Seattle writes...
Okay, I totally shouldn’t even be writing this, but I
have to tell you how I totally got over on my boyfriend,
who said I was fat. I’m not, though!!! I weigh 130 and
I’m 5’6” and I know that isn’t like model weight or
anything but I still look good and I get lots of
attention. ANYHOW. So what I’m saying is, I called your
free dating chat the other night while my man was out
drinking beer with his dumb friends. I gave a fake name
but other than that I just told the truth…that I’m
nineteen, go to college, have one tattoo, 36D, etc. and
that I like to party. I GOT SOOOOOO MANY RESPONSES! I
cannot believe how many hot guys you have on your free
dating chat!!! So now I’ve got like four dates set up
and my boyfriend doesn’t even know what he’s
missing…they all sound super-nice and respectful and
also active, because I’m sick of sitting home and
watching my fat slob boyfriend drink his stupid beer. So
if he loves beer so much, he can have it! I’m gonna hang
out with the hot boys I met on your free dating chat!
You rule!!!!!! I totally never thought a free dating
chat line could be so awesome, but now I’m not going to
bother meeting guys any other way. Ha ha on my dumb