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The Prague Post - Book of Lists 2005
Glass, Ceramics and Porcelain Manufactures

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Company name and address Telephone, fax, e-mail and web site Ownership structure (country of origin) Year founded in CR Top local executives / Position Telephone, fax, e-mail (top local executive) No. of employees in CR (as of 30.6.2004) / No. of branches in CR/worldwide Production type (%) - Glass: hand-made/machine-made Ceramics: hand-mademachine-made Types of glass produced - Plate and building glass Container glass Technical glass Type of glass produced - Utility glass Illuminating glass Decorative glass Type of glass and ceramics produced - Household ceramics Protective glass Glass and ceramic fibres Household and technical porcelain Special orders Hand-made decorative glass Other Major clients / Membership in professional associations / Certifications Major export countries Total revenues (mln. CZK) - 2003/2002 Revenues from glass and ceramic products in CR (mln. CZK) - 2003/2002 Net profit/loss in CR (mln. CZK) - 2003/2002 Export (% of revenues) - 2003/2002
CAESAR CRYSTAL BOHEMIAE, a.s. / Josefodol 2, 582 91 Sv?tlá nad Sázavou 569 469 201, 569 456 206,, (Czech Republic) 1994 Radko Ulrych / General Director 569 412 220, 569 456 206,, 181 / WND/WND 100/NA NANA NoNoNo YesYesYes NoNoNo NoYesYesWND WND / WND / Member of certificate number 3019 Glass Institute Hradec Králové COV-2002-003, CZECH MADE 719425 Japan, China, Thailand, USA, Iran 115/125 85/105 WND/WND 52/73
?eský porcelán, akciová spole?nost / Tovární 605/17, 417 01 Dubí 417 518 111, 417 571 968,, Joint stock company (Czech Republic) 1991 Ing. Vladimír Feix / General Manager 417 518 111, 417 571 019, 310 / WND/WND WND/WND 5050 WNDWNDWND WNDWNDWND WNDWNDWND YesYesWNDWND WND / WND / Rodinné st?íbro, Quality Certifications Germany, Japan, Korea 180/204 WND/WND WND/WND 50/40
EUTIT s.r.o. / Stará Voda 196, 353 01 Mariánské Lázn? 354 691 301, 354 789 119; 354 691 480,, 100% (Czech Republic) 1995 Vladimír Havlí?ek / Director 354 789 156, 354 691 480, 198 / WND/WND WND/WND WNDWND WNDWNDWND WNDWNDWND WNDWNDWND WNDWNDWNDBasaltic products WND / NO DIG, CZ STT / ?SN EN ISO 9001:2001 Germany, England, France, USA, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Ukraine, Slovakia, etc. 160/170 160/170 WND/WND 60/60
GLASS - RUBS, s.r.o. / Okrouhlice 215, 582 31 Okrouhlice 569 489 311, 569 480 501,, (Czech Republic) 1991 Jaroslav Noha, Zden?k Ko?ara, Ing. Petr Dipold / Director, Chief of Production, Economist 569 489 311, 569 480 501, 569 489 653; 569 480 501, 54 / WND/WND 100/NA; production of crystal NANA NoNoNo YesYesYes NoNoNo NoYesYesNo Wholesale and retail consumers / No / ISO 9001 Egypt, Indonesia, Spain, France, Germany, USA, Norway, China, Dubai 37/39 37/39 1.7/-0.4 85/WND
Ideal Standard a.s. / Zemská 623, 415 74 Teplice 417 592 111, 417 560 772,, Majority shareholder Sanistan B.V. Hoopfdorp (Netherlands) 1992 Andrew Riby, Miluše Pojerová, Milan Šiller, Ji?í Tourek, Marek Tapšík / General Director; Economic Director; Production Director; Business and Marketing Director; Legal and HR Director 417 592 111, 417 560 772,,,,, 565 / 1/23 NA/NA 2080 NoNoNo NoNoNo YesNoNo NoNoNoNo W.A.W., Tinbyt Prešov, RICHTER+FRENZEL, Vodocentrum Karlovy Vary / WND / UNI EN ISO 9001 a 9002, certificate 30/2000 CQS and CZ-30/200 international member of certificate IQNet Germany, Italy, France, England 883.8/864.5 762.5/738.9 127/103.7 80/80
LASSELSBERGER, a.s. / Adélova 1, 320 00 Plze? 378 021 111, 378 021 119,, Lasselsberger GmbH (Austria) 1998 Ing. Josef Pavelka / Chairman of the Board of Directors WND, WND, WND 3,630 / WND/WND WND/WND NA100 WNDWNDWND WNDWNDWND WNDWNDWND WNDWNDWNDCeramic tile components manufacturing, construction chemistry and silicate raw materials production WND / WND / ISO Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine 6,193.3/854 WND/WND 741.1/211.7 50/WND
MOSER, a.s. / Kpt. Jaroše 46/19, 360 06 Karlovy Vary 353 416 111, 353 449 619,, (Czech Republic) 1857 Ing. Antonín Vlk, Ing. Alma Kazaziová / Director, Chairman of the Board of Directors; Deputy for Sale and Marketing 353 416 188, 353 416 123; WND, WND 357 / 7/2 100/NA NANA NoNoNo YesNoYes NoNoNo NoYesYesNo USA, Japan, Taiwan, Italy, Germany, England / Association of Glass and Ceramics Industry / Glass Institute Hradec Králové, member of certificate 3019, accreditations ?NS EN45011 ?eský intitut pro akreditaci o.p.s., certificate No. 192/2003 USA, Japan, Taiwan, Italy, Germany, England 262/262.3 223/228 -24/1.8 35/35
Porcelánová manufaktura Royal Dux Bohemia a.s. / Sadová 1414, 419 42 Duchcov 417 835 261, 417 835 416,, 100% (Czech Republic) 1993 Ing. Radislav Feix / Director 417 835 261, 417 835 416, 130 / WND/WND WND/WND 100NA NoNoNo NoNoNo NoNoNo NoYesNoDecorative and figurative porcelain WND / Association of Glass and Ceramics Industry / Armenia, Russia, USA WND WND/WND WND/WND WND/WND 48/49
Rückl Crystal, a.s. / Nižbor 141, 267 05 Nižbor 311 696 111, 311 693 510,, (Czech Republic) 1846 Ji?í Rückl, Jana Hubená / Chairman, Business Director 311 696 232, 311 696 256; 311 693 510, 160 / 1/WND 100/NA WNDWND NoNoNo NoNoYes NoNoNo NoYesYesWND WND / HKCR, ICF / Glass Institute Hradec Kralové - Certificate for lead glass usage USA, Japan, Singapore, Lebanon 95/113 95/113 WND/WND 50/56
Saint-Gobain Vertex, a.s. / Sokolovská 106, 570 21 Litomyšl 461 651 111, 461 612 769,,, Saint-Gobain Vetrotex Deutschland AG 1950 Ing. Ji?í Zagora / General Director 461 651 111, 461 612 769, WND 1,400 / 4/WND NA/100 WNDWND WNDWNDWND WNDWNDWND WNDWNDYes WNDWNDWNDYes Building industry, composites manufactrure / Certification for heating of buildings in CR / WND Germany, Benelux, France, Poland 4,709/4,567 WND/WND 653/518 80/82
VEHA spol. s r.o. / P?íborská 1494, 738 30 Frýdek-Místek 558 640 111, 558 640 129,, Saint Gobain 1993 René Havrlant / Legal Executive, Director 558 640 111, 558 640 129, 70 / WND/WND NA/100 NANA YesNoNo NoNoNo NoYesNo NoYesNoWND Producers of plastic and wooden windows / No / 9001:2000 Czech Republic 150/130 140/120 WND/WND 1/1
VETROPACK MORAVIA GLASS, a.s. / Havlí?kova 180, 697 29 Kyjov 518 603 111, 518 612 024,, (Switzerland) 1991 Ing. Ota Horák / Chairman of the Board of Directors, General Director 518 603 339, 518 612 884, 600 / WND/WND NA/100 WNDWND WNDYesWND WNDWNDWND WNDWNDWND WNDWNDWNDWND Can producers, breweries, wineries, non-alcoholic beverage producers / ASKPCR / ISO 9001 WND 1,970/1,867 WND/WND WND/WND 38/WND
VITRABLOK a.s. / Bílinská 42, 419 14 Duchcov 417 818 302, 417 818 304; 417 835 535,, (Italy) 1912 WND / WND WND, WND, WND 240 / WND/6 NA/100 NANA YesNoYes - special anti-fire blocks NoNoNo NoNoNo NoYes - according to specification and capacityNoSpecial components for assortment completion according to market requirement Spain, Poland, USA, Great Britain / Association of Glass and Ceramics Industry / ISO 9002 Spain, Poland, USA, Great Britain 600/500 600/500 WND/WND 95/95