Biograph 2433 N.
Lincoln, Chicago 312-444-3456,
Brew & View at the Vic
3145 N. Sheffield, Chicago 312-618-8439
Burnham Plaza 826
S. Wabash, Chicago 312-554-9100
Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington, Chicago 312-346-3278
City North 14 2600
N. Western, Chicago 773-394-1601
Copernicus Center
5216 W. Lawrence, Chicago 773-777-9438 Safety
Davis 4614 N.
Lincoln, Chicago 773-784-0893
DuSable Museum of African American
History 740 E. 56th Pl.,
Chicago 773-947-0600
Esquire 58 E. Oak,
Chicago 312-280-0101
Facets Cinematheque
1517 W. Fullerton, Chicago 773-281-4114
Ford City 7601 S.
Cicero, Chicago 773-582-1838
Gene Siskel Film Center
164 N. State, Chicago 312-846-2800
Landmark's Century Centre
2828 N. Clark, Chicago 773-248-7744
LaSalle Theatre
LaSalle Bank, 4901 W. Irving Park, Chicago 312-904-9442
Lincoln Village
6341 N. McCormick, Chicago 773-604-4747
Logan 2646 N.
Milwaukee, Chicago 773-252-0627
McClurg Court 330
E. Ohio, Chicago 312-642-0723
Music Box 3733 N.
Southport, Chicago 773-871-6604
900 N. Michigan 900
N. Michigan, Chicago 312-787-5279
Patio Theatre 6008
W. Irving Park, Chicago 773-545-2006
Pipers Alley Wells
at North Ave., Chicago 312-642-7500
600 N. Michigan 600
N. Michigan, Chicago 312-255-9340
62nd & Western
2258 W. 62nd, Chicago 773-476-4959
Three Penny 2424 N.
Lincoln, Chicago 773-525-3514
Univ. of Chicago Doc Films
1212 E. 59th St., Chicago 773-702-8575
Village 1548 N.
Clark, Chicago 312-642-2403
Village North 6746
N. Sheridan, Chicago 773-764-9100
Webster Place 1471
W. Webster at Clybourn, Chicago 773-327-3100

Chicago Neighborhoods 2002 (312) 318-2000
2735 North Clark Street Chicago, IL