The Wayback Machine -

Grand  Canyon
South  Rim
Trail  Rides

Enhance your Grand Canyon Vacation with a trail ride or a campfire ride. Let our horses, mules and guides provide you with a unique experience you will long remember. We have several guided rides available, and one is sure to add to your Grand Canyon western vacation memories.

 Kids  welcome      Trail  Rides
Contact us :   928-638-2891

East Rim Ride                                      One Hour Ride                            Two Hour Ride

Click To PreviewCampfire Trail Ride    Click To Preview  Campfire Wagon Ride        Contact Us

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Ride times will vary, based on the weather and the season. Call for departure times.  Children are welcome when accompanied by an adult. Some restrictions on weight and age may apply. Horses and mules are utilized. Prices and rides are subject to change without notice.