Increasing the awareness with simple guidelines
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Congress on Preventive Psychiatry Athens, 1999 Feb. 24-28 |
The WHO educational program on mental disorders in primary care
All over the world, approximately 500 million people are suffering from mental disorders. More than half of these disorders are being used. Research from all over the world has shown that the majority of patients suffering from mental disorders in the community are visiting their primary care psysicians and that on average 25% of the patients visiting primary care services are suffering from common mental disorders. However, the majority of these disorders are not recognized by primary care physicians and effective treatments are not provided. In an effort aiming at increasing the awareness of the primary care physician and providing him with simple guidelines for identifying and managing mental health problems, the WHO has created a series of materials which include a special version of the WHO ICD-10 Chapter V classification of mental disorders (ICD-10 PC) and a detailed package for the six more common mental disorders met in primary health services. The latter includes detailed guidelines for identifying and managing these disorders and materials for patients. |
V. G. Mavreas University of Athens Medical School Department of Psychiatry "Eginition" Hospital, Athens | | | |
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