Our tips:
Download the Fr'ee Alexa Toolbar
An indispensable tool for all web professionals that plugs right into your browser to provide Tr'affic Data, Site Stats, and Contact Info for all the sites you visit!.
If you want to advertise on a particular website, you can see directly if the website is getting the traffic they say they are getting.
Some websites choose to block Alexa, and they have asked Alexa to stop monitoring there website activity.
So in my opinion they try to hide there real traffic for you and I suggest to not deal with this kind of websites.
Make youre website accessible for visually impaired people, alt all images and give good descriptions about what happens there on your site.
Make a sitemap for easy site navigation and this also tells search engines where to find important directories on youre webserver.
Play by the rules off major search engines, read there policies and try to follow there instructions.
Dont use adult content or violated content, also not provide illegal software or mp3 music, because all efforts and work you do now, will be gone in the future.
Not use automated services like linkfarms or Content grabbers to build and exchange links.
youre website.
Personalise your website content, Show visitors what you like, what`s youre speciality, and not whats common on intenet.
link exchange / Link popularity
Try to swap links with websites related to your business because this brings
targeted traffic to your website.
Thats why you dont have to trade with all sorts of websites this will fade out the
visitors interests, so then you need more visitors to get the same amount of
interested clients.
For example when a visitors comes from nauticfriend.com you practically can sell
him a swimsuit and towel.
If you need lots of traffic to your website Google is the best proven solution Adwords
Add the site to "dmoz" open directory
Submit youre website to all major search engines, here is my personal list what I recommend to submit youre site at:
a) Google
b) Yahoo
c) Alexa
d) MSN
e) AOL Netfind
f) IXquick
g) Mamma
h) MyWay
i) Altavista
j) Wisenut
k) Hotbot
l) Overture.
m) Compuserve
n) Inktomi
o) A9 Amazon
Please note: This are my personall experiences and are not to be considered as standard solutions, use it at youre own risk. And toplistings are not quaranteed.
Peter de Rooij