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This Web Page is dedicated with love and gratitude to the Pacific Islands



Jane Resture (abbreviated from the French surname Restieaux) was born on the island of Hull (Orona) in the Phoenix Group of the Gilbert Islands, now known as the Republic of Kiribati. Whilst she was still young, she travelled extensively through the island states of Micronesia, Polynesia and Melanesia as her father carried out his duties as a wireless operator for the then government of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony, now known as the Republic of Kiribati and Tuvalu, as well as the Solomon Islands.

Jane is one of a large family comprising seven girls and five boys of which she is the eldest. Jane’s father is Polynesian of Tuvaluan (Samoan and Tongan) descent and of English and French extraction whilst her mother is Micronesian of Kiribati (Onotoa in the southern Gilberts) and Caroline Islands descent.

Jane has particularly fond memories of some of the countries in Oceania in which she grew up. Jane is particularly fond of the atolls/islands of Kiribati, including the charming, thriving and vital capital Tarawa, the scene of the bloody Battle of Tarawa during World War II. 

Jane also spent her young years on Christmas Island (Kiritimati) of the Line Islands which she remembers as one of the most unusual places on earth. Christmas Island is the largest coral atoll in the world being sculptured like the claw of a giant crab surrounded by a sea of emerald. This irresistible island has that special magical quality that enhances its natural beauty as a haven of unique, rare and colourful bird life protected within the confines of a world class wild life sanctuary. Christmas Island is also a world class fishing ground with an abundance of fish and marine life.  The Christmas Island Hotel (Captain Cook Hotel) is utilized as a fishing lodge by game fishermen from all around the world.

The nine coral atolls/islands of Tuvalu have strong family ties for Jane. She particularly remembers the capital Funafuti which she revisited for the Independence celebrations. The birth of the new independent nation was a stirring and moving occasion that Jane will always remember with great pride.

Jane also has fond memories of the Solomon Islands, in particular the capital Honiara, on Guadalcanal, to which her father relocated as a wireless operator and where her father and mother retired and settled down.  Many of Jane's brothers and sisters and their families have made the Solomon Islands their home.

As the eldest daughter in the family, Jane was brought up in accordance to the complex customs and rituals of the island people.

To this very day, Jane believes that the island customs, rituals and language and, indeed, the entire fabric of island heritage not only need to be preserved but can contribute so much to modern western society. Jane is particularly proud of her island heritage and believes that she is very privileged to have a background that incorporates elements of Micronesian, Polynesian and Melanesian cultures.

Jane was very fortunate to be able to enrol at the prestigious Immaculate Heart College, Taborio, Tarawa, Kiribati. Recognized at an early age as a gifted student, Jane was groomed for further study overseas and was awarded a scholarship on behalf of the government of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands (including Banaba), now the Republic of Kiribati and Tuvalu, to continue her schooling in Sydney, Australia. 

Immaculate Heart College students at Teaoraereke, Tarawa, Kiribati.
The students are dressed in their yellow with blue trim Sunday uniform, with hats!
Jane Resture is at the centre of the back row, 5th from the left.

Immaculate Heart College students (the rest of the students are not
 seen in the above picture as they are to the right), Our Lady of the
Sacred Heart (OLSH) Sisters, and invited Australian Sacred Heart
priest, Father O'Dwyer, at the main stadium, Bairiki, Tarawa, Kiribati.
 Jane Resture, holding the College banner, is to the right of Father O'Dwyer.

During her time at Immaculate Heart College, Jane was privileged to concurrently hold the positions of House Prefect (Mount Carmel - Green) and Sports Captain. Later she was Head Prefect and in her final year she was Dux of the College. 

Jane then successfully completed her Higher School Certificate at St. Scholastica’s College, Glebe Point, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. She also enrolled in, and graduated from the June Dally-Watkins School of Modelling and Deportment in Sydney. Jane has also successfully completed courses in Cordon Bleu, Entertainment with Elegance, Interior Decorating and Fashion Designs in Canberra, Australia.

Upon her return to Tarawa, Kiribati, she hosted her popular radio program while awaiting finalization of a further scholarship to continue her higher education in Australia. Jane was then awarded another scholarship by the Solomon Islands government to continue her tertiary education in Australia where she successfully completed her further studies in Accounting and  Advanced Secretarial Studies in Sydney.

Jane then returned to work in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Afterwards, she again returned to Australia and pursued her career in both government and private enterprise. After a successful career working at a senior level within government and private enterprise in mainly Sydney, Grafton, Canberra and Brisbane, Jane relocated her business to the Australian Gold Coast.

Jane would also like to take this opportunity of extending her deep gratitude to Australia and the wonderful Australian people for their unique and warm hospitality, their valued and lasting friendships along with their kindness and trust in making available so many opportunities both in education and for a rewarding and most fulfilling career. She now devotes much of her spare time to writing, particularly with regard to documenting the life, culture, customs, mythology, ethnology, genealogy, rituals, etc. of the island people.

One of Jane's current projects is documenting the amazing life of her great grandfather Alfred Restieaux. He was one of the pre-colonial traders in the Pacific Islands and she regards this project to be of a higher priority due to it being an invaluable record of island life during that period, in addition to providing many island people with an insight into from whence they came.  She is also currently writing her Memories of Oceania book which records her life growing up in the islands of Oceania - Republic of Kiribati (Micronesia), Tuvalu (Polynesia) and the Solomon Islands (Melanesia). This book also details how the cognitive development of the growing young island woman is interlinked with the many facets of our wonderful and complex island culture.

In this respect, Jane felt most honoured and humbled to be knighted and made a Dame twice (civilian and military) in recognition of her services to Oceania and for her contributions to education and the preservation of our rich and wonderful Pacific Island heritage.

My Wish
by Jane Resture
The frigate bird
The flying fish
It is time for us
To make a wish
And I wish for the sunrise
To be beautiful each time
With days that are perfect
And nights so sublime
And I wish for the sunset
To be like a long red sail
Each and every day
And you and I will always stay
Whatever we wish
Will surely come true
And I wish for happiness
For me and you
And I wish for the world
To live in peace
To live and love as one
To a simple beat
And I wish for us all
To have our lives full of love
Full of joy and happiness
And eternal love

Many thanks for visiting my Web Page.

I would very much appreciate sharing any comments or suggestions that you may like to offer.
In particular, I would like to share with you any thoughts you may have in relation to the documentation and preservation of Pacific Island culture, mythology, rituals, ethnology, history, customs and lifestyle, etc. Thank you.
Ti a boo moa, Tofa and Lukim iu. (Audio)
Dame Dr. Jane Resture

 Jane's Oceania Page

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Copyright © 2001-2005 by Jane Resture
(E-mail: -- Rev. 25th February 2005)