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Eat your way to better health

Using the Greek Traditional Mediterranean diet therapeutically


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International Conference
Traditional Mediterranean Diet: Past, Present and Future
Athens, 21 - 23 April 2004

Eating our way to better health using the Mediterranean diet

At our Medical Clinic, in Thessaloniki, we teach our patients Lifestyle Medecine, which has strong preventive orientation and encourages patients to change their habits before disease appears or "helps them while recovering from their diseases".
Diet has special significance among lifestyle factors in that people have total control over it, at least potentially. In our clinic we have found that presenting the option of nutrition as one part of the therapy, the patients are willing to make the necessary changes when they are given the opportunity to get well and avoid a lifetime of taking drugs to control symptoms.
We are using the Greek Traditional Mediterranean diet, therapeutically. During the last seven years, as we are using the diet, we are observing a tremendous change in the health of our patients, not only on the physical level but on the emotional level. We hold practical teaching sessions where patients come to learn the basics as how to use and prepare their traditional foods so as to preserve the vitality of the elements contained in the foods, how to enrich their meals with different herbs and spices used in the traditional recipes. The longer they work with the diet, their chronic problems begin to improve considerably.


Matina Chronopoulou,
Therapeutic Nutrition, Naturopathic Medecine, Greece
Ioannis Liapis, Neurologist, Psychiatrist, Acupuncturist, Greece

Main Menu

Session 1: Mediterranean diet - A gift of gods
Session 2: From Mediterranean diet to Mediterranean lifestyle.
- Messages from the department for childhood obesity of Chania General Hospital, Crete, Greece.
- Do young adults in Warsaw need nutrition counseling?
- Cognitive restraint is associated with higher intake of vegetables in a sample of Portuguese university students
- How to influence children to eat healthy diets.
- Mediterranean diet, back to our tradition
- Eating our way to better health using the Mediterranean diet.
Session 3: Can the Mediterranean diet be industrialized?
Session 4: The Medi-Rivage intervention study, results after three months' follow up.
Session 5: Santorini grapes against atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
Session 6: Bioavailability study of olive tree bioactive substances in biological fluids by mass spectrometric techniques aiming at the evaluation of their role on human health.
Session 7: The present role of the Mediterranean diet.
Session 8: Postprandial lipemia, dietary fat and Mediterranean diet.
Session 9: Contribution of table olives to the Mediterranean diet.
Session 10: Dietary Mediterranean diet in West Algerian healthy population.
Poster presentations: Development of a short dietary intake questionnaire for the quantitative estimation of adherence to the cardioprotective Mediterranean diet.


- Pellagra caused by vitamin deficiencies.
- Protein supplements saved many children's lives.
- Food and nutrition, a major issue everywhere.
- Protein, the most vital nutrient.
- Eat up all your vegetables!
- Pay for good health today, or pay for bad health tomorrow!
- Muscle and fitness activities combined with wise food nutrition for a winning attitude.
- Add quality nutritional supplements to your health and fitness program.
- Dieting to lose weight quickly or to stay healthy?

The best way to lose weight

- Overweight: A cause or a consequence?
- Information on depression and preventive psychiatry.
- Setting goals to lose weight.
- Losing weight step by step.
- Dieting tips for your weight loss program.
- Low calorie recipes, juicy and tasty.
- A tasty, low-calorie vegetable soup.
- Calorie chart.
- Show me your progress!
- Nutritional supplements - liquid vitamins & antioxidants

Preventive psychiatry

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Mental disorders
Measurement issues
Chronic patients
Support system
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Realistic prevention
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Before prevention
Ill parents
Preventive measures
Nutrition behavior
Perinatal care
Educational program
Suicide prevention
Prevention strategies
Case report

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