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White Oak Planatation Lodge

White Oak Plantation Alabama trophy deer turkey quail shooting hunting Whitetail bucks

Home Page
About White Oak
Directions to the Lodges
Bed & Breakfast
Corporate Gathering
Weddings & Receptions
Contact White Oak

Link to White Oak Plantation

To add a link from your web site to White Oak Plantation, please follow these instructions:

1. Download one of the following button images, and place it on your site:

White Oak Plantation
(width=165, height=28, src=white_oak_1.gif)

White Oak Plantation
(animated gif, width=240, height=154, src=white_oak_2.gif)

White Oak Plantation
(animated gif, width=356, height=65, src=white_oak_3.gif)

The method of downloading images may vary from browser to browser, but generally (this works on most versions of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer), click on the desired image -- it should display all by itself. Then, go to your browser's "File" menu, and select "Save As...". You may give the image a different file name if you wish.

2. Add the following HTML code to your web page:

<A href="" target="_top">
<IMG SRC="NNNN.gif" alt="White Oak Plantation" width="WWW" height="HHH"></A>

Replace the NNNN with the file name. Replace WWW with the width and HHH with the height. Be sure to include the correct path to the button image on your site.

If you do add a link from your site to White Oak Plantation, please e-mail us your URL at