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IRN supports local communities working to protect their rivers and watersheds. We work to halt destructive river development projects, and to encourage equitable and sustainable methods of meeting needs for water, energy and flood management.

Nam Theun 2 Project Documents Flawed

A series of technical reviews by independent experts for the Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Project in Laos has revealed serious flaws in the project’s environmental impact assessment and social development plan – flaws which call into question the project’s viability and scale of impact. The project documents lack critical analysis, data and information, reviewers note, and the project’s plans for compensating affected villagers have a high likelihood of failure.


Protest plans by the Brazilian government to promote dirty industries in the Pantanal, the world’s largest tropical wetlands

NGOs and Citizens Around the World Urge the Release of Don Carlos Chen, Protection for Chixoy Affected Community (02–03–05)

IRN Urges Colombian President and Embera Representatives to Commission an Independent Audit for Urrá Dam (02–02–05)

World Bank Moves Forward on Nam Theun 2, Project’s Ability to Reduce Poverty Still in Question (01–28–05)

IRN Paper on Risks and Challenges of Financing Dams in India

The Government of India proposes building 162 new hydroelectric projects as part of a plan to double the nation’s electricity generation. India’s National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) was given the largest number of these projects. This paper describes the risks of doing business with NHPC, a company with a sorry track record on human rights, environmental protections and ability to deliver finished projects on time and in budget.

Published 01–27–05

World Rivers Review
Download the latest issue in PDF format
(Volume 20, Number 1 – February 2005)

The much–awaited release of:
Ríos Silenciados: Ecología y Política de las Grandes Represas, Spanish version of the acclaimed book Silenced Rivers: The Ecology and Politics of Large Dams, by Patrick McCully. (Español)

International Day of Action, March 14th

This March 14 marks the eighth annual International Day of Action for Rivers. We invite you to join the growing ranks of celebrants and take a stand for healthy rivers!

International Day of Action, March 14th

To honor incredible efforts by affected communities around the world on river preservation and restoration, participants are also encouraged to celebrate a day of action themed around affected peoples and reparations.

Contents Copyright © 1985–2004 International Rivers Network. Reproduction by permission only.
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