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2000 Press Releases

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press releases
WTO news
Mike Moore's speeches
Renato Ruggiero's speeches, 1995-99

Date Title
13.12.00 Germany boosts WTO fund for poorest members
08.12.00 Moore hands out WTO diplomas
08.12.00 Lithuania's WTO membership approved
06.12.00 France to fund SPS seminars
30.11.00 World trade growth to double this year
22.11.00 Moore campaigns for a new round in Latin America
17.11.00 Work programme on IT non-tariff barriers approved
17.11.00 African Ministers reject marginalization, reaffirm confidence in WTO
10.11.00 US boots WTO fund for Africa
16.10.00 WTO holds “Geneva Week” for non-resident members
10.10.00 Oman set to become 139th WTO member
05.10.00 WTO reinforces Spanish information service
02.10.00 Moore welcomes French boost to WTO's technical assistance fund
19.09.00 WTO launches 15th trade policy course
14.09.00 WTO launches live broadcast to Latin America
08.09.00 Albania becomes 138th WTO member
28.07.00 Moore welcomes Swedish contribution
17.07.00 Dutch boost to WTO's technical assistance fund
14.07.00 14TH WTO Trade Policy Course comes to an end
06.07.00 New approach to helping LDC trade agreed
22.06.00 WTO to deal with poor countries' problems in implementing agreements
20.06.00 Officials examine how to analyse risk for food safety measures
19.06.00 New study says free trade helps reduce poverty
14.06.00 Georgia joins the WTO
05.06.00 WTO's Unique system of settling disputes nears 200 cases in 2000
25.05.00 WTO Completes appointment of appellate body members
08.05.00 WTO appoints Chairpersons for TRIPS Council and for Subsidiary Bodies of Goods Council
08.05.00 Moore hails General Council outcome
26.04.00 14th WTO Trade Policy Course gets underway
06.04.00 Developing countries merchandise exports in 1999 expanded by 8.5% — about twice as fast as the global average
11.04.00 Jordan becomes 136th member of the WTO
28.03.00 WTO General Council informal meeting
27.03.00 Talks reach swift agreement on 'Phase 1'
20.03.00 DG Moore notes with sadness the passing of appellate judge Beeby
02.03.00 WTO to hold seminar on special provisions for developing countries

Moore calls for closer Parliamentary involvement in WTO matters

08.02.00 Denmark boosts WTO technical cooperation fund
08.02.00 WTO Chairpersons for 2000
07.02.00 WTO services and agriculture negotiations: meetings set for February and March
07.02.00 WTO Director-General’s report to General Council on consultations after Seattle
28.01.00 Norway makes another contribution to WTO's global trust fund
26.01.00 DG Moore embarks on consultations on future WTO work
25.01.00 Germany contributes to WTO's Global Trust Fund
17.01.00 Thirteenth WTO Trade Policy Course opens in Geneva

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