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Annual symposium highlights WTO’s 10th anniversary The WTO will hold its annual public symposium from 20 to 22 April 2005. Participants from governments, parliaments, civil society, the business sector, academia and the media are invited to debate on the theme “The WTO After 10 Years: Global Problems and Multilateral Solutions”. Several heads of state and trade ministers have been invited to speak. > Draft programme (MS word format, 10 pages; 1184KB) |
WTO issues report on shipbuilding dispute The WTO, on 7 March 2005, issued the report of the panel that had examined the European Communities’ complaint against “Korea — Measures affecting trade in commercial vessels” (DS273)
> All documentation on the case DS273 Appellate Body issues report on cotton dispute The Appellate Body, on 3 March 2005, issued its report on the complaint of Brazil against “United States — Subsidies on Upland Cotton” (WT/DS267/AB/R). Supachai welcomes chance to lead UNCTAD, pledges continued support for DDA Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, on 1 March 2005, said he was deeply honoured to have been proposed by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan to lead the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. He stressed that until the expiry of his term of office as Director-General on 31 August 2005, he will remain fully committed to the WTO. Further reforms would help sustain already
impressive economic growth. The WTO, on 21 February 2005, issued the report of a panel that had examined a complaint by Korea against United States — Countervailing Duty Investigation on Dynamic Random Access Memory Semiconductors (DRAMS) from Korea (DS296). > Download the panel report:
> All
documentation on the case DS296
The Dispute Settlement Body on 17 February 2005
set up two panels to examine, respectively, the United States' and
Canada's continued sanctions against the European Communities' import
ban on hormone-treated beef. At the same meeting, the DSB set up at the
EC's request a panel to examine the US' compliance in the Foreign Sales
Corporation case.
The 26th meeting of the Working Party on the
accession of the Russian Federation to the WTO, held on 16-17 February 2005, made good progress on substantial issues although the chairman,
Ambassador Stefán Jóhannesson of Iceland, said that there was “still a
lot of work has to be done”. The General Council, on 15 February 2005, noted
the consensus on the slate of names of chairpersons for WTO bodies and
elected Amb. Amina Chawahir Mohamed of Kenya as its new Chairman. General Council accepts separate applications from Serbia and Montenegro At the February 15th 2005 meeting, the General Council accepted the separate applications for membership of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro and agreed to the establishment of Working Parties to start the negotiations. As from that date the application of “Serbia and Montenegro” was withdrawn and this entity ceased to be an applicant and an observer. NEWS ARCHIVES back to top 2005 / 2004 / 2003 / 2002 / 2001 / 2000 / 1999 / 1998 PRESS RELEASES back to top 2005 / 2004 / 2003 / 2002 / 2001 / 2000 / 1999 / 1998 / 1997 / 1996 / 1995 SPEECHES back to top |
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