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Truffle Cheese

Made from fresh sheep's milk and white Alba truffles, our White Truffle Cheese brings the distinctive perfume and unmistakable taste of white truffles to bruschetta, pizza, salads and stuffing.

   14oz. round  $47.45  Qty:      
Discount: 5% Off.

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Crème Fraîche

Dramatize your caviar servings with a dollop of crème fraîche (pronounced "cram fresh"). Mild with a light, fresh taste and clean finish, it is the perfect foil for the delicate roe. Uncooked, it helps balance flavors. Heated, it creates velvety sauces that accentuate and prolong the taste of food.

   8oz. container  $5.65  Qty:      
Discount: 5% Off.

Royal Ossetra
Royal Ossetra is a
Malossol (Rus...

Alaskan Red Salmon
Our Red Salmon Roe
is another sp...

Truffle Cheese
Made from fresh
sheep's milk...

Mousse Truffee
This luxurious
mousse by

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