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Expert Witness,
Premises Security Liability



Security Expert

Ira S. Somerson, BCFE, CPP
(800)-848-4308, (610)-279-5450
Fax: (610) 279-3548
Email Security Expert Ira Somerson

Security Consulting by Loss management and consulting

Expert Witness Services

Security Expert, Security Consultant and Expert Witness  

Pre-Trial Support &
Expert Testimony

  Affiliations  History  |  Articles   |  Books  |    Films  |  Licenses, Certifications, & Awards

Mr. Somerson's experience spans more than thirty-five years of comprehensive security management consulting services. The majority of his work has involved analysis of potential threats and the design of appropriate defensive strategies in commercial, industrial, institutional and government environments. Mr. Somerson has originated strategies in risk assessment, security system design, crime prevention, foreseeability studies, adequacy of security analysis, crisis management, security awareness, executive protection, crowd control, fraud prevention and the development of security management training and orientation curricula. He founded and operated a security services company providing security guard resources, crowd control services, alarm system installations and service, central station alarm Security consultant
monitoring, and special business investigations for mare than 20 years. He is a recognized lecturer, an authoritative leader, and innovator in the security management profession. His articles have been published extensively. He has been cited in text books, chaired committees, and has lectured frequently at the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania and at St. Joseph's University. He formerly taught security courses at Temple and West Chester Universities. He is currently on the Editorial Advisory Boards of Security Journal, published in Association with the ASIS Foundation by Perpetuity Press, Letcester, UK; the College Security Report, Rusting Publications; and Security Management Bulletin, Bureau of Business Practices. Professional references available upon request. Since 1989 Mr. Somerson has maintained a relational database of all consulting and expert witness assignments. Reports of industries served, types of services rendered, lists of testimony at trial and/or deposition, etc. are easily prepared from these data.

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Ira Somerson
