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2002 News items

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press releases
WTO news
Supachai Panitchpakdi's speeches

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20.12.02 Supachai disappointed over governments’ failure to agree on health and development issues
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, on 20 December 2002, expressed disappointment over the failure by WTO member governments to meet the year-end deadlines for agreement in negotiations on special and differential treatment for developing countries and access to essential medicines for poor countries lacking capacity to manufacture such drugs themselves. “Nonetheless, delegates have informed me of their commitment to continue to work to find agreement in these complex and difficult negotiations”, he said, adding that “I am hopeful a solution can be found in the early part of 2003”.
> Press release

WTO accelerates work on Russia's accession
The WTO Working Party on the Accession of the Russian Federation, on 18 December 2002, agreed on an accelerated programme of work during the first half of 2003. The Chairman, Ambassador Kåre Bryn, said this response to the Russian delegation's call for urgency was made on the understanding that “genuine efforts will be made on all sides to engage quickly on the negotiating issues”.
Chairman's concluding remarks


Appellate Body issues report on Canadian dairy measures
The WTO Appellate Body, on 20 December 2002, issued its report (DS103/AB/RW2, DS113/AB/RW2) in the second implementation dispute brought by New Zealand and the United States about Canada's measures affecting the exportation of dairy products. It upheld the Panel's finding that Canada had provided export subsidies for milk in excess of its WTO commitments.
> Download the Appellate Body report in Word format (48 pages; 201KB), in pdf format (48 pages; 123KB)
All documentation on the case DS103
            > Rulings only
All documentation on the case DS113
            > Rulings only
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20.12.02 Denmark to donate 1 million Swiss Francs to WTO technical assistance
The Government of Denmark pledged, on 20 December 2002, a contribution of DKK 3 million (CHF 600,000) for 2003 to the Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund and a contribution of DKK 2 million (CHF 400,000) for 2002-2004 to the WTO internship programme.
> Press release
20.12.02 Donors pledge substantial support to JITAP
Donors, African partners countries and the three Geneva-based agencies (ITC, UNCTAD and WTO), on 20 December 2002, endorsed the launching of the new phase of the Joint Integrated Technical Assistance Programme (JITAP) based on the success of the first phase, which was launched in 1998.
> Press release
19.12.02 Germany to contribute an additional 1 million euros to the Doha Trust Fund
The German government, on 16 December 2002, pledged an additional donation of 1 EUR million (about CHF 1.45 million) over two years — 2005 and 2006 — to the WTO Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund. This new donation brings the total of contributions pledged by Germany to the Doha Trust Fund to CHF 4.15 million.
Press release

WTO commends open economy of Hong Kong, China
WTO members, in concluding their review of trade policies of Hong Kong, China on 18 December 2002, commended it for maintaining one of the most open economies in the world, one which many members should seek to emulate. They congratulated Hong Kong, China for its active role in the WTO, including its strong support for the Doha Development Agenda.
Press release


General Council agrees on how to choose a DG, a new budget and accelerated membership for poor countries
The 144 WTO member governments have agreed on a range of measures, including streamlined WTO accession for the world’s poorest countries, approval for Armenia to join the WTO, an increased budget, and greater clarity in the selection of future directors-general and chairpersons for WTO councils and committees.
Press release

12.12.02 General Council chairperson outlines budget committee’s task on WTO staff pay
On 12 December 2002, the General Council approved a new budget which includes salary adjustments and a commitment to further work on a more permanent method of calculating salaries. Chairperson Sergio Marchi described elements of “an objective and credible process” for achieving a fair outcome. 
Statements were also made by Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi and the WTO Staff Council.
The statements
12.12.02 Twenty-first and twenty-second regular Trade Policy Courses come to a close
Two three-month courses held in parallel at the WTO concluded on 6 December 2002, providing 58 trade officials from developing and least-developed countries a better understanding of the WTO Agreements and trade-related topics. Presiding over a joint diploma ceremony on behalf of the Director-General, Deputy Director-General Rufus Yerxa reminded participants that “knowledge is power, but knowledge is also responsibility”.
News item
11.12.02 Ecuador and Turkey announce solution in fruit dispute
At the Dispute Settlement Body meeting on 28 November 2002, Ecuador and Turkey announced that they had found a mutually agreed solution in their dispute concerning bananas and certain fruits.
Summary of the meeting

General Council approves accession of Armenia
The WTO’s General Council, on 10 December 2002, approved the accession package of Armenia to the World Trade Organization. Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi said that “this is a very significant event for Armenia and for the multilateral trading system”.
Press release


WTO Appellate Body issues its report on US countervailing measures
The Appellate Body, on 9 December 2002, issued its report (DS212/AB/R), which reversed the Panel's conclusion that the relevant internal United States legislation is inconsistent with the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, but upheld the Panel's finding that the United States had acted inconsistently with that Agreement by imposing and maintaining countervailing measures on steel products from privatized steel companies in the European Communities without determining whether subsidies continued to exist. Mr. James Bacchus, Chairman of the Appellate Body, has sent a letter to the Chairman of the Dispute Settlement Body, regarding the effect of the work-to-rule action by the WTO Secretariat on the distribution of this report.
> Download the Appellate Body report in Word format (78 pages; 333KB), in pdf format (78 pages; 207KB)
All documentation on the case DS212
More on Dispute Settlement


US given more time to implement “hot-rolled steel” ruling
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 5 December 2002, agreed to extend the reasonable period of time by which the United States must implement the DSB’s rulings and recommendations in the case concerning its antidumping measures on certain hot-rolled steel products from Japan.
Summary of the meeting


Supachai welcomes agreement streamlining LDC membership
Member governments, on 2 December 2002, approved guidelines which should facilitate the integration of the world’s poorest countries into the global economy by streamlining their accession procedures into the World Trade Organization. Director-General Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi said “the decision represents a major breakthrough and substantively contributes to facilitating the accession of LDCs to the WTO”.
Press release


WTO encourages Venezuela to diversify exports
Members, at the conclusion of their review of Venezuela's trade policies and practices on 29 November 2002, said that the country's growing reliance on the petroleum sector has resulted in a narrow export base and eroded the competitiveness of other sectors. They encouraged Venezuela's ongoing efforts to diversify its export markets and products.
Press release

02.12.02 Special workshop for African countries on Trade and Investment
The WTO’s technical assistance programme on Trade and Investment continues on 1-2 December 2002 with a special workshop for capital-based officials from 21 African countries. The Workshop has been organised by the WTO Secretariat in cooperation with UNCTAD, and with the support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency.
Press release

Panel issues implementation ruling on bed-linen dispute
The WTO issued, on 29 November 2002, the report of a panel (DS141/RW) that found the EC to have implemented a previous recommendation to bring its anti-dumping duties on imports of cotton-type bed linen from India into conformity with the Anti-Dumping Agreement.
> Download the panel report:

In Word format:
Part I (79 pages, 451 KB)
Part II (100 pages, 460 KB)
Part I II (7 pages, 49 KB)
Part VI (44 pages, 240 KB)
Part V (55 pages, 277 KB)
Part VI (92 pages, 408 KB)
In pdf format:
Part I (79 pages, 246 KB)
Part II (100 pages, 282 KB)
Part I II (7 pages, 22 KB)
Part IV (44 pages, 139 KB)
Part V (55 pages, 164 KB)
Part VI (92 pages, 254 KB)

All documentation on the case DS141
More on Dispute Settlement


Appellate Body report out on EC-US carbon steel dispute
The WTO issued, on 28 November 2002, the report of the Appellate Body (DS213/AB/R) regarding the panel report on the EC complaint, against the US, relating to a sunset review of countervailing duties on certain corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products from Germany.
> Download the Appellate Body report in Word format (66 pages; 275KB), in pdf format (66 pages; 492KB).
All documentation on the case DS213
More on Dispute Settlement


Supachai: Cancún success is vital not only for trade
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in a speech on 26 November 2002 during a conference on globalization at the University of Leuven, Belgium said that “uncertainty in the world economy, combined with growing international tension, has overshadowed the new Round and weakened the cause of multilateral cooperation — yet this is precisely why the WTO's success (in Cancún) is so vital”.
The Doha Development Agenda: Challenges Ahead


Supachai cites importance of agriculture liberalization to developing countries
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in his keynote address to the World Food and Farming Congress in London on 25 November 2002, said that along with textiles and a few other sectors, “trade liberalization in agricultre is probably the single most important contribution the multilateral trading system can make to help developing countries, including the poorest among them, to trade their way out of poverty”.

26.11.02 Second introduction course on WTO for least-developed countries begins
Twenty-one government officials from least-developed countries are participating in the Second Introduction Course on WTO, which started on 11 November 2002. The WTO Training Institute is conducting the three-week course in French.
News item

Supachai underlines benefits of removing obstacles to trade
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in his first annual report to members on developments in the international trading environment released on 15 November 2002, underlined the economic benefits of successful market-access negotiations in both goods and services, especially to developing countries. Serious obstacles to trade, he said, remain in agriculture, textiles and other manufactures. The report will be the basis of the WTO Trade Policy Review Body's annual review on 11 December 2002 of developments in the international trading environment and multilateral trading system.
Annual report by the Director-General (Download in Word format, 46 pages, 628 KB)


Cambodia aims for membership by Cancún meeting
Cambodia’s bid to join the WTO has moved into a final phase following a meeting of its WTO Accession Working Party on 14 November 2002. The Secretariat has been asked to draft the working party’s report in time for a meeting in the spring of 2003. Cambodia and WTO members in the working party said they aim to complete the membership deal by the Fifth WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancún, 10-14 September 2003.
News item


India announces full compliance in automotive sector case
At the Dispute Settlement Body meeting on 11 November 2002, India announced that it had fully complied with the DSB rulings and recommendations in the dispute “Measures affecting automotive sector”.
Summary of the meeting


WTO encourages Japan to press ahead with reforms
Members, at the conclusion of the sixth review of Japan's trade policies and practices on 8 November 2002, encouraged the country to press ahead with reforms, through, among other things, further financial and corporate restructuring, improved market access (particularly in agriculture) and stronger competition policy. They underlined the importance of Japan's economic health for the world economy, and its leadership in the WTO.
Press release


Fifth Geneva Week concentrates on DDA negotiations
WTO Members and Observers without permanent representation in Geneva gathered at the WTO on 4 November 2002 for a week-long session designed to enhance their participation in the trade negotiations launched at the Doha Ministerial conference.
Press release


Germany to contribute 1 million euros to the Doha Trust Fund
The German government on 4 November 2002 pledged a donation of 1 million euros (about CHF 1.45 million) over two years — 2003 and 2004 — to the WTO Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund. This pledge comes on top of approximately CHF 2 million already pledged by Germany for the period 2002-2005.
Press release


Trade policies cannot work on their own, Supachai tells development seminar
Trade policies must be linked to development and poverty reduction plans, if they are to drive growth, Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi told the second seminar on “trade mainstreaming” on 1 November 2002. These seminars are part of a joint effort by six international organizations and the least-developed countries to integtrate trade and development efforts.


UNCTAD-ITC-WTO chiefs agree to enhance cooperation
Heads of the three global trade agencies, on 30 October 2002, pledged to enhance their relationship across a range of activities including trade-related technical assistance, research and the sharing of information. UNCTAD Secretary-General Rubens Ricupero and ITC Executive Director Denis Belisle offered their full support to WTO Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi in his efforts to bring about a timely, balanced and productive outcome to the Doha Development Agenda round of trade negotiations.
News item


WTO review highlights Zambia's commitment to trade liberalization
WTO members, in their review of Zambia's trade policies on 23 and 25 October 2002, commended the country on its continuing commitment to trade liberalization despite various difficulties. The Chairperson expressed the hope that the Doha Development Agenda would evolve in such a way as to make possible greater access to the country's products, and contribute to the diversification of its economy.
Press release


DSB adopts reports on price band system and sardines
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 23 October 2002, adopted Appellate Body reports on disputes involving Argentina's complaint about Chile's price band system for agricultural products and on Peru's complaint about the European Communities' trade description of sardines, respectively.
Summary of the meeting



Anti-dumping investigations decline in first half of 2002
The WTO Secretariat reported, on 23 October 2002, that in the period 1 January to 30 June 2002, 17 members initiated 104 anti-dumping investigations against exports from a total of 39 different countries or customs territories. During the corresponding period of 2001, 19 WTO members had initiated 149 anti-dumping investigations.
Press release


Supachai urges negotiators to stop waiting for others to move first
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, as chairperson of the Trade Negotiations Committee, has called on members to move away from defensive positions in order to meet rapidly approaching deadlines. He was reporting to the WTO General Council on 15 October 2002.
> News item


Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia signs membership agreement
The WTO General Council has cleared the way for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to become a WTO member. Immediately after the General Council’s decision on 15 October 2002, the agreement was signed. FYR Macedonia has to ratify the agreement.
Press release



Thirty officials complete WTO training on dispute settlement
A week-long training session on the rules and procedures of WTO dispute settlement ended on 11 October 2002. Thirty government officials participated. 
Press release

Supachai, Wolfensohn agree on closer WTO-World Bank cooperation
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi and World Bank President James Wolfensohn, on 10 October 2002, pledged closer cooperation in their efforts to promote a successful conclusion to the Doha Development Agenda trade negotiations.
> News item


Supachai: disappointing trade figures underscore need to accelerate trade talks
Global economic activity strengthened in the first half of 2002 and world trade started to recover from the first quarter onwards, according to the latest WTO figures. But the overall picture is disappointing and WTO Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi says the need to meet negotiating deadlines is even more pressing.
> Press release


Trade liberalization is central pillar in Dominican Republic's growth
WTO members, after conducting their second review of the Dominican Republic's trade policies on 7 and 9 October 2002, welcomed the country's stated conviction that trade liberalization is a central pillar of economic growth and development, and acknowledged considerable progress in its modernization efforts since the last review.
> Press release


DG Supachai: WTO on track to meeting Doha technical cooperation commitments
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in a statement to the Committee on Trade and Development on 8 October 2002, said “we are on track to responding credibly and effectively to the technical cooperation and capacity building commitments in the Doha Ministerial Declaration”.


DG Supachai urges acceleration of work on Doha Agenda, presents timeline
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, chairing his first Trade Negotiations Committee meeting on 3 October 2002, said the meeting marked “the start of a new phase of negotiations — the phase of substantive engagement”. He stressed that “only by accelerating our work, where necessary producing and discussing concrete proposals, can we make real progress across the board”.
Press release                           > Statement to TNC on timeline


Panels to examine US measures on orange juice and softwood lumber
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 1 October 2002, established two panels: one to examine Brazil's complaint about Florida's “equalizing tax” on processed orange and grapefruit products, and the other to examine the US’ final countervailing duty determination with respect to certain softwood lumber from Canada.
Summary of the meeting


WTO issues panel report on softwood lumber from Canada
The WTO, on 27 September 2002, issued the report of the panel (DS236/R) that had examined Canada's complaint about the United States' preliminary determinations with respect to certain softwood lumber from Canada.
> Download the panel report:

In Word format:
Part I (126 pages, 797 KB)
Part II (21 pages, 156 KB)
Part I II (19 pages, 113 KB)
In pdf format:
Part I (126 pages, 363 KB)
Part II (21 pages, 61 KB)
Part I II (19 pages, 58 KB)

All documentation on the case DS236
More on Dispute Settlement


World Bank grant kicks off Bank-WTO assistance on standards
The World Bank and the World Trade Organization are establishing a new fund, called the Standards and Trade Development Facility, as part of their efforts to link aid to trade opportunities in the fight against poverty.
> Press release


Appellate Body report out on EC's trade description of sardines
The Appellate Body, in a report (DS231/AB/R) issued by the WTO on 26 September 2002, has upheld the panel's findings that the European Communities' regulation on the trade description of sardines is inconsistent with the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.
> Download the Appellate Body report in Word format (102 pages; 377KB), in pdf format (102 pages; 269KB).
All documentation on the case DS231
More on Dispute Settlement


Members laud Australia's active role in the WTO
WTO members, in their fourth review of Australia's trade policies held on 23 and 25 September 2002, commended the country's global orientation and its active role in the WTO. Australia's trade regime was praised for being largely open and transparent but a number of concerns were raised, including on SPS and tariff peaks.
Chairperson's concluding remarks
Press release


WTO Director-General meets LDCs' Consultative Group
At the invitation of the LDCs' Consultative Group, WTO Director-General Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi met 15 representatives of the Group in Geneva on 24 September 2002 to discuss issues of particular importance to least-developed countries.
Press release


Appellate Body report out on Chile's agriculture measures
The Appellate Body (DS207AB/R), in a report issued by the WTO on 23 September 2002, has upheld the panel's finding that Chile's price band system relating to certain agricultural products is inconsistent with a market-access provision of the Agriculture Agreement.
> Download Appellate Body report in Word format (98 pages; 378KB), in pdf format (98 pages; 250KB).
All documentation on the case DS207
More on Dispute Settlement


Supachai announces “four pillars” to help conclude the negotiations
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in a speech at the General Assembly of the Swiss Bankers Association on 20 September 2002 in Basel, announced “four pillars” aimed at strengthening the WTO and helping bring the Doha Development Agenda to a timely and successful conclusion.


WTO doubles training capacity for developing country officials
Deputy Director-General Paul-Henri Ravier, on 16 September 2002, launched WTO's 21st and 22nd Residential Trade Policy Courses. Increased resources approved by members have enabled the Secretariat to conduct — for the first time — two training courses in parallel.
Press release



Thai Crown Princess visits WTO
HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of the Kingdom of Thailand visited the WTO on 18 September 2002. Director-General Supachai Pantichpakdi briefed her on the World Trade Organization and its activities.
News item

Panel on EC steel measures established 
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 16 September 2002, established a panel to examine the United States’ complaint concerning the European Communities’ provisional safeguard measures on imports of certain steel products. 
> Summary of the meeting


Commission report is food for thought on intellectual property — Supachai
WTO Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi said on 16 September 2002 that the report by the UK Commission on Intellectual Property Rights makes an important contribution to the debate on how developing countries can best make use of the WTO agreement and its flexibilities, and how the international framework might be improved.
Dr Supachai’s speaking notes

17.09.02 Three agencies meet on trade assistance for Africa
The WTO, UNCTAD and the International Trade Centre, on 11 to 13 September 2002, discussed the progress of the Joint Integrated Technical Assistance Programme (JITAP) for eight African countries. Officials from the African partner countries and representatives from the donor governments attended the meeting.
News item

Panel report out on US “Byrd Amendment”
The WTO issued, on 16 September 2002, the report of the panel (DS217, DS234) that had examined complaints by Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, the European Communities, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mexico and Thailand about the United States' Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of  2000.
> Download the panel report:

In Word format:
Part I (346 pages, 1.9 MB)
Part II (39 pages, 169 KB)
In pdf format:
Part I (346 pages, 975 KB)
Part II (39 pages, 99 KB)

All documentation on the case DS217
All documentation on the case DS234
More on Dispute Settlement

13.09.02 DG Supachai pledges “best effort” to WTO ambassadors
Dr Supachai Panitchpakdi, in meeting WTO ambassadors as WTO Director-General for the first time at an informal General Council meeting on 12 September 2002, said “you can count on me for an equitable, balanced, transparent and inclusive approach as we map out the strategy to reach our goals”.
Director-General's statement
Chairman's statement
13.09.02 Mauritania using trade as development tool
WTO members, at the conclusion of their first review of Mauritania's trade policies on 13 September 2002, commended the country for its ambitious structural reforms aimed at reducing poverty. Mauritania stressed the importance it attaches to trade liberalization as a development instrument.
Press release
Chairperson's concluding remarks

DDA offers unique opportunity for Arab countries to diversify exports — DG Supachai
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in a speech at the First World Arab Competitiveness Meeting in Geneva on 9 September 2002, said “the current negotiations offer a unique window of opportunity for Arab countries to integrate more fully into the multilateral trading system — and expand and diversify their exports”.

10.09.02 DG Supachai meets students from Nairobi training course
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi meets the first group of students from the WTO training course in Nairobi, Kenya.
News item

DG Supachai underlines WTO's contribution to sustainable development
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in a speech at the High-Level Special Roundtable of the World Summit on Sustainable Development on 3 September 2002 in Johannesburg, stressed that “WTO's contribution to sustainable development goes beyond raising incomes and helping to alleviate poverty,” citing ongoing negotiations on agriculture and fishery subsidies as well as on WTO's relationship with environmental agreements.


DG Supachai to push for start of substantive negotiations
WTO's new Director-General, Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, in his first press conference held on 2 September 2002, cited as an immediate priority the start of substantive negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda. “We have no time to waste,” he said.
Transcript of press conference

02.09.02 US' first panel request blocked in EC steel safeguards case
At the WTO Dispute Settlement Body meeting on 30 August 2002, the European Communities blocked the United States’ first request for the establishment of a panel on EC provisional safeguard measures on imports of certain steel products.
Summary of the meeting

Moore urges US, EU to resolve differences between them
Director-General Mike Moore, in a statement issued on 30 August 2002 related to a WTO arbitration decision (DS108/ARB) in the EU-US dispute concerning the US Foreign Sales Corporation (FSC) tax law, urged both parties “to continue to cooperate and work toward resolving this dispute and the others between them in an amicable and constructive fashion”.
> Press release
> Download the decision of the Arbitrator on the US Tax Treatment for “Foreign Sales Corporations” in Word format (46 pages; 301KB), in pdf format (46 pages; 145KB).
> All documentation on the case DS108
> More on Dispute Settlement

22.08.02 WTO Agreements and Public Health — a joint study by WHO and the WTO Secretariat
The World Health Organization and the World Trade Organization Secretariat published, on 22 August 2002, a joint study of the relationship between trade rules and public health. In their foreword, Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, WHO Director-General, and Mr. Mike Moore, WTO Director-General, confirm that “there is much common ground between trade and health”.
> Press release

WTO DG Designate Dr Supachai Panitchpakdi selects deputies
WTO Director-General Designate Dr Supachai Panitchpakdi, on 16 August 2002, announced his selection of four persons who will serve as his Deputy Directors-General for three years commencing on 1 October 2002.
> Press release


WTO issues panel report on Turkey-Egypt steel dispute
The WTO, on 8 August 2002, issued the report of the panel (DS211/R) that had examined Turkey's complaint about Egypt's definitive anti-dumping measures on steel rebar from Turkey.
> Download the panel report:

In Word format:
Part I (114 pages, 612 KB)
Part II (186 pages, 775 KB)

In pdf format:
Part I (114 pages, 344 KB)
Part II (186 pages, 503 KB)

All documentation on the case DS211
More on Dispute Settlement

07.08.02 DG Moore says WTO is delivering on LDC trade
Director-General Mike Moore, in his opening address to the Ministerial Conference of Least Developed Countries in Cotonou, Benin on 5 August 2002, said that the WTO is delivering on LDC trade including significant market access improvements and increased technical assistance, and stressed that that “the greatest threat to LDCs is not globalization, but marginalization”.
02.08.02 DG Moore hails final US Congressional approval of TPA
Director-General Mike Moore, on 2 August 2002, hailed the final US Congressional approval of trade promotion authority as a significant boost to the Doha Development Agenda.
Press release

Mike Moore's farewell: “Our greatest motivation is the people we serve”
Director-General Mike Moore, who completes his term on 31 August 2002, said in his farewell speech to the General Council on 31 July 2002 that “our greatest motivation is the people we serve”, underlining that “confidence in the system is restored...our outstanding success in launching a new round of trade negotiations in Doha last year has opened up enormous possibilities to advance the conditions of people throughout the world”.
> General Council pays tribute to DG Mike Moore's leadership
> Chairman's report
Summary of the meeting


Panel report out on EC-US CVD dispute
The WTO issued, on 31 July 2002, the report of the panel (DS212/R) that had examined the European Communities' complaint about US countervailing measures concerning certain products from the EC.
> Download the panel report in Word format (109 pages; 606KB), in pdf format (109 pages; 355KB).
All documentation on the case DS212
More on Dispute Settlement


Single panel on steel will consider complaints of 8 members
The WTO Dispute Settlement Body, on 29 July 2002, added Brazil to the list of seven other members which have requested a panel to examine the United States' “Definitive safeguard measures on imports of certain steel products”.
Summary of meeting


Director-General appoints new head of Legal Affairs Division
Director-General Mike Moore, on 30 July 2002, announced the appointment of Mr. S. Bruce Wilson as new Director of the WTO Legal Affairs Division.
Press release


As key trade liberalization supporter, EU keeps markets open — except for textiles and agriculture
Pursuing trade liberalization through multilateral, regional and bilateral initiatives, the European Union has maintained its markets largely open — except for textiles and agriculture — says a new WTO report on the trade policies of the EU. WTO members reviewed EU trade policies on 24 and 26 July 2002.
Press release
Chairperson's concluding remarks
Secretariat report and government report


Panel issues report on dairy dispute
The WTO, on 26 July 2002, issued the report of a panel (DS103/RW2) that had examined compliance complaints by New Zealand and the United States in the case “Canada — Measures affecting the importation of milk and the exportation of dairy products”.
>  Download the panel report in Word format (98 pages; 686KB), in pdf format (98 pages; 313KB).
All documentation on the case DS103

> More on Dispute Settlement


Arbitrator reports on Korea-US dispute
The WTO, on 26 July 2002, issued the arbitrator's report (DS202/17) regarding the compliance period in the case “US — Definitive safeguard measures on imports of circular welded carbon quality line pipe from Korea”.
> Download the panel report in Word format (4 pages; 41KB), in pdf  format (4  pages; 12KB).
All documentation on the case DS202
More on Dispute Settlement

26.07.02 DG Moore welcomes congressional breakthrough on TPA
WTO Director General Mike Moore today warmly welcomed the breakthrough achieved by the U.S. Congress on legislation to grant President Bush the Trade Promotion Authority he needs to negotiate trade agreements.
Press release

Committee completes first step on special and differential treatment
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayWith over 80 proposals on the table, the WTO Trade and Development Committee agreed on 24 July 2002 to extend until 31 December 2002 its deadline for making recommendations on special and differential treatment for developing countries. It also agreed to set up a “monitoring mechanism” for an issue that many developing countries consider to be a priority in the Doha agenda.
news item


Moore: The roadmap and deadlines for Cancun Ministerial now “clear”
Director-General Mike Moore, at the conclusion of the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) meeting on 19 July 2002, said that “road map and deadlines are now clear” for the Fifth Ministerial Meeting next year at Cancun, Mexico, and that the work of TNC bodies “is now about substance and real negotiations”.
Summary of the meeting

24.07.02 Training on dispute settlement for government officials
Thirty government officials, mainly from developing countries, on 22 July 2002 started to immerse themselves into the rules and procedures governing the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism.
Press release
23.07.02 The Doha Development Agenda: making it work
In a speech for the opening of the first residential WTO trade policy courses in Nairobi, Kenya on July 23, 2002, Ambassador Sergio Marchi, Chairman of the WTO General Council said that meaningful participation of developing countries in the Doha round of negotiations and in the multilateral trading system depends upon providing them with access to training and technical cooperation, as exemplified by the experimental use of trade policy courses provided by the WTO on a regional basis.
Speech (word format, 3 pages, 32KB)

WTO receives peace award from Japanese foundation
Director-General Mike Moore, on 22 July 2002, accepted on behalf of the World Trade Organization a special award given by the Goi Peace Foundation to mark the organization’s contribution to world peace.
Press release


Panel issues report on Canada-US dispute
The WTO, on 15 July 2002, issued the report of a panel (DS221/R) that had examined Canada's complaint about “US — Section 129(c)(1) of the Uruguay Agreements Act”.
> Download the panel report in Word format (71 pages; 417KB), in pdf format (71 pages; 219KB).
All documentation on the case DS221
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Trade boosts Barbados' standard of living
WTO members, in concluding their first trade policy review of Barbados on 11 July 2002, said that despite challenges faced by a small economy, its intensive participation in international trade has contributed to the achievement of high standards of living. Some members said Barbados was an example that the WTO can be a true instrument of development if the country involved knows how to use it.
Chairperson's concluding remarks               > Press release

11.07.02 Casablanca Trade Policy Course launched
The first traditional WTO Trade Policy Course ever held outside Geneva opened in Casablanca, Morocco, on 8 July 2002. The 11-week Course is being offered by the WTO within a joint partnership agreement with the “Institut Supérieur de Commerce et d`Administration des Entreprises”.
Press release

Co-complainants rise to 7 in US steel safeguards panel
At the Dispute Settlement Body meeting on 8 July 2002, New Zealand joined as co-complainant in the panel set up to examine US safeguards measures on imports of steel.
Summary of the meeting


Panel report out on US countervailing duties on German steel
The WTO, on 3 July 2002, released the report of a panel (DS213/R) that had examined EC's complaint about “US countervailing duties on certain corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products from Germany”.
> Download the panel report in Word format (209 pages; 1151KB), in pdf format (209 pages; 643KB).
>  All documentation on the case DS213
>  More on Dispute Settlement


DDA success is best WTO contribution to fighting poverty — DDG
Deputy-General Miguel Rodriguez Mendoza, in a speech on 1 July 2002 at the ECOSOC High Level Policy Dialogue in New York, said the successful completion of the Doha trade negotiations is “the best contribution that the WTO can make to foster development and reduce poverty on a world-wide basis”.

28.06.02 Moore, Services Chairman reject misguided claims that public services are under threat
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayDirector-General Mike Moore and Ambassador Alejandro Jara (Chile), Chairman of the Special Session of the Services Council, underscored, on 28 June 2002, that WTO negotiations to liberalize trade in services were no threat to Government services and that such sectors of the services economy were in fact excluded from the negotiations.
Press release           > Fact Sheet on Services Negotiations

Report issued on India-US steel plate dispute
The WTO, on 28 June 2002, released the report of the panel (DS206/R) that had examined the dispute regarding “United States — Anti-dumping and countervailing measures on steel plate from India”.
> Download the panel report:

In Word format: 
Part I (46 pages; 240KB)
Part I Corr.1 (1 page; 25.5KB)
Part II (104 pages; 255KB)
Part III (7 pages; 48KB)
Part IV (47 pages; 228KB)
Part V (63 pages; 318KB)
Part VI (98 pages; 458KB)
In pdf format: 
Part I (46 pages; 142KB)
Part I Corr.1 (1 page; 7.53KB)
Part II (104 pages; 290KB)
Part III (7 pages; 20.5KB)
Part IV (47 pages; 135KB)
Part V (63 pages; 198KB)
Part VI (98 pages; 290KB)

>  All documentation on the case DS206
>  More on Dispute Settlement


TRIPS Council approves decisions on delaying pharmaceutical patents for LDCs
The WTO council responsible for intellectual property, on 27 June 2002, approved a decision extending until 2016 the transition period during which least-developed countries (LDCs) do not have to provide patent protection for pharmaceuticals. It also approved a waiver for LDCs on exclusive marketing rights for any new drugs in the period when they do not provide patent protection.
Press release


Panel on US steel safeguards dispute grows to six co-complainants
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 24 June 2002, granted second time panel requests by China, Switzerland and Norway, and agreed to refer these complaints to the panel set to examine similar complaints by the EC, Japan and Korea.
Summary of the meeting


Doha Agenda will define trade relations and development for this century
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayWork on the Doha Agenda will fold neatly into the priorities of the New Partnership for Africa's Development and will play an important role in the upcoming World Summit on Sustainable Development, WTO Director-General Mike Moore said in a speech to the Executive Board of the UNDP on June 25, 2002 in Geneva.


Switzerland contributes CHF 1.5 million to the WTO Doha Development Fund
Deputy Director-General Paul-Henri Ravier and Ambassador Oscar Knapp of the State Secretariat for the Economy signed, on 21 June 2002, a Memorandum of Understanding regarding Switzerland's donation of 1.5 million Swiss Francs to the WTO Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund.
 Press release


Trade liberalization boosts India's economic growth
WTO members, in their third review of India's trade policies held on 19 and 21 June 2002, said that the Indian economy has grown rapidly over the past decade, with real GDP growth averaging some 6% annually, in part due to the continued structural reform, including trade liberalization.
Press release
Chairperson's concluding remarks



Doha Declaration places Africa at heart of WTO work program
WTO Deputy Director-General Ablassé Ouedraogo in a speech to the First AfDB, OAU, and WTO Trade Policy Course for African Countries in Addis Ababa on June 17, 2002 stressed that Africa is a priority at the WTO, in capacity building and in delivery of technical assistance.


Single panel to examine complaints by Japan, Korea and EC on US steel safeguards dispute
At its meeting on 14 June 2002, the DSB agreed that the panel established on 3 June to examine EC's complaint against US steel safeguards would also examine the complaints by Japan and Korea.
Summary of the meeting


Success of WTO agriculture negotiations will contribute to global food security
WTO Deputy Director-General Miguel Rodriguez Mendoza in a speech to the World Food Summit in Rome on June 11, 2002 said that further trade liberalization will have a positive impact on food security through better access to food supplies on global markets and through alleviation of poverty.


China's request for panel on US steel safeguards dispute blocked by US
At the DSB meeting on 7 June, US blocked China's panel request. DSB will revert to this on 24 June.
Summary of the meeting


Transition economy members can enjoy prosperity and peace, Moore tells ministers
WTO membership and trade liberalization foster prosperity, stability and peace, Director-General Mike Moore told a WTO Ministerial Trade Conference for Central and South East Europe in Zagreb, 11 June 2002.
Press release                         > Mr. Moore's speech


Italy contributes 1 million euros to the WTO Doha Trust Fund
The Italian government, on 6 June 2002, confirmed a donation of 1 million euros for 2002 to the WTO Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund. Director-General Mike Moore said “Italy's contribution will help to build capacity for developing countries to participate in the multilateral trading system, advance their interests, conclude agreements and implement them”.
Press release


Panel on “steel” dispute established
The WTO Dispute Settlement Body, on 3 June 2002, established a panel to examine the United States’ “Definitive safeguard measures on imports of certain steel products”. The panel was requested by the European Communities.
Summary of the meeting


Development dimension of trade facilitation cited
WTO Deputy Director-General Andrew Stoler, in a speech at the International Forum on Trade Facilitation in Geneva on 30 May 2002, said simplification of customs procedures can help achieve development goals through cutting costs and raising revenues.


WTO Deputy stresses importance of full LDC participation in DDA
WTO Deputy Director-General Ablassé Ouedraogo, in a speech (only in French) at seminar for 33 francophone developing countries in Paris on 28 May 2002, underlined the importance of technical assistance in ensuring full and effective participation of least-developed members in the Doha Development Agenda.


Panel report issued on Peru-EC sardine dispute
The WTO, on 29 May 2002, released the report of a panel (DS231/R) that had examined Peru's complaint about “European Communities — Trade description of sardines”. The panel found the EC Regulation to be inconsistent with a provision of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.
> Download the panel report in Word format (107 pages; 547KB), in pdf format (107 pages; 326KB).
All documents on case DS231
> More on Dispute Settlement


China's accession to the WTO: the real work begins
In a speech to the Centra Party School of China in Beijing, Ambassador Serigo Marchi, chairman of the WTO General Council said that China's accesssion to memership in the WTO was one of the notable achievements of the Doha Ministerial Conference. The impact of WTO rules and principles on domestic policies should bring the greatest long-term benefits to the country's consumers and businesses.
Speech (word format, 6 pages, 42KB)

23.05.02 US blocks EC panel request on “steel”
At the Dispute Settlement Body meeting of 22 May 2002, the United States blocked the European Communities’ request for the establishment of a panel on US’ “Definitive safeguard measures on imports of certain steel products”. At the same meeting, the DSB established a panel to look at the US’ “Sunset review of anti-dumping duties on corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products from Japan”.
 Summary of the meeting

WTO organizes first WTO ministerial trade conference for Central Asia and Caucasus
Central Asian and Caucasus countries face challenges and opportunities in integrating into the multilateral trading system. This is the focus of discussions at a ministerial-level trade conference in Tbilisi, Georgia, 21 and 22 May 2002.
Press release                           
Mr. Moore's speech
Final report (in Word format)


WTO, World Bank, and IMF chiefs warn against rich-country protectionism
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayThe heads of the WTO, World Bank and International Monetary Fund on 16 May 2002 urged OECD ministers to give impetus to the Doha agenda negotiations, and warned that increased protectionism in the world’s leading economies would undermine developing countries’ efforts to reform through more open economies.
News item

16.05.02 Slovenia now well-integrated in the world economy — WTO
WTO members, in their first review of Slovenia's trade policies held on 13 and 15 May 2002, said that the country's trade and investment liberalization efforts have been key elements in reforms aimed at establishing a modern and stable market economy.
Chairperson's concluding remarks
Press release
09.05.02 WTO, ADB to cooperate on trade-related technical assistance for Asian and Pacific countries
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayWTO Deputy Director-General Paul-Henri Ravier and Asian Development Bank Vice-President Myoung-Ho Shin signed on 9 May 2002 a memorandum of understanding under which their institutions agreed to cooperate on joint technical assistance programmes for participants from the ADB's developing member governments.
Press release

WTO, Arab Monetary Fund to cooperate on trade-related technical assistance and capacity building for Arab countries
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayDirector-General Mike Moore and Arab Monetary Fund Director-General Dr. Jassim Al-Mannai, on 3 May 2002, signed a memorandum of understanding to establish cooperation between the two institutions. The aim of the MOU is to provide technical assistance and capacity building to enhance the participation of Arab countries in the multilateral trading system and the trade negotiations.
Press release


Panel report issued on agri dispute between Argentina and Chile
The WTO, on 3 May 2002, released the report of a panel (DS207/R) that had examined Argentina's complaint against Chile's price band system and safeguard measures relating to certain agricultural products.
> Download the panel report in Word format (181 pages; 988KB), in pdf format (180 pages; 579KB).
All documents on case DS207
> More on Dispute Settlement


Moore convenes first dialogue with regional banks on Doha Development Agenda
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayDirector-General Mike Moore will host an informal dialogue on the implementation of the Doha Development Agenda with the Heads and Representatives of six regional development banks, the World Bank, and the New Partnership for African Development on 3 May 2002 at the WTO.
Press release                          > DG Moore's speaker's notes


Trade to pick up slightly in 2002 after sharp drop in 2001
World exports dipped 1.5% in volume in 2001 and contracted 4% in value to US$ 6 trillion, according to the WTO's latest report on international trade, released on 2 May 2002. For this year, the WTO's economists predict a moderate recovery of around 1%.
Press release

30.04.02 20th WTO Trade Policy Course begins
Government officials from 27 countries attended the opening session on 29 April 2002 of the 20th WTO Trade Policy Course, which is being held in Spanish. The brief ceremony was chaired by Mr. Paul-Henri Ravier, Deputy Director-General of the WTO, who, on behalf of Mike Moore, welcomed all the participants.
Press release   

Moore stresses development role of trade at WTO symposium
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayDirector-General Mike Moore, in opening the Public Symposium on Doha Development Agenda and Beyond at the WTO on 29 April 2002, stressed the role of trade liberalization in boosting the world economy, fighting poverty and promoting sustainable development.
Press release                                   > Programme


WTO organizes public symposium on post-Doha negotiations
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayThe future of the global trading system and the economic, developmental, social and environmental impact of trade negotiations now underway will be the focus of three days of discussion and debate at the WTO from 29 April to 1 May 2002. “The symposium provides a timely opportunity for civil society, governmental officials, academics and the media to come together to discuss and debate the global challenges posed by the Doha Development Agenda,” WTO Director-General Mike Moore said on 26 April 2002.
Press release                                   > Programme



Russia membership talks entering decisive and final phase — Moore
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayDirector-General Mike Moore, in a speech at the Fifth Annual Russian Economic Forum on 19 April 2002 in London, said that Russia's accession talks are “entering a decisive and final phase”, adding that “it would be a great failure of leadership if this accession is not completed in time for the Mexico Ministerial next year”.
22.04.02 WTO members report on anti-dumping activity
The WTO Secretariat, on 22 April 2002, reported that in the period 1 July - 31 December 2001, 19 Members initiated 186 anti-dumping investigations against exports from a total of 55 different countries or customs territories.
 Press release
22.04.02 DDG: Trade is engine of growth and employment
WTO Deputy Director-General Ablassé Ouedraogo, in a speech (temporarily in French) at a meeting of African Labour Ministers on 20 April in Ouagadougou, underlined the importance of trade as an engine of growth and employment in Africa.
22.04.02 Panels established on Telmex and poultry disputes
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 17 April 2002, established panels to examine disputes on Mexico's measures affecting telecommunications services and on Argentina's definitive anti-dumping duties on poultry from Brazil, respectively.
Summary of the meeting

Chairman reports on consultations about acceding countries’ participation, observers
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayAs part of the preparations for the 24 April 2002 formal meeting of the Trade Negotiations Committee, the chairman — WTO Director-General Mike Moore — called an informal meeting on 17 April 2002 to consult negotiators about agenda items.
News item


WTO holds its fourth Geneva Week
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayWTO members without permanent representation in Geneva will gather at the WTO on 21 April 2002 for a week-long briefing session scheduled to allow them to participate in the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) meeting on 24 April 2002. “It is crucial for every WTO member to have its voice heard, especially now that we have launched comprehensive negotiations,” said Director-General Mike Moore, who is also TNC Chairman.
Press release
Provisional programme (Word format, 2 pages; 32KB)

17.04.02 Mexico cited as prime example of trade liberalization benefits
Many WTO members, at the conclusion of Mexico's trade policy review on 16 April 2002, cited the country as a prime example of the benefits of trade and investment liberalization. However, a number of members encouraged Mexico to narrow the gap between falling trade barriers under preferential agreements and improvements for the country's trade partners in general.
Chairperson's concluding remarks
Press release

Helping poorer members is key to successfully concluding negotiations — Moore
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayDirector-General Mike Moore, in a speech to the opening session of the Evian Group Meeting on 12 April 2002 in Montreux, Switzerland, said one key to success in concluding the new trade round is helping poorer members to integrate into the trading system and participate fully in the negotiations.


Moore welcomes Oxfam report but cites omissions and errors
Director General Mike Moore welcomed, 11 April 2002, an Oxfam report calling on developed countries to open their markets more to products from poor nations and to increase financial aid for the developing world, despite its important omissions and misleading statements about WTO rules.
Press release


WTO announces launch of new trade journal
Director-General Mike Moore, on 9 April 2002, announced the launch of a new scholarly journal, the World Trade Review, as a joint initiative between the WTO and Cambridge University Press. “The aim of the Journal is to deepen understanding of issues facing the international trading system through critical analysis and constructive debate,” he said.
Press release                           

08.04.02 Officials say training course will help them participate in Doha agenda negotiations
The 19th WTO trade policy course has helped participating officials from 30 governments prepare for work related to the WTO, in particular the current negotiations, a representative said in the course’s closing ceremony on 5 April 2002. Deputy Director-General Paul-Henri Ravier highlighted the new, substantial increase in WTO training programmes.
Press release
28.03.02 Fact sheet on technical cooperation
Since the WTO's fourth Ministerial Conference in Doha last November, the organization has embarked on a programme of greatly enhanced support for developing countries.
News item

WTO recruiting staff under Doha Development Agenda, for end-May start
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayA number of special contract, limited-duration positions are available in the WTO Secretariat for technical cooperation and capacity-building work under the Doha Development Agenda. The aim is for the new staff to start work by the end of May 2002 under a special fast-track recruiting procedure.
Full details ...

27.03.02 WTO agriculture negotiators set schedule to meet 12-month ‘modalities’ deadline
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayThe WTO Agriculture Committee, meeting in a special negotiating session on 26 March 2002, agreed a work programme designed to meet the 31 March 2003 deadline for setting out the key principles for achieving a comprehensive final deal.
Press release

WTO is working on an Arab Region Strategy, Director-General Moore tells Qatar meeting
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayIncreased technical assistance activities, improved communication and WTO-related information to Arab countries, an unofficial Arabic language website on the WTO, and Secretariat support of Arab countries negotiating membership are key parts of the WTO’s strategy for the region, Mike Moore told a Qatar Conference on Democracy and Free Trade, in Doha, 26 March 2002.
Mr. Moore's speech


Moore calls for increased trade liberalization to help finance development
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayDirector-General Mike Moore, on 21 March 2002, told the UN International Conference on Financing for Development in Monterrey, Mexico that trade liberalization can make a huge contribution to the generation of resources for the financing of development.
Press release                     > Mr. Moore's speech

19.03.02 Appellate Body report on India's auto measures out
The WTO, on 19 March 2002, issued the Appellate Body report on India's measures affecting the automotive sector (DS146/AB/R and DS175/AB/R). The report notes that India withdrew its appeal on 14 March 2002.
> Download the Panel report in Word format (8 pages; 46KB) — in pdf format (8 pages; 21KB).
All documents on case DS146     > All documents on case DS175
> Rulings only DS146 and DS175
> More on Dispute Settlement

Workers benefit from trade liberalization — Moore
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayDirector-General Mike Moore, in a speech to the ILO's Working Party on the Social Dimension of Globalization on 18 March 2002, underlined that workers as a group will be better off from trade liberalization, adding that the WTO is keeping up the momentum on the Doha Development Agenda.

13.03.02 Introduction Course on WTO starts in Geneva
Deputy Director-General Mr Ablassé Ouedraogo welcomes, on 12 March 2002, government officials from 22 least-developed countries at the opening session yesterday of the 3-week Introduction Course on WTO.
Press release
13.03.02 DSB adopts reports on US-Korea line pipe dispute
The DSB adopted, on 8 March 2002, a report of the Appellate Body on the dispute “United States — Definitive safeguard measures on imports of circular welded carbon quality line pipe from Korea” (case DS202).
Summary of meeting
12.03.02 Intellectual property council starts on Doha agenda items and two-phase negotiation
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayThe WTO’s TRIPS (intellectual property) Council started work (5-7 March 2002) on a list of issues that ministers assigned to it at the Doha Ministerial Conference, and (8 March 2002) on a two-phase programme for completing negotiations on a multilateral register for geographical indications for wines and spirits
> regular meeting (5-7 March)        > special session (8 March)

WTO governments pledge 30m Swiss francs to help developing countries in new trade round
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayWTO member governments promised, on 11 March 2002, double the targeted 15 million Swiss francs to help developing countries participate in the Doha Development Agenda. Director-General Mike Moore described this as a “remarkable outcome” that will help “ensure that the world’s most vulnerable countries have a more effective voice in the new Trade Round”.
Press release               > Mr Moore’s opening speech


WTO rules serve full Membership, says Director-General
Asked to comment on the US steel tariff case, Director-General Mike Moore said on 7 March 2002 that WTO rules exist to serve the full Membership.
Press release  


Pledging Conference to provide sound financial basis for Doha Agenda.
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayDirector-General Mike Moore, on 7 March 2002, said that the WTO is organizing a Pledging Conference in Geneva on 11 March 2002 — to be attended by Trade Ministers and high-ranking representatives from international organizations — to meet “the challenge posed by the mandate of the Doha Declaration to provide a sound financial basis for WTO technical cooperation activities”.
Press release  

06.03.02 DDG Ouedraogo stresses importance of Africa's role in WTO negotiations
WTO Deputy Director-General Ablassé Ouedraogo, in a speech (available only in French) during a meeting of African leaders on 6 March 2002 at Syrta, Libya, underscored the important role of Africa in the success of Doha and called for close involvement of the continent in the new trade negotiations.
04.03.02 WTO agrees on framework and procedures for work programme on small economies
The General Council, on 1 March 2002, agreed on a framework and procedures for the work programme on small economies.

Joint training programs agreed by WTO/IADB for Latin American and Caribbean participation in Doha Agenda.
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayDirector-General Mike Moore and Inter-American Development Bank President Enrique V. Iglesias on 27 February 2002, signed a memorandum of understanding, to deepen cooperation to provide technical assistance in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Press release  


Technical assistance key to Doha Agenda success — Moore
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayDirector-General Mike Moore, in a speech at a meeting of the Inter-American Development Bank Trade and Finance Ministers in Washington D.C. on 27 February 2002, stressed that one key to the success of the Doha Development Agenda will be “technical assistance and capacity building — helping developing and least-developed countries to integrate into the multilateral trading system and participate fully in the negotiations”.


Agency heads to work together in implementing Doha Development Agenda
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayHeads and representatives of six core international agencies agreed in a meeting chaired by Director-General Mike Moore in Washington D.C. on 26 February 2002 to provide concrete support to help developing and least-developed countries take part in the current trade negotiations and draw on the benefits of the open trading system.
Press release                   >
 Joint communiqué


Moore asks business to help build “a world without walls”
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayDirector-General Mike Moore, in a speech to the US Chamber of Commerce in Florida on 25 February 2002, called for “corporate courage” in fighting negative forces against market liberalization to help build “a world without walls”.


Moore cites “good start” to Doha Development Agenda
Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayDirector-General Mike Moore, in a speech to the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions in Geneva on 20 February 2002, cited the “good start” made in the new trade negotiations with “a new budget, a venue, a negotiating structure, chairpersons of negotiating bodies, in place within three months of the Doha launch”.

19.02.02 Implementation period set in hot-rolled steel dispute
A WTO arbitrator, in an award released on 19 Febuary 2002, has determined that the United States must implement the DSB rulings and recommendations in the case US — Anti-dumping measures on hot-rolled steel products from Japan (DS184) by 23 November 2002.
> Download the Appellate Body report in Word format (18 pages; 94KB) — in pdf format (18 pages; 48KB).
All documentation on the case DS184        > Rulings only DS184
> More on Dispute Settlement

DSB adopts report on aircraft dispute
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 19 February 2002, adopted the panel report on Brazil's complaint against “Canada — export credits and loan guarantees for regional aircraft” (DS 222).
Summary of meeting


Agreement reached on WTO chairpersons, Moore hails decision
The General Council, on 15 February 2002, noted the consensus on the slate of names of chairpersons for WTO bodies. Director-General Mike Moore, hailed the General Council's approval as “another hurdle cleared in our efforts to meet the mandate and tight deadlines set for us by Ministers in Doha”.
Press release on the decision          
Press release on Mr Moore's comments


Appellate Body report out on line pipe dispute 
The WTO, on 15 February 2002, released the report of the Appellate Body (DS202/AB/R) in the case “US — Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Circular Welded Carbon Quality Line Pipe from Korea”.
> Download the Appellate Body report in Word format (89 pages; 371KB) — in pdf format (89 pages; 236KB).
All documentation on the case DS202        > Rulings only DS202
> More on Dispute Settlement


Moore calls for swift action on technical assistance
Director-General Mike Moore, in his first progress report to the General Council on the implementation of the Doha Development Agenda on 13 February 2002, stressed the need for swift action on technical assistance “to enable our more capacity-constrained Members to participate in the substantive negotiations”.
Director-General's report to the General Council

13.02.02 WTO adopts work programme for LDCs
The WTO Sub-Committee on Least-Developed Countries, on 12 February 2002, agreed on a work programme for LDCs (Download in Word format, 6 pages;68KB).based on instructions from the Doha Ministerial Declaration.
Press release
Director-General's statement
13.02.02 Scheduling of meetings under review
Deputy Director-General Miguel Rodriguez Mendoza reported to the General Council on 13 February 2002 that WTO bodies held nearly 1,000 formal and informal meetings last year. He suggested adhering to existing guidelines on scheduling of meetings to ensure effective participation of smaller delegations.
DDG's report

Trade support urged for Malawi's reforms
WTO members, in concluding their first trade policy review of Malawi on 8 February 2002, called for more technical assistance and greater market-access to support the country's efforts to mainstream its trade policies into its development strategy.
Chairman's concluding remarks
Press release

05.02.02 DSB adopts reports on the “Havana Club” dispute
The Dispute Settlement Body (DSB), on 1 February 2002, adopted the Appellate Body and Panel reports in the case “US — Section 211 Omnibus Appropriations Act of 1998”.
Summary of meeting
01.02.02 Governments decide on organization of negotiations: WTO DG to chair TNC
WTO member governments agreed, 1 February 2002, on how to organize negotiations launched at the Doha Ministerial Conference. The decisions were taken in the new Trade Negotiations Committee, which consists of all WTO members and countries negotiating membership.
News item   > Press release   
Chairperson’s statement: full text

DSB adopts report on “foreign sales corporations”
At a meeting on 29 January 2002, the Dispute Settlement Body adopted an Appellate Body report on the United States “Tax treatment for foreign sales corporations”.
> Summary of the meeting


Panel report out on aircraft financing dispute
The WTO, on 28 January 2002, released the report of the panel that had examined Brazil's complaints against Canada's export credits and loan guarantees for regional aircraft (DS222/R). The panel concluded that some of the Canadian measures constituted prohibited export subsidies but also rejected a number of Brazil's claims.
> Download the panel report:

In Word format: 
Part  I (101  pages; 611KB) 
Part  II
(195  pages; 846KB)
Part  III (166  pages; 804KB)
Part  IV (23  pages; 131KB)
In pdf format: 
Part I
(101 pages; 309KB) 
Part II
(195pages; 553KB) 
Part  III
(166 pages; 442KB) 
Part IV
(23 pages; 85KB)

>  All documentation on the case DS222
>  More on Dispute Settlement


Strong support for Pakistan's liberalization efforts
WTO members, at the conclusion of their second review of Pakistan's trade policies on 25 January 2002, expressed strong support for Pakistan's ongoing liberalization efforts They commended the simplification and sharp cuts in customs tariffs but voiced worry about persistent high duties on a few sensitive items.
The Chairperson's concluding remarks
Press release


New appointment continues momentum from Doha 
Director-General Mike Moore, on 23 January 2002, announced the appointment of Mr. Nacer Benjelloun-Touimi as Senior Adviser to the Director-General with duties that will include coherence issues. 

Press release


Moore underscores parliamentarians' role in new negotiations
Director-General Mike Moore, in an address to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on 23 January 2002, stressed that parliamentarians “need to engage in the critical issues” related to the new trade negotiations.


Moore underlines need for agency coordination in meeting Doha mandates
Director-General Mike Moore, in a message read by Deputy Director-General Paul-Henri Ravier on 17 January 2002 to the Joint Ad Hoc Informal Meeting of the Integrated Framework Inter-Agency Working Group and the OECD Development Assistance Committee, said that meeting the Doha mandates for technical cooperation and capacity-building “will require extensive coordination by agencies, donors and beneficiary countries”.
Mr. Moore's message


Moore meets ministers, senior officials in Doha follow-up
WTO Director-General Mike Moore has met with a number of ministers and senior officials in recent days in an effort to ensure an effective start to the work programme agreed at the Doha Ministerial Conference.
Press release

22.01.02 EC, Japan request sanctions in anti-dumping dispute
At a Dispute Settlement Body meeting on 18 January 2002, the EC and Japan requested authorization to suspend concessions against the US in the dispute concerning the US Anti-Dumping Act of 1916.
> Summary of the meeting
18.01.02 Trade is fueling Guatemala's growth — WTO
WTO members, at the conclusion of the first review of Guatemala's trade policies on 18 January 2002, underlined the important role that trade has played in promoting growth in Guatemala, the largest economy in Central America.
Chairperson's concluding remarks
Press release
16.01.02 Development at the centre of Doha results — DDG
WTO Deputy Director-General Ablassé Ouedraogo, on 14 January 2002 before the Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on Financing for Development in New York, said that “Doha has changed forever the environment for trade negotiations by squarely placing the interests of developing countries at the centre of a broad and balanced Work Programme”.
> Mr. Ouedraogo's statement

Moore praises advisors, says efforts will lead to new ideas
WTO Director-General Mike Moore, on 15 January 2002 after a two-day meeting with his group of external advisors, said that “the assembled wisdom of this extraordinary group can bring to member governments some ideas on how we can best address the problems that confront us today and those which await us tomorrow”.
> Press release


19th WTO trade policy course begins
WTO Deputy Director-General Paul-Henri Ravier, on behalf of Director-General Mike Moore, welcomed on 15 January 2002 participating officials from 30 developing countries and economies in transition at the start of the three-month WTO Trade Policy Course.
> Press release


Appellate Body upholds rulings on FSC implementation dispute
The WTO, on 14 January 2002, released a report of the Appellate Body (DS108/AB/RW), which upheld the panel's findings that the US implementation measure in the case “US — Tax Treatment for Foreign Sales Corporations” remained inconsistent with WTO provisions.
> Download the Appellate Body report in Word format (83 pages; 350KB) — in pdf format (83 pages; 214KB).
All documentation on the case DS108        > Rulings only DS108
> More on Dispute Settlement


Moore: WTO to build on Doha success in 2002
In his informal new year’s message to WTO Member Governments and staff on 2 January 2002, Director-General Mike Moore sets out his proposals for action in 2002, based on maintaining the momentum from the success of the Doha Ministerial Conference in November 2001.
> Press release


Appellate ruling in “rum” dispute released
The WTO, on 2 January 2002, released the Appellate Body report on “Section 211 Omnibus Appropriations Act of 1998” (DS176), regarding a complaint by the European Communities against the United States.
> Download the Appellate Body report in Word format (108 pages; 431KB) — in pdf format (108 pages; 274KB).
All documents on case DS176
> Rulings only DS176
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Chinese Taipei becomes 144th WTO member
Chinese Taipei became the 144th member of the WTO on 1 January 2002, 30 days after it had notified the Director-General that it had completed domestic ratification of its accession package.
> Press release


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