Ira S. Somerson Credentials
Text only version for printing
Mr. Somerson's experience spans more than forty
years of comprehensive security management consulting services. The majority of
his work has involved analysis of potential threats and the design of
appropriate defensive strategies in commercial, industrial, institutional and
government environments. Mr. Somerson has originated strategies in risk
assessment, security system design, crime prevention, foreseeability studies,
adequacy of security analysis, crisis management, security awareness, executive
protection, crowd control, fraud prevention and the development of security
management training and orientation curricula. He founded and operated a
security services company providing security guard resources, crowd control
services, alarm system installations and service, central station alarm
monitoring, and special business investigations for more than 20 years. He is a
recognized lecturer, an authoritative leader, and innovator in the security
management profession. His articles have been published extensively. He has been
cited in text books, chaired committees, and has lectured frequently at the
Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania and at St. Joseph's
University. He formerly taught security courses at Temple and West Chester
Universities. He is currently on the Editorial Advisory Boards of Security
Journal, published in Association with the ASIS Foundation by Perpetuity Press,
Letcester, UK; the College Security Report, Rusting Publications; and Security
Management Bulletin, Bureau of Business Practices. Professional references
available upon request. Since 1989 Mr. Somerson has maintained a relational
database of all consulting and expert witness assignments. Reports of industries
served, types of services rendered, lists of testimony at trial and/or
deposition, etc. are easily prepared from these data.
1983 - present President, Loss
Management Consultants, Inc. Plymouth Meeting, PA
1964 - 1983 President, Sentry Security Systems, Lafayette Hill, PA
1962 - 1964 Manager of Investigations & Security Services
World Industrial Security, Philadelphia, PA
1958 - 1962 U.S. Navy, Office of Naval Intelligence
B.S. Temple University (Business
Graduate Studies Temple University
Professional Studies; Continued security education during military service and
through professionally sponsored symposia
American Board of Forensic Examiners
Currently, member
Board Certified Forensic Examiner
American Society for Industrial Security
Formerly, chairman, Safeguarding Proprietary Information Committee
Formerly, president and member, Board of Directors, ASIS Foundation, Inc.
Formerly Regional Vice President (Region XVI), ASIS
Formerly, Chapter Chairman, Greater Philadelphia Chapter, ASIS
Foundation for a Drug Free Pennsylvania
Currently, Member, Board of Directors
International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety
Currently, General Member
International Association of Chiefs of Police
Member, Private Sector Liaison Committee
International Association of Professional Security Consultants
Currently, member, Board of Directors
National Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
Currently, member
Police Chiefs Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Currently, life member
Police Futurists International
Currently, member
Licenses, Certifications &
Board Certified Forensic Examiner (BCFE)
by the American Board of Forensic Examiners
(Diplomate Identification #225, July, 1994)
Certified Protection Professional (CPP)
by the American Society for Industrial Security
(Certificate #259, September, 1977)
Certified Municipal Police Instructor
by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(Certification number MP1533, 1976)
Award: Paul Hansen Distinguished Service Award,
American Society for Industrial Security
(September, 1988)
Articles and Publications
Pennsylvania Security Unites for
Security Management Magazine, American Society for Industrial Security, January,
Manager's Guide to Purchasing Physical Access Control,
Datapro Research Corporation, April, 1986.
Security Closeup: A "Domino Theory" of Loss Prevention
Bureau of Business Practice, Inc., Security Management Newsletter, November 25,
1986, Number 1522, Section II.
Security Closeup: Checklist: Preparedness for Data-Center Disaster, Part I
Bureau of Business Practice, Inc., Security Management Newsletter, April 25,
1987, Number 1608, Section II4.
Security Closeup: Checklist: Preparedness for Data-Center Disaster, Part II
Bureau of Business Practice, Inc., Security Management Newsletter, May 10, 1987,
Section 1609, Section II.
Managing Your Guard Dollars
American Society for Industrial Security, Security Management Magazine, January,
Loss Reporting: Your Pipeline to Results
Cahners Publishing, Security Magazine, March, 1988.
Use Statistical Analysis to Justify Security
Corporate Security Newsletter, Business Publications, Inc., February, 1989.
Improving The Loss Reporting System: An Effective Way to Contain Costs: Bank
Security Report Volume 18, Number 2,
February, 1989.
Quantitative Reporting and Security Programs
Bureau of Business Practice, Inc., Security Management Newsletter, August 10,
1990, Section 1915
Fighting Crime With Statistics and Loss Reporting
Risk Management Magazine, November, 1990.
Avoiding The Pitfalls of Private Security
A.S.I.S., Security Management Magazine, April, 1991.
Laying The Groundwork for Information Security
Bureau of Business Practice, Inc., Security Management Newsletter, August 25,
1991, Issue #2016.
First Amendment vs. Safety
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Forum (newsletter),
October, 1991.
Look Before You Leap Into Access Control Technology
Building Owners and Managers Association International, Skylines (magazine),
October, 1991.
How To Secure Management Commitment
Information Protection Advisor, July/August, 1992.
Survival of the Fittest (Fittest Security Manager)
Bureau of Business Practice, Inc., Security Management Newsletter, April 25,
1993, Issue #2208.
Teaching Protection Basics, Security Magazine
Cahners Publication, June, 1993
Active Management Boosts Performance
Access Control, Communications Channels, Inc., March, 1994
Information - What It Costs When It's Lost
Security Management, American Society For Industrial Security, October, 1994
Carjacking: Warn Employees
Bureau of Business Practices, Inc., Security Management Newsletter, December,
25, 1994, Issue #2324.
The Next Generation
Security Management Magazine, American Society for Industrial Security, January,
Video for Foreign Travelers Stresses Safety Tips
Dispels Crime Myths, Hotel/Motel Security and Safety Management (Newsletter),
Rusting Publications, Volume13, Number 2,
January, 1995.
Level of Features, Benefits Mark Move to Integration
Security Magazine, Cahners Publications, January, 1995
Delivery of a Violence in the Workplace Program
The SCI Letter, Strategic Consortium International Newsletter, Winter Issue,
Crime Risk
Risk Management Advisor, Issue No. 204, April, 1995
Pre-employment Screening - An Overview
Security Journal, Elsevier Science Ireland, Ltd., July, 1995
Outsourcing: Friend or Foe?
Security Magazine, Cahners Publishing, April, 1996
Smart Buyer's Checklist
Security Magazine, Cahners Publishing, December, 1996
Secure Your Business Through People Management
Automatic I.D. News (Magazine for Automated Data Capture Systems Users), May,
Security Without a Security Department
Security Magazine, Cahners Publishing, December, 1997.
A "Focus Approach" to Security
Security Bureau of Business Practice, Inc., Security Management Newsletter,
March 25, 1998.
Awareness of Info Theft Techniques
Security Magazine, Cahners Publishing, June, 1998.
Enforcement of Substance Abuse Policy
White Paper for Drug Free Pennsylvania, Inc., Hamsburg, PA, June, 1998.
Role of Outside Consultants in Enhancing a Hospital's Security Program
Hospital Security and Safety Management, Rustings Publications, Volume 19,
Number 3, July,1998.
Security @ The Millennium
Vector Views, A Publication of The Vector National Accounts Program, Volume 1,
Issue 1, 2000.
The Nature of Security Risks,
A.S.I.S. Greater Philadelphia Chapter, Bulletin Monthly Online Newsletter,
March, 2001.
The Nature of Security Risks and the Importance of Risk Assessment,
Security Watch, Bureau of Business Practice, Division of Aspen Publishers, Inc.,
June 1, 2001, Issue Number 3011.
Making a Case for Negligent Retention/Hiring,
The National Crime Victim Bar Association, Magazine, Spring Issue, 2001
Conducting A Risk Assessment,
Security Watch, Bureau of Business Practice, Division of Aspen Publishers, Inc.,
August 1, 2001, Issue Number 3015.
What The Defendant Can Do Wrong,
Annual Conference Paper, The National Crime Victim Bar Association, George Mason
University School of Law, Arlington, VA, October 19, 2001.
Security Systems: Responding to Identified Needs,
Security Magazine, Technologies, Applications and Solutions for Buyers,
December, 2001
Reflections from the IAPSC,
("Some of the industry's most respected consultants provide insight into the new
future of business and security."), ST&D (Security-Technology-Design Magazine),
p.24, Volume 11, No. 12, December, 2001
Management: Security Staffing in 2002,
Security Watch, A Bureau of Business Practice Newsletter, Issue Number 3103,
March, 2002
What the Defendant Can Do Wrong,
Paper, Presented to the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association, Philadelphia,
PA, May 8, 2001
Are Security Awarenesss Programs Undervalued?
Security Management, American Society for Industrial Security, August, 2003
Taking Responsibility for Fan Safety,
Stadium Visions, Volume 2, Number 1, October 2003
Books & Other Publications
Handbook of Loss Prevention and Crime Prevention
Appendix 6A, Checklist: Preparedness for Data Center Disaster, Author: Lawrence
J. Fennelly,
Second Edition, Butterworths, 1989.
Treating Television,
Reviews and Commentary, Security Journal (Volume 4, Number 1, January 1993),
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993.
Security Consulting,
Charles A. Sennewald, Butterworth-Heinemann, Second Edition, 1995.
Contribution to Chapter 12,
"The Computer as an Aid to Consulting (pp. 116-118)."
Computer Security,
Bureau of Business Practice, Division of Simon & Schuster, 1997,
Chapter 6 (Physical Protection
for the Data Center - Checklist); Chapter 7 (What if a Disaster Takes the
System Down - Checklist).
What Every Employer and Union Needs to Know
About Enforcement of Substance Abuse Policy,
White Paper Prepared for Drug Free Pennsylvania, Inc., Not-For-Profit
Organization Created to Mitigate
Substance Abuse in the Workplace in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;
March, 1998.
Preface to: Security @ The Millennium,
A White Paper Presentation from Security Magazine and Cahners Business
Information. January, 2000.
Training Films
Private Security Television Network, Carrollton,
TX, 1992.
Crime Prevention in Security Management,
30 minute film.
Private Security Television Network, Carrollton,
TX, 1994.
Traveling Safely in the USA,
30 minute film.
Lectures & Miscellaneous
West Chester University
West Chester, PA
Instructor: 3 Semester Hour Course
Spring Semester, 1988/1989 - Industrial Security
Instructor: 3 Semester Hour Course
Fall Semester, 1988/1989 - Retail Security
University of Pennsylvania
Wharton School of Business
Department of Criminal Justice & Law
Guest Lecturer (1985 through 1996): Corporate Crime
American Society for Industrial Security
Greater Philadelphia Chapter, Annual Seminar, March 1989
Lecture: "Predictability of Crimes Against Persons"
American Society for Industrial Security
International Society Convention, September 1989, Boston, MA
Lecture: "Security Force Management"
Crime Prevention Officers of Western Pennsylvania
Educational Seminar, January, 1989, Pittsburgh, PA
Lecture: "Predictabilty of Crimes Against Persons"
Crime Prevention Officers of Eastern Pennsylvania
Educational Seminar, April, 1989, Philadelphia, PA
Lecture: "Predictabilty of Crimes Against Persons"
American Institute of Design Drafting
Annual Convention, April, 1989, Philadelphia, PA
Lecture: "Safeguarding Proprietary Information"
International Association of Professional Security
Annual Convention, April, 1989, Phoenix, AZ
Lectures: "Predictabilty of Crimes Against Persons"
Use of Computers As A Security Management Tool
International Security Conference
Regional Security Expositions:
March, 1988, Orlando, FL
September, 1988 - New York, NY
January, 1989 - Dallas, TX
April, 1989 - Anaheim, CA
Lecture at each: "Statistical Analysis in Security Management"
Society Hill Towers, Philadelphia, PA
Owners Association & Residents Meeting
Lecture: May, 1989 - "Security Officer Management"
Lecture: October, 1989 - "Personal Security for Residents"
Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY
Research and Development Seminar
Lecture: "Safeguarding Propietary Information"
American Society for Industrial Security
Lehigh Valley Chapter Annual Seminar - June, 1989
Lecture: "Predictabilty of Crimes Against Persons"
Apartment Association of Greater Philadelphia
General Membership Meeting - January, 1990
Lecture: "Are You Really Secure?"
American Society for Industrial Security
Greater Philadelphia Annual Seminar - March, 1990
Lecture:"Advancements in Security Management"
American Society for Industrial Security
International Workshop, Atlantic City, NJ - April, 1990
Lecture: "Safeguarding Propietary Information"
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York City
- April, 1990
Lecture: "Developments in Information Databases for Security Management"
Government Workplace Conference, Washington, DC -
May 1990
Lecture: "Preparing a Plan for Building Security"
Philadelphia Condominium Manager's Association,
Phildelphia, PA - August, 1990
Lecture: "Security Plan to Avoid Civil Liability"
American Society for Industrial Security
International Seminar, San Francisco, CA - September, 1990
Lecture: "Benefits of Benchmarking to Security Management"
American Society for Industrial Security
International Seminar, San Francisco, CA - September, 1990
Lecture: "Planning a Safeguarding Proprietary Information Program"
The 1900 Surveillance Conference and Exposition,
Crystal City, VA - November, 1990
Lecture: "Technology and Cultural Management"
American Society for Industrial Security
Regional Seminar, Detroit, MI - March, 1991
Lecture: "Consultants - Getting More For Your Money"
National Security Institute
National Seminar, Alexandria, VA - March, 1991
Lecture: "Information Security: Wave of the Future"
American Society for Industrial Security
National Workshop, Tucson, AZ - March, 1991
Workshop Narrator & Lecture: "I Want Your Information!"
Institute of Real Estate Management Delaware Valley
and South Jersey Chapters
Seminar, Preparing for Emergencies, Voorhees, NJ - May, 1991
Lecture: "Developing Emergency Procedures and a Crime Prevention Program"
National Association of Student Personnel
Administrators Region II Conference,
Lake Harmony, PA - June, 1991
Lecture: "Managing Crime Prevention"
International Association of Campus Law Enforcement
Administrators, 33rd Annual
Conference & Exposition, Halifax, Nova Scotia - July, 1991
Lecture: "Security Management"; "Benchmarking as a Security Tool and Task
Litton Specail Devices, Management Club, Media, PA
- July, 1991
Lecture: "Benefits of an Information Security Program"
Police Chiefs of Southeastern Pennsylvania,
Phildelphia, PA - Oct. 1991
Lecture: "Developing Emergency Procedures Plan"
Insitute of Real Estate Management, Chapter #3,
Philadelphia, PA - Oct. 1991
Lecture: "Developing an Emergency Procedures Plan"
International Security Systems Symposium &
Exhibition, Crystal City, VA - Oct. 1991
Lecture: "Relevancy of a Manged Systems Approach"
Canadian Alarm & Security Association, Toronto,
Canada - Dec. 1991
Lecture: "Databases Stategies for Security Management"
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Reston, VA
- Dec. 1991
Lectures:"History of Law Enforcement & Private Security Business &
Economics of
Law Enforcement/Private Security Negative Forces Between Law Enforcement
& Private "
Citizens Crime Commission, Bucks County,
Warrington, PA - January, 1992
Lecture: "White Collar Crime - Its Impact on Business"
The Towson State University, Campus Violence
Prevention Center, Baltimore, MD - Feb. 1992
Lecture: "Managing Crime Prevention; Whose Job Is It?"
American Society for Industrial Security,
Safeguarding Proprietary Information Workshop,
Palm Springs, CA - April, 1992, Program Narrator and Lecturer.
Lecture: "The Financial Impact of an Information Loss"
Surveillance Expo '92, Tyson's Corner, VA - August
Lecture: "A Managed Approach to System Design"
ISC-Expo East, International Security Conference,
New York City - August 1992
Lecture: "How to Marry Culture with Security System Design"
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Law
Enforcement and Private Security Executive
Training Program, Port Ludlow, WA - September 1992.
Lectures: "History of Law Enforcement and Private Security"; "The Business
and Economics"
of Law Enforcement and Private Security; Future Trends of Law Enforcement
and Private
American Society for Industrial Security, 38th
Annual Seminar & Exhibits, San Antonio, TX
September 16, 1992
Lecture: "The Financial Impact of Information Loss"
Greater Princeton Security Association, Princeton,
NJ, Monthly Meeting, Sept. 1992.
Lecture: "Value Added Modeling to Security Departments."
Baltimore County Police Department, Maryland Flase
Alarm Summit, Baltimore, MD,
October 1992.
Lecture: "Identifying the False Alarm Problem"
National Association of College Auxiliary Services,
Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference,
Atlanta, GA - November, 1992.
Lecture: "Managing Crime Prevention; Whose Job Is It?"
University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing,
Workplace Crime Workshop, Philadelphia,
PA - November 1992
Lecture: "Panel Member, Crime Prevention in the Workplace"
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, Class
of Dr. Marvin A. Wolfgang, Course:
Corporate Crime - February 1993
Lecture: "History and Current Status of Security Management"
American Society for Industrial Security,
Schuylkill Valley Chapter, Reading, PA - March 10,
Lecture:" The Future of Security Management"
Surveillance Expo, Fifth Annual International
Surveillance and Countersurveillance Conference
and Exposition, McLean, VA - August 12, 1993
Lecture: "The Financial Impact of an Information Loss"
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, Class
of Dr. Marvin A. Wolfgang, Course:
Corporate Crime - February 2, 1994
Lecture: "Security Management, A Business Discipline"
WPVI TV, "AM Philadlephia", Wally Kennedy, February
2, 1994"
Topic: Robbery Prevention
Fox Broadcasting, Channel 29 - Philadlephia; 10:00
- 11:00 PM News
Interview: February 22, 1994 Robbery and Shooting at Atlantic City, NJ
American Society for Industrial Security, Greater
Philadelphia Chapter, Annual Seminar
and Exhibits, Philadlephia, PA - March 2, 1994
Topic: Security System Design
American Society for Industrial Security, Detroit
Chapter, Detroit, MI Annual Seminar,
"Update '94" - March 22, 1994
Topic: Who Will The Future Security Manager Be?
Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker,
Attorneys at Law, Philadelphia, PA.
Special Seminar - Premises Liability - May 19, 1994.
Lecture: "Foreseeability and Adequacy of Security"
Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals,
Deleware Valley Chapter Meeting -
June 29, 1994
Lecture: "Competitive Intelligence or Industrial Espionage"; "Which Have You
Been the
Victim Of?"
Special Libraries Association, Philadelphia
Chapter, Radnor, PA, Chapter Meeting - Oct. 1994
Lecture: "Information Security"
CIS & Baltic States Security III Conference, New
York, NY - March 1, 1995;
Consultancy Session: How to Protect Yourself and Your Business
New Jersey State Safety Council, 11th Annual
Mid-Atlantic Regional Safety & Health Expo,
Atlantic City, NJ - April 27, 1995
Crisis Intervention in the Workplace - Confrontational, Potentially
Violent Persons in the Workplace
Eastern State Survey Network (Association of Port
Authorities, Bridge Commissions,
Turnpike Commissions, etc.), Safety Section - May 4, 1995
Lecture: "Violence in the Workplace"
American Forest & Paper Association, Safety &
Health Sub-Committee Annual Meeting,
Montvale, NJ - June 14, 1995
Lecture: "Violence in the Workplace - Issues and Answers"
International Association for Healthcare Security &
Safety, Annual Meeting, Myrtle Beach,
SC - June 26, 1995
Lecture: "Unique Approaches to Risk Assessment and System Design"
Maryland Association for Bank Security (MABS),
Annual Meeting, Hershey, PA,
September 8, 1995
Lecture: "The Year 2000 & Beyond - Security Management"
American Society for Industrial Security, Annual
Seminar and Convention, New Orleans, LA -
September 13, 1995
Moderator: Public Safety (Law Enforcement) and Private Security Liaison
Delaware Valley Financial Security Officers
Association; Monthly Meeting, Philadlephia, PA -
January 23, 1996
Lecture: "Risk Assessment"
American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), Penn
Jersey Chapter, Annual Joint Meeting
with Occupational Resource Management Association and the Human Resource
Association, Bordentown, NJ - February 20, 1996
Lecture: "Bridge Between Security, Safety, & Human Resource Management"
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, Class
of Dr. Marvin A. Wolfgang, Course:
Ph.D., "Corporate Crime", Sellin Center for Studies in Criminology
and Criminal Law,
March 6, 1996
Lecture: "Current State and Future of Private Security Industry"
WPVI TV, NBC, "AM Philadlephia", Wally Kennedy,
March 28, 1996
Topic: Security Incident (Illegal/Improper Search) in REtail Environment
Fifteenth Annual Crime Prevention Symposium;
Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Crime
Prevention Officers' Association, Harrisburg, PA - April 3-4 1996
Program Producer and Lecturer.
Programs Produced: Business Investigations & Intelligence; Security
Officer Operations
Lectures: "Violence in the Workplace & Risk Assessment in the Workplace"
International Facitlity Manager's Association;
Philadlephia Chapter Meeting - April 16, 1996
Lecture: "Critical Decision Factors: Security System Design"
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Department
of the Treasury, Executive Training
Program, "Operation Partnership", St. Johns County, FL
Lectures: "History of Law Enforcement and Private Security"; "The Business &
Economics of
Private Security"; "Future Trends of Private Security"
Casi-Rusco, 1996 Customer Conference and Workshop,
Manalapan, FL, May 6-9, 1996
Lecture: "The Art of Risk Assessment"
American Society for Industrial Security; 1996
International Seminar and Exhibits, Atlanta, GA
September 11, 1996
Lecture: "Risk Assessment's Role in Security Program Design"
The Wall Street Journal, Wednesday, 9/18/96, By
Joseph N. Boyce
Qutoed: "Landlords Turn to 'Commando' Patrols"
Institute of Management Accountants; October, 1996;
North Penn Chapter Meeting; Fort
Washington, PA
Lecture: "Assessing and Auditing Security Risks"
South Eastern Pennsylvania Claims Association;
January 22, 1997; Chapter Meeting,
Plymouth Meeting, PA
Lecture: "Risk Assessment in Today's Business Environment"
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, Class
of Dr. Marvin A. Wolfgang, Course:
Ph.D., "Corporate Crime", Sellin Center for Studies in Criminology
and Criminal Law,
February 19, 1997.
Lecture: "Current State and Future of Private Security Industry"
WPVI TV, NBC, "AM Philadlephia", Wally Kennedy,
Oct. 8, 1997
Topic: Security Incident (Improper Shoplifting Arrest) at Bloomingdales
Department Store,
Short Hills, NJ
The Philadlephia Assocation of Defense Counsel,
Philadelphia Monthly Chapter Meeting,
Tuesday, 1/20/98
Lecture: "Using a Security Expert in Premises Security Litigation"
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, Class
of Dr. Marvin A. Wolfgang, Course:
Ph.D., "Corporate Crime", Sellin Center for Studies in Criminology
and Criminal Law,
February 4, 1998.
Lecture: "Risk Assessment in a Business Enterprise"
International Association of Healthcare Security &
Safety, Regional Workshop; New Orleans,
LA; February 16-17, 1998
Lecture: "How to Use a Security Consultant"
National Security Institute, Annual Meeting, "Impact
' 98" Reston, VA, April 1998
Lecture: "Establishing a Proprietary Information Protection Program and
Selling it to Management."
American Society for Industrial Security; 1998
International Seminar and Exhibits, Dallas, TX,
September 16, 1998
Lecture: "Curiculum of Security Management for Business Schools"
Pennsyvania Trial Lawyers Association, Premises
Liability A-Z, Bellevue Hotel, Philadlephia, PA
October 27, 1998
Lecture: "Premises Liability"
The Lehigh Valley Chapter, American Society for
Industrial Security, Monthly Dinner Meeting,
Allentown, PA, October 28, 1998
Lecture: "The Art & Science of Risk Assessmant"
Organized Anti-Crime Community Network, Preventing
Crime in the Black Community,
Franklin Plaza Hotel, November 13, 1998
Lecture: "Use of Technology in Community Crime Prevention"
Law Enforcement and Private Security Executive
Training Program, Federal Law Enforcement
Training Center, Operation Partnership April, 27 1999,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Lectures: "History of Law Enforcement and Private Security"; "Business and
Economics of
Security Management"; "Future Trends in Security Management"
International Facility Management Association,
Lehigh Valley Chapter, November 10, 1999,
Bethlehem, PA
Lecture: "Workplace Violence"
Westmoreland Intermediate Unit, Safe Schools
Conference, Greensburg, PA, Dec. 13, 1999
Lecture: "School Safety and Security Technology"
National Security Institute, Impact 2000, Conference: 15th Annnual
Security Forum, Falls Church, VA, Tuesday, April 4, 2000
Lecture: "The Changing Role of the Security Manager- How to Ensure Your Survival"
Law Enforcement and Private Security Executive Training Program, Federal
Law Enforcement Training Center, Operation Partnership, May 16, 2000, Reading
Police Department, Reading, PA
Lecture: "History of Law Enforcement and Private Security Business and Economics
of Security Management Future Trends in Security Management"
Law Enforcement and Private Security Executive Training Program, Federal Law
Enforcement Training Center, Operation Partnership, July 11, 2000, Bradley
County (Cleveland), Tennessee
Lecture:"History of Law Enforcement and Private Security Business and Economics
of Security Management Future Trends in Security Management"
A.S.I.S. - Western New Jersey Chapter, Second Annual Seminar, Whippany, NJ,
October 10, 2000
Lecture: "Risk Assessment for Physical Security Needs"
The Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers, 2000 Premises Liability Seminar
11/16/00 - Tampa, FL; 11/17/00 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Lecture: "A Security Expert's Look at Premises Liability"
Chester County Chamber of Business & Industry, Monthly Educational Meeting,
Malvern, PA
June 12, 2001
Lecture: "Technology Traps: Protect Your Business Information"
The National Crime Victim Bar Association, Comprehensive Representation of Crime
Victim Clients, George Mason School of Law, Arlington, VA
October 19-20, 2001
Lecture: "A Security Expert Looks at Where the Defendant Went Wrong"
American Society for Industrial Security, Northern New Jersey Chapter Meeting,
April 4, 2002
Lecture: "Technology Traps: Protect Your Business Information"
Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association, Premises Liability Workshop,
Philadelphia, PA
May 8, 2001
Lecture:" What the Defendant Can Do Wrong"
Council of Security & Strategic Technology Organizations (COSTO) Annual
Conference, Crystal City, VA
October 15, 2002
Lecture: "Securing The Enterprise"
National Crime Victim Bar Association, Annual Conference, Civil Litigation of
Violent Crimes, Washington, DC
October 18, 2002
Lecture: "Violent Crimes on Campus"
Temple University International Business Class, Philadelphia, PA
November 13th, 2002
Lecture: "International Security Issues and Risks"
Temple University CIBER and The Global Interdependence Center, 22nd Annual International Monetary and Trade Conference, The Philadelphia Federal Reserve, Philadelphia, PA October 2 & 3, 2003 Lecture: "Identifying Security Threats in a Global Marketplace: Maintaining Competitiveness"
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