looks and feels very natural but with more body. I also like to put my hair in braids, you know pig tails with a little tiny curler at the end of each braid. If I do that and leave it in for just awhile it leaves gorgeous natural looking waves when I remove the braid and the curler.

I take so many supplements daily that I am not sure which ones target hair health but I will say that for many reasons would not miss taking these supplements.
I will go to my text in the Victory Theory in the Why Grow Old section and highlight the portion that lists all of the supplements I take daily. For now I will focus on those I feel help your hair.

  • MSM. I personally use Natural Balance brand. There are many benefits from helping hair health to arthritis. I know I feel much better when I take it daily. I take one.
  • Oil of Evening Primrose. The studies done on this supplement are truly amazing. I have taken one capsule daily for about 17 years. It has been shown to help in weight loss as well. If you are taking it for that purpose I suggest you take 2 per day.
  • A multivitamin is a must. Be sure it is easy to digest. If your body cannot assimilate it will not be as effective.

Develop your own personal style. Often I see people who have bought into the image of old age that the media and the world around them have programmed them to believe. I remember when I was very young hearing someone say that you should cut your hair short when you reach a certain age. Yet, as a child, I remember my great grandmother having the most wonderful long hair. I would watch her put her hair into these amazing braids at bedtime. She was over one hundred years old at the time. This was probably when I implanted the idea in my mind that I could wear my hair long regardless of my age, if that is what I chose to do. Even though I am in my fifties my hair reaches almost to my waist. I often have perfect strangers come up to me to say something nice about my hair. I feel having beautiful healthy hair is everyone’s right and if it fits with your image of how you want to look, then don’t let old thinking dictate the choices you make in creating your own personal image.

I hope this helps answer your questions about my personal hair regime. Let me know if you try any of the suggestions and how they work for you. Yours, Rashelle


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