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What is the media newsroom?

Access to the WTO media newsroom is reserved exclusively for journalists. Most WTO news materials are available to all visitors under the “WTO news” section of the website. The newsroom serves mainly for the distribution to registered journalists of advance copies of WTO reports and publications under a publications embargo.

If you already have access permission, click here to go to the newsroom.

If you are a journalist by professionand would like to be considered for access, please e-mail us with your name, the media group you represent and contact numbers.  We also need the name of your news supervisor (assignment editor etc.) or another person working as a media professional with their title, e-mail address and contact numbers.  Thank you.

Mail us at

Alternatively, you can fax us on (41 22) 739 54 58.

If you are not a journalist … but wish to consult WTO news materials follow this link to WTO news.

contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland