The Wayback Machine -
Betty C. Jung - Public Health Organized access to public health, education, jobs, careers, sites for professionals, students, educators, kids and general public.
Medscape Public Health and Prevention Journal articles, free continuing education, case reports, medical news, conference coverage, and patient education resources on a variety of public health topics. [Requires free registration.]
Injury Prevention Web Contains data on injury occurrence in each of the 50 US states, information about prevention, policy recommendations, and a resources section with links to government and nonprofit sites worldwide.
European Who's Who in Health Promotion A database of human resources which describes the fields of expertise and activities of about 5,000 experts involved in health promotion and public health in Europe. Detailed information on the skills and centres of interests of those included in the dat
Arrigo Recordati Prize Prize for scientific research, established to promote research in a critical field for public health. It will be awarded every two years and the first edition will focus on hypertension.