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GameGirlz Provides PC game news and reviews for girls.
Girl Gamers Webring Must be a woman and must have something on your site about games: video, PC, arcade, role-playing.
Amazons on Vallon Zek A women's guild on Vallon Zek, an Everquest PVP teams server. Includes news, events calendar, message board, and image gallery.
| A website offering resources to and advocating for female gamers, while also providing demographic information and more to industry insiders, in order to facilitate a smoother relationship between women and the gaming industry.
Live Action Role Playing This group is dedicated to the Women in LARPing. Discuss, give advice, relate stories and share topics that concern women who are GM/ST, writers, players, cast, techs, and game widows.
| An online magazine for gamers, especially women gamers. Plays up gaming news, review, previews and a good measure of girl ummph.