with Business Filings Inc. |
Form a corporation, LLC, or nonprofit in any state - easily and affordably. Business Filings also offers EIN assistance, dissolutions, registered agent services, and more. |
from Socrates |
Save time & legal fees with downloadable forms, guides, and kits for your business. You'll find the agreements, applications, contracts, leases, and other legal documents you need starting at just $9.95. |
Manage your personal wealth with the information that you need regarding investment, insurance, tax, retirement, and estate planning. |
CCH Small Business Guide |
Thousands of pages of information and tools to help you start, run and grow a successful small business. |
Table of Contents |
Starting Your Business Examine what's involved in starting your own business, and assess whether self-employment is right for you. |
Planning Your Business Learn how to create a winning business plan. |
Getting Financing for Your Business Examine a wide variety of ways to get the money you need to start a business. |
Marketing Your Product Establish your unique selling proposition and make pricing, packaging and advertising decisions. |
Winning Government Contracts Learn the rules that will help you sell to the biggest consumer there is: the U.S. government. |
Your Office and Equipment Assess your needs, then choose and equip the right facility for your business, whether its your home or a dedicated business facility. |
People Who Work for You Hire, manage, and retain the right people. |
Managing Your Business Finances Institute the accounting processes that will provide the information you need to manage your business. |
Controlling Your Taxes Develop effective methods for complying with your sales, income, property, and other tax obligations. |
Building Your Personal Wealth How your business profits will allow you to achieve personal financial goals. |
Protecting Your Assets Strategies to protect your personal and business assets. |
Getting Out of Your Business Develop an effective exit strategy. |