Norman NC is the largest man-made lake in North Carolina,
and is located in the northern part of Mecklenburg
County, just 18 miles northwest of Charlotte. It is
sometimes called an “Inland Sea,” with
over 520 miles of beautiful shoreline. The Lake Norman
area actually consists of several small towns and
communities surrounding the lake and Lake Norman State
Park. Twenty years ago, this area was primarily a
weekend retreat, but that changed with the completion
of I-77. It is now one of the most rapidly growing
and popular areas in North Carolina. Everyone loves
Lake Norman - families, retirees, or couples looking
for a romantic weekend retreat. The lake and State
Park offer everything you’d expect and more,
from power boating and sailing to camping
and fishing. There is a large number and variety
of accommodations
for travelers in Lake Norman, and also many fine restaurants,
some of them with gorgeous dockside views. And if
you want a change of pace from lakeside activities,
there is shopping and entertainment, historical sites,
art exhibits and museums to explore in the nearby
small towns and Charlotte. All of this combines to
make Lake Norman a sparkling jewel in the middle of
a fun-filled, adventure packed area, and the perfect
vacation destination!
Norman Chamber of Commerce
Norman Convention and visitors Bureau