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Phynder Web Directory
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Personal Homepages

We list web sites by the first letter of your last name or the first letter of your handle/screen name. For example, if your name is Jane Doe, you would submit your site to the "D" category because your last name begins with the letter "D". ONLY personal homepages belong here. Please submit your web site to the appropriate sub-category!

The Title

Should be your name, handle or screen name

Do not type in all caps

Do not include a list of keywords

The Description

Should be in English and in sentence form

A Maximum of 30 words

Do not submit your web site's history, it is not relevant

Do not submit a list of keywords

Do not use caps

Do not include HTML tags

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

  • Anonymous
  • By Region
  • By Subject

  • See also:
  • RelationshipsDatingPersonalsPersonalPagesFemale
  • RelationshipsFriendshipPoetryQuotationsandLiterature
  • Web
  •   Show your website here!
    Have your advertisement appear on every page of a contextually relevant category!   WhoWhere? Personal Home Pages Directory
    Directory is split into subcategories including employers, countries, languages, universities and schools as well as having a search function.   Personal Home Page Directory
    Allows searches for personal homepages by country.

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    The content of this directory is
    based on the Open Directory and has
    been modified by the Phynder Team

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