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GOOD NEWS! There are no taxes payable on magazine subscriptions. Although a modest processing fee of $1 will be added to each order, all shipping charges are included!

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Magazine Supermart is the online marketing creation of a group of magazine circulation professionals, City Circulation Group and LLC, recognized as leaders in the industry since the 1970's.

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6615 Comet Circle
# 300
Springfield, Virginia 22150
(telephone) 866.273.0086

For customer service inquiries on any magazine, no matter how you purchased it or what the problem, please visit our customer service center, and we'll do our best to help.

For publisher information, please visit our Publishers' Services page.

Our Privacy Policy

We are strong believers in everyone's inalienable right to be left alone, to be allowed to live and make choices without the world studying every move, and we pledge to honor your privacy in every way we can.

When an order is transmitted to the publishers, only the shipping name and address are submitted, with the exception of orders for the New York Times, newspaper, their Book Review and the Large Type Weekly. This exception is made so that service can begin within days instead of weeks, and because in those instances the charges are billed directly by the New York Times rather than Magazine Supermart. In no other instance will we provide others with your address, phone number or credit card information.

We request that children always ask their parents for permission before sending any information about themselves to us or anyone else over the internet.

Magazine Supermart and its related content and service sites, believes that electronic privacy is crucial for the ongoing success of the Internet as a service, commercial, and entertainment medium. On occasion, Magazine Supermart will make available to potential advertisers, research firms, and business partners aggregated results from research it has conducted on its Magazine Supermart readership base. Magazine Supermart will only provide such demographic information on an aggregated basis and does not disclose individual reader information.

Any/all e-mail addresses sent to us as the result of correspondence with the consumers of Magazine Supermart will not be used or collected for the purposes of reselling to a third party and will not be added to a bulk e-mailing list.

The use of advertising cookies sent by third-party servers is standard in the Internet industry. You may occasionally get cookies from our advertisers. Magazine Supermart cannot and does not control these cookies.

Traffic Data
Each time a visitor comes to the Magazine Supermart website, information is collected to improve the overall quality of sites. Magazine Supermart collects the visitor's domain name/IP Address (e.g., whether the user is logged on from or or, referral data (e.g., we record the address of the last URL a user visited prior to clicking through to Magazine Supermart), and browser/platform type (e.g., a Netscape browser on a Macintosh platform).
In addition to collecting this type of information, Magazine Supermart's advertisement delivery system collects aggregate search terms for internal reporting and targeted advertising. Magazine Supermart's advertisement delivery system collects visitor information for purposes of product monitoring, product improvement, and targeted advertising. Magazine Supermart works with third parties that serve ads for this site.

Magazine Supermart also counts, tracks, and aggregates the visitor's activity into our analysis of general traffic flows at Magazine Supermart (e.g., tracking where traffic comes from and how traffic flows within the Magazine Supermart site). Magazine Supermart may merge this information into group data, which may then be shared on an aggregated basis with potential advertisers, research firms, and business partners. Magazine Supermart will not disclose your individual identity or personal data. When Magazine Supermart does present aggregated information to potential advertisers, research firms and business partners, no one will be able to identify you or contact you.

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