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Fly Fishing

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Fly Fishing

If you went fishing for the internet's best fly fishing web site, then you just reeled in a big one!

Fly fishing has been a form of sport, meditation, and relaxation among men every since the Greeks invented the sport around 200 A.D. Most fly fisherman believe that there is no truer form of sport than fly fishing. There is a beauty and an art to fly fishing that isn't present in most forms of fishing. Maybe it is the special way that man imitates the fishes natural prey, or the smooth motion of the hand as it gracefully whisks back and forth through the air. Perhaps what makes fly fishing so special is that it takes a day to learn and a lifetime to master. Most likely what makes fly fishing so special is the combination of all of these things.

We may not know exactly why we love fly fishing, but here at we are dedicated to helping those interested in fly fishing learn more about our favorite sport and past time. To your right you will find a number of pages that will provide you with a variety of information on fly fishing related subjects, as well as links to pages that will provide great fly fishing information and products.

When you are out there on the water it is all about you and the fish. This website is dedicated to making sure things stay that way. Get your gear and information here, so when you are out on the water, you don't have to think about a think except fly fishing, and the perfect motion of your arm and wrist.

Here at, you'll find information such as Fly Fishing Basics, Fly Fishing Instruction, Fly Fishing Gear Reviews, resources for Fly Fishing Rods, Fly Fishing Equipment, and much, much more.

Simply click on the links on under the heading Main Menu on the left side of this page to find some of the best resources on Fly Fishing ever compiled.

Fly Fishing

Today's News Related To Fly Fishing (Provided by Yahoo! News)

Fly Fishing Ethics - FISHINGmagic Forum Messages (FISHINGmagic)
Jason said, "there has to be a challenge in fishing that's why fly fishing developed, trout are so stupid that if you bait fished for them you'd empty the lake in no time, there fors bit's of fur are used to make it a bit of a challenge."

Sportsmen fill church for Beast Feast (Tennessean)
THOMPSON'S STATION How do you attract American males to church? Why, with a duck call, of course. Or, with the allure of fly-fishing, venison chili and game-hunting.

Local guide Matt McGinnis' streamer pattern is one of the deadliest on the fly-fishing market (Missoulian)
One of Montana's legendary trout flies, the girdle bug, was designed to imitate a large stonefly nymph, or "hellgrammite," as the local anglers on the Big Hole River call the big aquatic insects.

Win Free Tickets to Go Fishing 2005! (FISHINGmagic)
The Go Fishing 2005 show takes place at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, on 1st, 2nd and 3rd April and you can win a free ticket worth at least £10.50 (advanced ticket price) just by answering a simple question.

Outdoors Report: Anglers enjoy slam-dunk trout fishing in Central Wash. lakes (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)
The first of the trout openers in Washington's seasonal lakes Tuesday, along with the mild weather this winter, indicates anglers might want to step up to their fly-tying benches or buy some leaders and lures.

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