Travel by Rail, Coach and Ferry
There are a number of useful resources on the internet which will help
you to arrange travel online be it for a trip abroad, a regional tour of
a country/countries or even how to simply get around the UK;
• You can buy rail passes from for rail travel
in and around Canada, USA and Europe.
• The Man in Seat Sixty One provides extensive information for
travel by train and ferry in the UK, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia,
N. America and Australasia.
• For timetable information around the world The International
Public Transport Timetable Directory is a good place to start for both
schedules and links to airlines, coaches and urban transportation systems.
UKPTI provides links to all the national and local bus, coach, ferries,
metro, tram and rail companies in the UK.
National Rail Enquiries
Man in Seat Sixty One
The International Public Transport Timetable Directory