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Tools Article Dispenser

Article Dispenser is a new tool we have created to help you keep your website fresh with new information. With this tool your website will always contain a list of the five latest articles published in the Add Me! Newsletter. These articles cover all aspects of site and business promotion. 

All you need to do for this to happen is copy and paste the few lines of code below into a page of your site. Everytime a new article will be published, your website will include that new article automagically.

By default the Dispenser will look like this.

You can also customize the Dispenser by using the code below (instead of the one above) and changing the values of the properties. For example, below we have changed the color of the box from green to blue simply by setting boxcolor to "#4444FF". We have also increased the number of articles displayed by setting the articlecount property to 15, the maximum. The bullets have been removed by setting the showbullets property to false. Other changes were also made, but you get the idea:

The above code will give the Dispenser the following look:

Above, we included the full list of properties for documentation purpose. But if you only want to change one or two of them you don't need to include all the other ones. For example, if what you want to do is change the color of the box and the number of articles displayed, then your code would look like this:

<script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>
var boxcolor="#44FF44";
var articlecount=10;

Note: if you want the links to look and behave exactly like the other links on your page (e.g. color, underline, mouseover), be sure not to assign any value to the following properies: linkcolor, linkcolorover, linkunderline, and linkunderlineover.

For questions, feedback, and enhancement suggestions about Article Dispenser please email us at