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Vacation Rentals on Bald Head Island, Southport, Oak Island, and Ocean Isle Beach
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WELCOME to Bald Head Island Vacations Property Management.

Our Management Team will insure you that your home is well managed and maintained. We have separated our program into two forms of operations:


Coastal Carolina Vacations - Homeowners


Customer Relations - You need to have a guarantee that someone will take care of your home/unit and your renters. Our rental offices are located in Southport and on Bald Head Island. We provide 24-hour phone access for you and your guest. We will make your ferry arrangements, and schedule tram service to your home/unit. Transportation reservations should be made as soon as you are aware of your schedule, including on island transportation as well as getting to and from local airports. We can answer any questions about the BHI- Southport area. Contracts for your home are sent the same day the renter makes the reservation. We pride ourselves on quick response to our property owners and guest.

Additional Services Offered through our Concierge:

  • Gift Baskets
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Reservations for Dining, Golf, etc. (on or off island)
  • Valet Parking

Operation's Manager - The operation's manager will handle the following:

  • Repair/ Work Order
  • Housekeeping for you and your guests
  • House inspection before renters come and after they go!
  • Landscaping and exterior maintenance

The average fee for cleaning is $120.00. During the time you or a personal guest are vacationing and need cleaning or freshen-up services, feel free to call our office to set this up.


Your property will be advertised in local newspapers and magazines, as well as on our network of websites and at our Live South Trade Shows. Customers staying in your home will receive a welcome notebook including; a personalized one-page color brochure outlining the specific details and charms that your home has to offer, maps of Bald Head Island, personalized directions to the island, island details, important phone numbers, things to do and places to see on the island, and incentives for future vacations in your home. Bald Head Island Vacations utilizes four websites to market your property to the world:

Your home will be promoted on the following websites:,,, and We are utilizing a advanced on-line reservation system that allows web viewers to check availability and reserve your home directly online in real time.

Rent Collected

All rents shall remain with Bald Head Island Vacations until dispersed. Disbursements shall be made by the 15th of the following month. Each month along with the disbursement you will receive a statement showing any adjustments. You will receive an invoice every time we have a request or issue that we need to address to you. You will have the option on maintenance repairs, to have suppliers paid out of Owner dollars or billed directly to you.


We will customize a management program for your property to meet your specific needs. This will allow you to maximize the investment you have made and will increase your personal enjoyment of your home. Thank you for the opportunity to provide our services and reach our mutual goals.


All Rentals I Oceanfront I Oceanview I Marshview I Golf Course I Maritime Forest I Marina I Southport I Coastal Lifestyle I Things to Do I Map/Directions I Real Estate I Homeowners I Rental Rules and Info I Contact Us

Lawrence Sales and Marketing I Harbor Oaks in Southport I Bald Head Island Rental Home I Theodosia Bed and Breakfast I South Harbour Village I Cambridge Cove at South Harbour Village I Olde Southport I Gary S. Lawrence, Attorney at Law I South Harbour Village Inn I Holden Beach Real Estate

Bald Head Island Vacations
Toll-Free 1-800-563-4697
5003 O'Quinn Blvd., Suite F - Southport - NC 28461
(910) 457-1120 Tel - (910) 457-1190 Fax
© 2000 to 2005 Bald Head Island Vacations