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A comprehensive range of weather forecasts and actuals designed for private pilots.

Once registered, you have access to all the free aviation services listed below.

You can then choose to upgrade to receive the additional subscription services, for £56.40 incl. VAT per year.

Log in  to view aviation data. The CAA requires us to have knowledge of who uses our aviation data. To access this material, UK users must complete a simple form and log in. All information remains confidential. New site users should register now.
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Free services
Briefing charts

Form F215
UK Low-level weather chart and text providing a graphical display of areas of different weather up to FL150, updated four times a day.

Form F214
UK Spot wind chart providing wind speed and direction and temperature for standard levels up to FL240, updated four times a day.

Forms F414
European spot-wind chart providing wind speed and direction and temperature for standard levels up to FL240, updated twice a day.

Forms F415
European low-level weather chart and text providing a graphical display of areas of different weather up to FL150, updated twice a day.


Global TAF and METAR search
Get the latest global TAFs & METARs by searching either by ICAO indicator, a zoom-in map, an airport name or a nearby city.

TAF and METAR Bulletins
TAF and METAR bulletins for popular areas give quick and easy access to the latest airfield forecasts and actuals.

Text forecasts
Descriptive aviation forecasts covering different regions, and updated several times a day.

Ballooning forecasts
Ballooning forecasts are available for south-east, south-west, central and northern regions.

Climate statistics
Historical averages of weather conditions at a selection of British Isles airfields
Graphical displays

48-hour synoptic forecast
showing forecast fronts and isobars across Europe.

Rainfall radar
Actual British Isles rainfall radar updated hourly in animated sequence over last six hours.

Global composite satellite
infrared image updated once a day

Visible satellite pictures of Europe
updated once per day.

Infrared satellite pictures
Infrared cloud top temperatures over Europe updated four times a day.





Subscription services
Graphical displays

Rainfall radar
Actual British Isles rainfall radar updated every 15 minutes in an animated sequence of 11 frames.

Actual European rainfall radar updated every 15 minutes in animated sequence of 6 frames.

Lightning observations
The location of lightning strikes during the last two hours.

European synoptic charts
For up to 60 hours ahead in colour or 132 hours ahead in black and white for easy printing, with animation, updated daily.

British Isles synoptic analysis
Showing fronts and isobars across the British Isles for the last hour.

Visible satellite pictures
Of Europe, updated hourly.

Infrared satellite pictures
Infrared cloud top temperatures over Europe in a sequence of the last six hours, updated hourly. 

Flight-level wind and temperature charts
Charts for a selection of regions. Updated four times a day.

Significant weather charts
Charts for a selection of regions. Updated four times a day.

Text forecasts

Three-day aviation planner
Regional aviation weather outlook for three days to assist planning, updated once a day.

Trial products
  Cloud, precipitation and pressure charts
Animated model forecasts for 36 hours ahead, updated four times a day.

Visibility forecasts
Animated model forecasts of visibility for six hours ahead, updated hourly.

Jetstream / 300mb forecast animation for up to 48 hours ahead, updated daily.

These products are made available on a trial basis. This means that we make them available for viewing and for customer feedback but they are not operationally supported. They may be removed without notice or be updated irregularly and as such should not be assumed to be part of the subscription product.

Plane image


Other services

Fax services
Surface charts, significant weather charts, spot winds, planning forecasts, European charts, AIRMET forecasts, TAFs and METARs are all available on the MetFAX dial-up fax service.
For more details about these services please refer to our free booklet GETMET 2004.

Pilots who need specialist briefings can have one-to-one discussions with a Met Office - talk to a forecaster.
More about Talk to a forecaster


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GET MET 2004:
Details of all these services can be found in the free booklet GET MET 2004, which promotes flight safety by listing all these services and other information in an easy-to-use manner. The GET MET booklet is a joint Met Office / CAA publication and is sponsored by Global Aerospace Underwriting Managers, Flyer, Pilot and Today's Pilot.

Order your copy online or
download the PDF (1.3 Mb).

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