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Osteopathy is an established recognized system of diagnosis and treatment, which lays its main emphasis on the structural and functional integrity of the body. It is distinctive by the fact that it recognizes that much of the pain and disability which we suffer stems from abnormalities in the function of the body structure as well as damage caused to it by disease.
[Description by General Osteopathic Council, 28th October 1998, United Kingdom]

In the United States (where osteopathy originated in the late 19th century) osteopaths are complete physicians, designated by the letters D.O. which stand for doctor of osteopathy and are licensed to practice medicine and surgery and all medical specialties in all 50 states.

  • Hospitals
  • Medical Schools
  • Organizations
  • Physicians
  • Practices and Principles

  • See also:
  • MedicineSurgeryOrthopedics
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    Have your advertisement appear on every page of a contextually relevant category!   Osteopathy in Canada
    Professional schools offer the diplomate in osteopathy degree in Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec in German, French, and English. Access information about College d'Etudes Osteopathiques de Montreal, College d'Etudes Osteopathiques de Quebec, and the Canadia   COMLEX FAQ
    Detailed questions and answers about the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examinations, a 3 step board test necessary for medical licensure. Contributors include a physician who writes test questions for the National Board of Osteopathic Medica   Easton Hospital Surgery Residency Program
    Information for applicants including curriculum, case load, and rotation sites which include the Unviversity of Pennsylvania and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.   American Osteopathic Association - Consumer Health
    Access health articles and resources about women, children, and families. Find out the difference between D.O.s and M.D.s and review recent research and educational standards for U.S. physicians.

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