1. Are all the search engines and directories listed on FWS free?
Yes. We only list search engines and directories that offer free web site listings.
2. Why isn't Overture and other notable search engines listed in your top 50 search engine list?
Overture does not offer free web site listings. That is why they are not listed.
3. Why is a top 50 search engine list important?
Knowing which search engines and directories get searches will help get your web site found.
4. I submitted my web site using your autosubmitter and there was a submission failure. What went wrong?
Submission failures generally happen for 2 reasons:
a.) The search engine was currently too busy to accept your submission
b.) The search engine was not currently accepting submissions
Generally you can wait these problems out. Just resubmit your site to the search engine that failed the next day.
5. I noticed a mistake in my URL after I submitted it. How can I correct the mistake?
A search engine can't index an incorrect URL. All you need to do is resubmit your web site with the correct URL.
6. Are FFA sites listed on FWS?
No. In our opinion submitting to them is a waste of time.
7. How long will it take for my web site to get listed in the search engines after it has been submitted?
Depends on the search engine. It can take anywhere from one day to a couple months.