With the Spring seeming to arrive early this year, it's time to turn those
Winter dreams into a Summer reality! Time to
start planning - and doing - all those jobs around the house and
B & Q online...
B&Q has the UK’s leading home
improvement and DIY website, with more than 10,000 products
available online. Their extensive range offers you almost
everything you need to improve your home - from fitted kitchens
and appliances to
the latest luxurious bathroom suite. They also have an
extensive range of soft furnishings, curtains, cushions, bed
linen and lighting.
For the garden, B&Q have a great new range
of garden buildings to help you make the most of your garden
space - you'll find summerhouses, cabins, playhouses,
greenhouses and sheds to meet all your garden needs...
They also have a wide range of Garden and Conservatory
furniture, as well as outdoor heating and lighting, spa pools
and garden tools and sundries. With their huge range of
hand tools, power tools, equipment and accessories, you'll
be able to tackle almost every job around your home and the
garden. Don't be down-hearted or "forlawn", with B&Q prices you won't have to "fork" out
a lot...
The site has comprehensive ‘How To’
guides to advise you, along with planning tools to help you
with project designs.
visit the B & Q store online...