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Memory of the World Part of the UNESCO Memory of the World programme. Digital access to old and rare documents through direct digitization with a digital camera and structuring of data with ... Keywords: digitization, technology, manuscripts, sgml, metadata, electronic digit.nkp.cz
Super Science Fair Projects Complete guide to science fair projects, topics and experiments. Keywords: science, fair, projects, experiments, topics, ideas www.super-science-fair-projects.com
International Rivers Network International Rivers Network is the leading organization working to halt the construction of destructive river development projects and to promote sound river management ... Keywords: river, international, dam, finance, hydropower, water, bank, human, rights www.irn.org/
von Karman Institute for Fluid
Dynamics The von Karman Institute is a non-profit international educational and scientific organisation, hosting three departments (aeronautics and aerospace, environmental and ... Keywords: karman, fluid, dynamic, aerospace, aeronautics, turbomachinery, soufflerie www.vki.ac.be
Feed Forward - Book Publishers of Industrial Engineering Best practice facility maintenance management, reliability training and manufacturing engineering books, ebooks, software, CDs, free downloads and newsletter. Keywords: book, publishers, industrial, engineering, maintenance, training, reliability www.feedforward.com.au
Science Kit and Boreal Laboratories - Science Education Products Science Kit & Boreal Laboratories is the largest supplier of science education supplies and materials for elementary and secondary schools, covering Biology, Chemistry... Keywords: biology, chemistry, education, elementary, k-6, labware, microscope sciencekit.com
Open Web Search and Directory Search Engine with millions of sites and a large searchable product database. Keywords: search, engine, business, sports, home, children, movies, arts, investing www.factquote.com/
Praca-Magisterska.info Prace Magisterskie, pisanie prace magisterskie, dyplomowe, PRACE MAGISTERSKIE Keywords: prace magisterskie, pisanie prac, prace magisterskie, prace magisterskie www.praca-magisterska.info/
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