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Las Vegas Wedding Packages

Las Vegas Wedding Packages

Las Vegas Wedding Packages

Las Vegas Wedding Packages

Las Vegas Wedding Packages


Updated:Oct 16th, 2004




Las Vegas Wedding Packages

REBEL ADVENTURE TOURS                             

Experience our awesome sites!


  Las Vegas Wedding Packages
  • Hummer
  • Helicopter
  • Jet-ski Adventure
  • White Water Rafting/Grand Canyon
  • Horseback Adventures
  • ATV Adventure Tour
  • Gold Mine Adventure
  • Mountain Bike Adventure


1) TOUR: Hummer Only                                                

      Takes you from the city lights to the deep desert. Off roading in exotic locations brings you face to face with Hoover Dam and Lake Mead. Approx. tour time: 6 hours.

Hummer picks up passengers between 7:00 and 8:00 am, or 1:30 and 2:30 pm daily.

(Lunch included) price: $149.00


2) TOUR: Great Escape, Hummer, Helicopter, and Jet-ski

       A combination of air, land, and water. First, you visit the Grand Canyon via helicopter. Descending to explore and have a champagne breakfast. Next, a Hummer will take you to the Marina for your own personal watercraft. After lunch, the Hummer will take you on an off-road experience. Approx. tour time: 8 hours. A Papillon Helicopter van picks up passengers between 6:00 and 6:30 am daily.

*Must be 21 and over to rent jet-ski with valid drivers license or passport.

Price: $479.00 + 18.00 fees

2a) TOUR: Hummer/Helicopter         price: $419.00 +10.00 fees


3) TOUR: Hummer/Jet-ski

      Two tours for the price of one. Start with the Hummer tour across Hoover Dam and the Colorado River. At the marina, you will have your own personal watercraft to skim across Lake Mead. You will then continue your desert tour in the Hummer. Approx. tour time: 8 hours. Hummer picks up passengers between 7:00 and 8:00 am daily. (Lunch included)

*Must be 21 to rent a jet-ski. 16 years old to operate with a 21 and older on board.

Price: $219.00 +8.00 fees


4) TOUR: Jet-Ski Adventure

Escorted in a luxury van across Hoover Dam to Lake Mead. After a few minutes of instructions, you will be issued a 95 hp, two man watercraft. You will venture on your own, then back to the marina for lunch. Approx. tour time: 6 hours.

Luxury van picks up passengers between 2:00 and 3:00 pm daily.

*Children 5 and older may ride on board.

*Must be 21 and over to rent jet ski with valid drivers license or passport. Credit card or cash deposit.

Price: $189.00 + 8.00 fees 


5) TOUR: Wild West Hummer Tour

      Ride in a Hummer through remote areas into the realm of the Hualapai people. Lunch is prepared by the Native American hosts. Approx. tour time: 9 hours. Hummer picks up passengers between 7:00 and 8:00 am daily.

Price: $179.00


6) TOUR: Gold Mine Adventure w/Hummer 

     You will take in an authentic ghost town on your way to an above and below ground gold mine. The off-road portion takes you to a peak where you can see across the Colorado River into Arizona. Approx. tour time: 6 hours by Hummer.

Price: $169.00

6a) TOUR: Gold Mine Adventure w/van:

       You will take in an authentic ghost town on your way to an above and below ground gold mine. The off-road portion takes you to a peak where you can see across the Colorado River into Arizona. Approx. tour time: 5 hours by van.

Price: $109.00


7) TOUR: White Water Rafting/Grand Canyon

     You will ride across the Hoover Dam into the Hualapai reservation. Descent into the depths of the canyon, rafting your way through a watery roller coaster aboard an 8 person raft. Have lunch on the river, then get lifted out by helicopter. Approx. tour time: 12 hours. Luxury van picks up passengers between 4:00 and 4:30 am daily.

Price: $449.00 


8) TOUR: Horseback Adventure (sunset steak dinner)

Ride on a horse through the splendor of the desert. 2 hour ride includes a sunset steak dinner. Rides available year round. Approx. tour time: 6 hours. Suburban picks up passengers. Call daily for pick up times.

Price: $129.00

8a) TOUR: Horseback Adventure (breakfast or lunch)

Ride on a horse through the splendor of the desert. 2 hour ride includes either breakfast or lunch. Rides available year round. Approx. tour time: 6 hours. Suburban picks up passengers. Call daily for pick up times.

Price: $99.00


9) TOUR: ATV Adventure Tour

       Exploring on ATVs, see ancient Indian petroglyphs and rock formations. Approx. tour time: 6 hours. (Lunch included). 

*Must be 16 years or older to operate. No double riding. Pick up passengers between 9:15 and 10:15 am or 12:30 and 1:30 pm daily.

Price: $169.00                                

9a) TOUR: Jeep Adventure Tour

          Operate your own 4 passenger open air jeep through beautiful terrain. Approx. tour time: 6 hours. (Lunch included).

*Must be 25 years or older to operate jeep. Van picks up passengers between 9:15 and 10:15 am or 12:30 and 1:30 pm daily.

Price: $169.00


10) TOUR: Mountain Bike Adventure                                                            

        Bike through the terrain of the Mojave Desert. It is fun for all ages and requires no mountain bike experience. Approx. tour time: 6 hours.

*Need height of passengers, full suspension Voodoo brand bikes. (helmets provided) Van picks up passengers. Call daily for pick up time.

Price: $159.00



*Prices subject to change without notice