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WTO documents

Much of the detail of the Organization's work is recorded only in the official documents of the councils, committees, working groups etc. These are made available through the Documents Online database, which can be used in several different ways.


Basic information on the WTO
WTO Publications: online bookshop
Documents from NGOs

Legal texts of the WTO agreements

The WTO agreements are the founding charter of the organization and the basis for everything the WTO does.

> Browse the legal texts on the main website
(includes explanations and downloads in various formats)

> Get the legal texts from Documents Online
(allows simultaneous downloading of multiple texts)


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New pages:

Appellate Body Repertory

DG selection process

Public Symposium April 2005

WTO 10th Anniversary


New publications:

ITC: Portraits of Trade Development

Appellate Body Annual Report

The Future of the WTO

World Trade Report


Ag talks backgrounder (updated 1 December 2004)

Meeting schedule

  A separate facility
Documents Online is a separate facility from the main website, so runs in its own browser window and has its own search engine.

Documents Online

There are several ways of using this:

Preconfigured searches on the website’s main pages     
Many pages in Trade Topics and other sections contain links within boxes marked “Search Documents Online”. Clicking on the links automatically retrieves lists of relevant documents from Documents Online. You can then select and download the document(s) which interest you.

help with downloading these documents

The Browse facility of Documents Online     
Not sure what series of documents are available? Documents Online includes some automatic searches producing lists of frequently-requested documents such as newest documents, records of WTO bodies’ meetings, documents for meetings, background papers etc.

> use the Documents Online browse facility

Search in Documents Online     
You can define the search yourself, if you know the “symbol” (the document code number, usually on the top right of the first page) or other criteria (such as document date or a keyword in the title). But define the search carefully because Documents Online contains over 100,000 documents.

> use the Documents Online search facility

contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland