The Wayback Machine -
A U S T R A L A S I A N - G E N E A L O G Y


The Australasian Genealogy Web Network

AGWeb is a de-centralised collection of inter-linked Web pages containing localised data relevant to genealogical or family history research within Australia and New Zealand. AGWeb master pages are located at the HUB server on VICNET.

The HTML pages in this set of documents are known to work satisfactorily with the most readily available recent versions of WWWeb browser software, namely: Netscape 1. 1, 1.22, and 2.0b; MS Internet Explorer 2.0; and Lynx, and probably Mosaic. Features of the pages not supported in one version or another should default to a usable format. All normal display resolutions should be sastifactory, but display driver colour settings of less than 64k in number will not display the pages as intended (non critical). If the top heading of this page is evenly colour-graded from outside to centre, you have full display.

Go to Australasian Genealogy Web Pages
Copyright © 1996 by the author William L Arden, Melbourne, Australia.
Please forward any comments about the pages to