Booking Flights Online
Buying flights online is often the most convenient way to book your trip
and take advantage of online special offers. Even without any special
offers the cost of your flight will often be discounted as you avoid paying
a booking fee.
There are plenty of sites to choose from so take time to visit as many
as time permits. This will give you a greater choice and can lead to substantial
savings. You will be asked;
• where you want to travel to and from
• dates for outbound and return journeys
• preferred time of travel
• number of people you are looking to book for
• your airport parking needs
If you have never booked your flight online and all this sounds a bit
daunting the best sites will often offer guidance on how to use the search
facility and how to book online. It is also advisable you visit your chosen
airport’s site to learn about baggage, checking in, parking and
You may have heard stories in the news concerning flight related deaths
– this shouldn’t put you off from travelling by air, just
make sure you educate yourself on the suggested dangers and tips to reduce
the risks of developing any problems. Pregnant women and anyone suffering
from a medical condition should seek the advice and guidance of their
The Department of Health offers good online advice, and most airlines
provide useful information to ensure you have a comfortable and enjoyable
flight. Other things you may need to consider include travelling with
young children and any special needs you or someone in your party has.