Find a cheap car insurance quote online (UK residents) by using our motor insurance directory or broker / insurer search facility. We recommend you shop around in order to find the best the best car insurance quote. However, as most of us don't have the time or the inclination to spend hours completing endless forms or making numerous phone calls, it makes sense to contact the best brokers and insurers first. No insurance company or broker can offer the best quote for every type of driver / car / location etc. However, some companies can offer lower quotes to a far larger range of drivers than others, so it makes sense to start with the best. We recommend getting quotes from More Than Car Insurance, Endsleigh Car Insurance, Tesco Car Insurance, Direct Choice Car Insurance. Remember, when you get a quote from Direct Choice, if their quote is not as competitive as another insurer, give them a call on 01638 676288 because they are also able to underwrite policies themselves and are often able to undercut other premium quotes. The cost of motor insurance is usually the most influential factor when we look for cover. We all want a cheap quote. However, when choosing a car insurance policy there are a number of considerations you may want to take into account in addition to cost. We highlight some of those policy features. |