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Honolulu, Waikiki, Kahala, Diamond Head, Real Estate
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    505 Ward Ave., Suite 201
(808) 922-3456

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How do you get reliable real estate information without the worry about being pressured or hounded for your real estate business?  We made it as easy as possible to find out in a pleasant and hassle free way over the internet  .....

There are many hype-filled promises and claims out there, and it is easy to become a little confused and overwhelmed.  Our web site was designed with one purpose in mind: to give consumers insightful real estate information WITHOUT all the hoopla and hype.


Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) within 24 hours, along with all recent market activity in your area.  NO OBLIGATION.

MLS listings

FREE unlimited access to Oahu MLS Active listings.  Searches can be conducted anonymously!

Mortgage 101

In the real estate game, the field of financing is covered with hurdles and quicksand.  In no other part of the process can you loose so much money and not even know it .....

Financing 101

Unless you have all cash, financing is the most integral part of a real estate transaction, without it no end result: owning a home ..... 

Smart investing will put you in the position where someday your investments will earn more money each year than you do working at your job. At that point you can retire and do whatever you want, or continue to work and really sock away the dough – and build up some serious wealth!

You can save yourself time, money and frustration by selecting a Realtor with the experience, knowledge and commitment to you that will make the process smooth and successful.  We would like to emphasize that having a real estate agent represent you in the transaction WILL NOT COST YOU ANYTHING EXTRA .....

Mortgage 101    Financing 101    Foreclosure 101    Investing 101    CMA    MLS listings

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Last Updated: March 02, 2005

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