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Tael Aen The Lore Keeper Game Master Posts: 1754 (7/30/04 12:47 pm) Reply ezSupporter |
Sign here. By signing this, ( Character name, or whichever you chose), you are stating that you have read and understood the rules and guidelines of Tael'Aen, and therefore will abide by them. Once signed, you may hence forth create a character and post within the forums of Tael'Aen. If you did not sign, any topics you have made after Friday, July 30th, 2004 ( as a new member) may be subject to thread closure until you have replied here. Thank you for understanding. Tael. Edited by: Tael Aen at: 7/30/04 1:01 pm |
Rik the Riff Innominate wanderer Posts: 1 (8/1/04 4:12 pm) Reply ezSupporter |
Re: Sign here. Not really knowing quite how to go about this, since I appear to be the first, so here goes: In my normal bombastic fashion, I, Rik the Riff aka Mekh'dao'din (look for my app. shortly) do hereby sign the Tael'aen register-signy-thingy! ;) Rik Rik the Riff: pianist, writer, all-round genius and bighead, and now harmonica boy as well! |
Tael Aen The Lore Keeper Game Master Posts: 1792 (8/1/04 4:31 pm) Reply ezSupporter |
Re: Sign here. You went about it perfectly! Thank you so much and welcome! |
Winterose Innominate wanderer Posts: 1 (8/2/04 10:08 pm) Reply |
Re: Sign here. Heylo! I, Ren, in a similarly "bombastic" fashion, will be applying as soon as I finish up my application...which will be sometime after I start it...which will be sometime after I decide on a race...which will-- you get the idea. Hope to be playing with y'all soon! |
Tael Aen Matriarch World Architect Biscuit Queen Posts: 1833 (8/3/04 11:57 am) Reply ezSupporter |
Re: Sign here. Hellloooo Ren! Thank you, and weclome! |
Grace Prycin Innominate wanderer Posts: 1 (8/3/04 10:06 pm) Reply |
blahblahblah Being newest here Only until the next person arrives Me has read the rules Before posting this And I agree to follow them Starting now Today. I am also Complaining, because this took a long time to write out... ! |
Tael Aen Matriarch World Architect Biscuit Queen Posts: 1836 (8/3/04 10:11 pm) Reply ezSupporter |
Re: blahblahblah Missing something I think, Grace...Read the last rule, very carefully. But, don't let me frighten you already! Welcome to Tael! Edited by: Tael Aen at: 8/3/04 10:14 pm |
Allusearna Innominate wanderer Posts: 1 (8/4/04 6:59 am) Reply |
Re: blahblahblah I will bombastically (did I spell that right?) stick to the rules. You will see me around soon, I need to finish my application... faith in your mind… belief in your heart… trust in your soul… |
Tael Aen Matriarch World Architect Biscuit Queen Posts: 1843 (8/4/04 6:23 pm) Reply ezSupporter |
Re: blahblahblah Welcome, welcome! Thank you so much for reading the rules and signing! |
Brethil Turin Innominate wanderer Posts: 1 (8/4/04 11:06 pm) Reply |
Re: Sign here. Greetings Tael Aen, I, Brethil Turin, Master of the Birch Wood, do request permission to create a character to role play with upon this most Bombastic Board. Congratulations on creating your own world, and I will treat it with the respect such a marvelous thing deserves. I'm hoping to play an Ent or Treant type creature, born of a man and a birch tree (don't try to imagine that coupling, and I sure hope I don't bring out the censors on my signature post, LOL), but will understand if such a being does not exist in this world. Certainly then an 'elvish' character will satisfy me Couldn't resist using one of those cool icons . . . A 66 year old Baklunish man standing 5'5" tall and weighing 169 pounds. Brethil wears a steel cap upon his bald head, a light brown beard, an ample, tan cloak, and drawstringed, brown breeches, with soft, black boots upon his feet. He carries a large, two headed flail, and his shoulders bear an Uskwoood Long Bow, and a quiver full of charcoal fletched arrows. |
Tael Aen Matriarch World Architect Biscuit Queen Posts: 1857 (8/4/04 11:13 pm) Reply ezSupporter |
Re: Sign here. Welcome, welcome! Unfortunately, such a creature does not yet exist...Though I am curious, would it be a creature, or a race ? I would go so far as to say race, for I get the impression that you regard it as being intelligent - therefore, as a race of such has not been created, and race creation applications are still closed, it would not be feasible in that direction. However, we do have a forum where members are welcomed to help create parts and piece of Tael'Aen . If, say, this Ent or Treant type creature - was indeed, more critter than race material, you could create a bestiary entry upon them, and thusly play such a creature. Ummm...Oi! Have I talked enough? Again, Welcome, and thank you for reading the rules! |
Brethil Turin Innominate wanderer Posts: 2 (8/4/04 11:15 pm) Reply |
Re: Sign here. Oops, are we not able to edit posts on this board? I forgot to disable my signature when signing, LOL. Sorry (covers head with arms expecting to get stomped by something looking like this ) A 66 year old Baklunish man standing 5'5" tall and weighing 169 pounds. Brethil wears a steel cap upon his bald head, a light brown beard, an ample, tan cloak, and drawstringed, brown breeches, with soft, black boots upon his feet. He carries a large, two headed flail, and his shoulders bear an Uskwoood Long Bow, and a quiver full of charcoal fletched arrows. |
Tael Aen Matriarch World Architect Biscuit Queen Posts: 1858 (8/4/04 11:18 pm) Reply ezSupporter |
Re: Sign here. *grins* That's fine. Really, the only places where signatures are turned off, are the IC forums. |
Caedan Therikoth Innominate wanderer Posts: 1 (8/5/04 5:57 pm) Reply |
Re: Sign here. Hello hello, I have to say, these boards are Bombastic... When I first got on here I felt a little overwhelmed by all the information that has been gathered here, looks so professional. Anyways, I hope I meet the standards to get in and to be RPing soon! The first big step is filling out that application form! |
Mirin Innominate wanderer Posts: 1 (8/7/04 7:50 pm) Reply |
Hey there What's up? Bombastic. I'm happy to be here |
Tael Aen Matriarch World Architect Biscuit Queen Posts: 1896 (8/7/04 9:33 pm) Reply ezSupporter |
Re: Hey there Welcome! Thanks very much for signing! The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute
Taurel TahlTathar Innominate wanderer Posts: 3 (8/8/04 11:19 pm) Reply |
Signing in... Taurel Tahl’Tathar, Wood Elf and Bombastic Wanderer, does hereby acknowledge to have read and agreed to abide by the rules of the world of Tael Aen. |
Gaynor the Damned Innominate wanderer Posts: 4 (8/9/04 1:23 pm) Reply ezSupporter |
Re: Signing in... So this is what I missed. I'm not even sure ya'll need me. Your evil enough as is. Oh and by the way, now that I can legally post on the board, I feel positively BOMBASTIC. |
ladesco Innominate wanderer Posts: 1 (8/13/04 11:33 am) Reply |
Signing I, Lakyra, am hereby signing this form to ask acceptance into this lovely rpg. peripatetic (don't know what that means but there it is ) |
Tael Aen Matriarch World Architect Biscuit Queen Posts: 1995 (8/14/04 5:22 pm) Reply ezSupporter |
Re: Signing Heya! Welcome aboard and thanks for signing! (Main Entry: [2]peripatetic Function: adjective Etymology: Middle French & Latin; Middle French peripatetique, from Latin peripateticus, from Greek peripatEtikos, from peripatein to walk up and down, discourse while pacing (as did Aristotle), from peri- + patein to tread; akin to Sanskrit patha path —more at FIND Date: 1566 1 : capitalized : ARISTOTELIAN 2 a : of, relating to, or given to walking b : moving or traveling from place to place : ITINERANT - peri·pa·tet·i·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb - Peri·pa·tet·i·cism /-'te-t&-"si-z&m;/ noun Pronunciation Key © 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated Merriam-Webster Privacy Policy) The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute
Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen Edited by: Tael Aen at: 8/14/04 5:23 pm |
DaftButterfly Innominate wanderer Posts: 5 (8/18/04 1:09 am) Reply |
signy sign sign Umm...I don't know if I'm still to sign here, but, I will! To keep all my bases covered. BOMBASTIC! But the rules thing says to put "peripatetic somewhere"...I am confused. Unless I am so tired as to not realize that means the same thing of sorts. Oh well, they are both there. O.o -DafT- I'm going on a fantastic. You coming with? |
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