Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
Regional Trade Policy Course for African Countries concludes in
The Regional Trade Policy Course for French-speaking African
countries, organized by the WTO in partnership with Mohammed V —
Souissi University in Rabat, Morocco, concluded on 10 December 2004.
> News
Appellate Body elects new chairman
The Members of the Appellate Body have elected Mr. Yasuhei Taniguchi
to serve as Chairman of the Appellate Body from 17 December 2004 to
16 December 2005, following the expiry of Mr. Georges Abi-Saab's
term as Chairman. (WT/DSB/38).
> More on Appellate
Body members
Denmark to donate a total of 1.85 million Swiss Francs to three WTO
technical assistance funds
The Government of Denmark pledged, on 20 December 2004, three new
contributions totalling DKK 8.95 million (CHF 1.85 million) to the
WTO technical assistance programmes.
> Press release
DSB grants Chile authorization to retaliate in Byrd Amendment case
At the same meeting, held on 17 December 2004, the Dispute
Settlement Body adopted the Appellate Body and panel reports
concerning anti-dumping measures applied by the United States on oil
country tubular goods exported from Argentina.
> Summary of the meeting
Germany donates 250,000 euros to WTO technical assistance
The German Government made, on 14 December 2004, a contribution of
250,000 euros for 2005 and 2006 to the Doha Development Agenda
Global Trust Fund. This donation will be used to finance Trade
Policy Reviews.
> Press release
Accession moves forward as members examine the terms
Viet Nam’s membership negotiations progressed further on 15 December
2004 as the working party examined the first draft of the report it
will issue at the end of the negotiation.
> News
DDG Rana opens JITAP management meeting
Deputy Director-General Dr. Kipkorir Aly Azad Rana, in his
opening address on 15
December 2004, urged a JITAP schedule that will maximize beneficiary
countries' participation in the Doha negotiations. JITAP is the
joint technical assistance programme of the WTO, UNCTAD and the ITC.
Accession working parties established for Afghanistan, Iraq
The General Council, on 13 December 2004, established working
parties to examine, respectively, the membership applications of
Afghanistan and Iraq.
> News
Dispute Settlement Body 13 December 2004
DSB agrees to extend period of appeal/adoption of the “sugar” panel
> Summary of the meeting
Arbitrator issues report noting parties'
agreement on implementation in softwood lumber dispute
Arbitrator Mr. John Lockhart, on 13 December 2004, issued a report,
but did not need to issue an award regarding the reasonable period
of time to implement rulings and recommendations in the case United
States — Final Dumping Determination on Softwood Lumber from Canada
(WT/DS264/13). Canada and the United States reached an agreement on
the reasonable period of time during the course of the arbitral
> Download the decision of the Arbitrator in
format (4 pages; 51KB), in
format (4 pages; 13KB)
> All
documentation on the case DS264
> More on Appellate
> More on Dispute
ITC helps textiles and clothing exporters respond to opening markets
Just a few weeks before the end of the WTO's
Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, 200 exporters of apparel and textiles
goods from seven countries will meet in Mumbai for a training workshop to
help them adapt to radically changed market prospects.
press release(pdf format; 2 pages; 136KB; opens in a new
DDG Rana cites China's role in trade talks
Deputy Director-General Dr. Kipkorir Aly Azad Rana, in a
speech at the China WTO
Forum in Beijing on 9 December 2004, said that “developing
countries, like China, must use the Round to promote their
development objectives and the July Decision of the General Council
is exactly the basis to build upon”.
Dr. Supachai pays tribute to textiles body at its final meeting
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in his
remarks on 9 December 2004, paid
tribute to the Textiles Monitoring Body for its “very solid professional
track record” in the implementation of the WTO Agreement on Textiles and
Clothing. He said that termination of the ATC on 1 January 2005 “will mark
an important milestone in the development of international trade
Second Specialized Course on Trade in Services opens in Geneva
The Second Specialized Course on Trade in
Services, organized by the Institute for Training and Technical
Cooperation and the Trade in Services Division of the WTO, was launched on
6 December 2004 in Geneva.
> News
10th Anniversary — Academic Groups to host conferences commemorating
establishment of WTO Appellate Body
A series of regional conferences commemorating
the 10th Anniversary of the WTO Dispute Settlement System and the
establishment of the Appellate Body will be hosted by a number of academic
institutions in 2005 and 2006.
> Press release
Dr. Supachai urges China to ensure further Doha momentum
WTO Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in a
speech at the WTO Forum of the Sixth
Shanghai International Industry Fair on 2 December 2004, called on China,
as a major trading nation, to help “ensure further progressive momentum of
the negotiations in 2005 that will pave the way for the final success of
the Round in the near future”.
First ITU-WTO Workshop for regulators on telecom and ICT takes place
in Geneva
Forty-five officials from WTO Member and Observer
governments and ITU Member States, on 1 December 2004, started a five-day
training course on the WTO obligations and commitments relating to
regulation of the Telecom and ICT (information and communications
technology) sector.
> News
The Netherlands pledges 900,000 euros for the Standards and Trade
Development Facility
The Netherlands Government, on 29 November 2004,
donated 900,000 euros over three years to a joint fund for the
implementation of the Standards and Trade Development Facility in the
sanitary and phytosanitary area.
> Press release
DSB authorizes suspension of concessions in the Byrd Amendment case
The Dispute Settlement Body, at a meeting held on
24 and 26 November 2004, authorized seven countries to suspend concessions
and other obligations in the “Byrd Amendment” case.
> Summary of the meeting
Appellate Body issues report on Argentina — US
The WTO, on 26 November 2004, issued the report
of a panel that had examined a complaint by Honduras against Dominican
Republic — Measures Affecting the Importation and Internal Sale of
Cigarettes (DS302).
> Download the panel report in
Word Format (224
pages, 1871KB), in
pages, 827KB)
> All
documentation on the case DS302
> More on Dispute Settlement
Sub-committee set up on cotton
WTO members on 19 November 2004 set up a body to
focus on cotton as a specific issue in the agriculture talks, as required
in the 1 August 2004 decision — sometimes called the “July Package” —
covering all the WTO negotiations.
> News
WTO launches negotiations on trade facilitation
At the first meeting of the Negotiating Group on
Trade Facilitation held on 15 November 2004, Members agreed on a Work Plan
and a schedule of meetings.
> Summary of the meeting
Tenth Specialized Course on WTO Dispute Settlement starts in Geneva
Twenty-nine government officials from WTO Member and Observer
countries, on 15 November 2004, started a five-day immersion into
the rules and procedures governing the WTO Dispute Settlement
> News
WTO issues panel report on gambling dispute
The WTO, on 10 November 2004, issued the report
of a panel that had examined Antigua and Barbuda's complaint against
United States — Measures affecting the cross-border supply of gambling
and betting services (DS285).
> Download the panel report:
On 4 November 2004, Mr. John Lockhart accepted
appointment by Canada and the United States as arbitrator to determine
the reasonable period of time to implement DSB recommendations and rulings
in the case “United States — Final Dumping Determination on Softwood
Lumber from Canada”.
Transition period extended for export
subsidies of developing countries
The WTO Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing
Measures, on 4 November 2004, extended by another year (until end 2005)
the transition period for the elimination of export subsidy programmes of
19 developing countries under the implementation decision adopted at the
Doha Ministerial Conference.
> News
Final OK for SPS special treatment decision
Developing countries’ ability to respond to
importing countries’ sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures has been
enhanced by a decision approved by WTO members, meeting as the SPS
Committee on 27–28 October 2004.
> News
The Netherlands donates CHF 300,000 to WTO
technical assistance
The Netherlands Government pledged, on 2 November
2004, a contribution of 300,000 Swiss Francs to the Doha Development
Agenda Global Trust Fund.
> Press release
WTO holds first national workshop for
The WTO Secretariat, on 25-26 October 2004,
conducted its first national workshop for journalists in Windhoek upon the
request of Namibia's Ministry of Trade and Industry.
> News
Laos: WTO membership will ‘accelerate economic
The Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) kicked
off its membership negotiations on 28 October 2004 by outlining the
reforms it has already undertaken and calling on members to take account
of its status as a land-locked, least-developed country without a
representative in Geneva.
> News Item
WTO Secretariat reports significant decline in
new final anti-dumping measures
The WTO Secretariat reported on 1 November 2004
that the European Communities, India and the United States imposed the
most new final anti-dumping measures during the first semester of 2004
while exports from China were once more the subject of the largest number
of new final measures.
> Press release
Briefing sessions for WTO Members and Observers
without representation in Geneva will be held at the WTO from 1 to
5 November 2004.
> News item
2004 trade growth to exceed 2003 despite
higher oil prices
Despite the sharp rise in oil prices the volume
of world trade is likely to grow by 8.5% in real terms by the end of 2004,
a significant improvement over 2003, according to the WTO’s
International Trade Statistics
available on the this website from today (25 October 2004). “Strong demand
is behind rising prices for oil and other commodities and markets appear
to be handling this well,” said Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi.
> Press release
Bretton Woods chiefs underscore importance of
Doha success for development
At the DSB meeting on 18 October 2004, the
Chairperson announced that the United States had notified the DSB of its
decision to appeal the panel report on Brazil's complaint against United
States — Subsidies on upland cotton (WT/DS267/R).
> Summary of the meeting
Business and
government leaders to discuss Doha talks
The International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO
is organizing a meeting of senior-level delegations — representing both
public and private sectors from Asia and the Middle East — on 21-22
October 2004 in Manila to see how they can work together to ensure the
Doha talks produce a boost for their nations. WTO Deputy Director-General
Rufus Yerxa will address the meeting on recent advances in the
> ITC press release
Panel issues reports on sugar dispute
The WTO, on 15 October 2004, issued the reports
of a panel that had examined complaints by Australia, Brazil and Thailand,
respectively, against European Communities' export subsidies on sugar.
> Download the panel report:
In Word format: Australia
(223 pages, 2028KB) Brazil
(223 pages, 2011KB)
Members, in concluding their fourth trade policy
review of Norway on 13 October, commended the country on its very liberal
trade regime for non-agricultural products and on its advanced
implementation of the textiles agreement. However, divergent views were
expressed on its agricultural policy.
> Press release
Chairperson's concluding
raises WTO membership to 148
Cambodia became the WTO’s 148th member on
13 October 2004, almost 10 years after it first applied and just over a
year after its membership package was approved at the Cancún Ministerial
> News item
WTO opens
specialized course on trade negotiations
The director of the WTO Institute for Training and
Technical Co-operation, Mr. Paul Rolian, on 11 October 2004, opened the
3rd Specialized Course on Trade Negotiations in which 24 government
officials from developing countries, least-developed countries and
economies in transition will have the opportunity to strengthen their
negotiating skills and knowledge.
> News item
Working Procedures for Appellate Review to be
The Chairman of the Appellate Body, on 7 October
2004, sent a letter to the
DSB Chair setting out additional amendments to the
Working Procedures,
which will enter into effect for appeals initiated after 1 January 2005.
Among other things, these amendments will modify the required content of a
Notice of Appeal, allow for a Notice of Other Appeal, and alter certain
dates in the timetable for appeals.
Goods Council starts final review of textiles
The WTO Council for Trade in Goods, on 1 October
2004, started its third and final review of the implementation of the
Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, under which all remaining quota
arrangements in the sector would be removed on 1 January 2005.
> Summary of the meeting
Dr. Supachai: “we are back on track and moving
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in his
address to the Parliamentary Assembly
of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on 4 October 2004, said that the
July Decision on the Doha negotiations has “shown the scale of the
potential gains and has provided a roadmap to their realization”. He
underlined the important role of parliamentarians in the WTO.
WTO launches trade policy course for African
countries in Rabat
Twenty-six officials from 23 African countries
participated in the launching, on 20 September 2004, of a regional trade
policy course organized by the WTO in co-operation with the University of
Mohammed V – Souissi in Rabat, Morocco.
> News item
China’s regime discussed as others’
notifications stay ‘disappointing’
China’s import licensing regime in general and the
affect on specific goods such as Japanese vehicles were among the topics
discussed in the Import Licensing Committee on 30 September, which also
approved its latest annual report and biennial review report.
> News item
WTO commends Rwanda's reform efforts
Members, in concluding their trade policy review
of Rwanda on 30 September 2004, lauded the country's macroeconomic reform
efforts, which have resulted in economic growth since the 1994 genocide.
The Chairperson urged members to support Rwanda's reconstruction and to be
attentive to its requests for technical assistance.
> Press release
The DSB establishes two panels and adopts
findings in the Canada wheat case
At its meeting on 27 September 2004, the DSB
established a compliance panel to review US implementation in the steel
countervailing duties case (DS212), and a panel to examine Korea's
anti-dumping duties on paper imports from Indonesia (DS312). The DSB also
adopted the findings in the Canada wheat case (DS276).
> Summary of the meeting
30th WTO Trade Policy Course begins
Government officials from 19 countries — mainly in
Latin America and the Caribbean — attended the opening session of the 30th
WTO Trade Policy Course on 20 September 2004.
> News item
Arbitrator issues award in tariff preferences dispute
A WTO arbitrator, on 20 September 2004, issued an award on the reasonable
period of time for the implementation of recommendations and rulings of
the DSB regarding India's complaint against “European Communities —
Conditions for the Granting of Tariff Preferences to Developing Countries”
> Download the decision of the Arbitrator in
format (31 pages; 204KB), in
format (31 pages; 96KB)
> All
documentation on the case DS246
> More on Dispute
WTO commends Korea's
economic performance and reforms
WTO members, in concluding their fourth review of Korea's trade policies
on 17 September 2004, noted the country's impressive economic performance,
underpinned by on-going trade liberalization. They encouraged Korea to
continue its market-oriented reforms.
> Press release
Impact of Domestic Policies on
Trade the Focus of 2004 WTR
Benefits from good trade policy may be attenuated or even undermined if
governments pursue deficient policies in other areas of economic activity,
according to the 2004 World Trade Report published today (16 September
2004) by the WTO Secretariat.
> Press release
DSB adopts reports on softwood lumber dispute
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 31 August 2004,
adopted the Appellate Body and Panel reports on Canada's complaint
concerning the United States' final duty determination on certain softwood
lumber from Canada (WT/DS264).
> Summary of the meeting
Panel report out on cotton dispute
The WTO, on 8 September 2004,
issued the report of the panel that had examined Brazil's complaint
against United States — Subsidies on upland cotton (WT/DS267/R).
The WTO Asia-Pacific Regional Trade Policy Course
organized in partnership with the University of Hong Kong concluded on
27 August 2004 in Hong Kong, China.
> News item
Arbitrator issues awards on “Byrd
The WTO, on 31 August 2004, issued
decisions by the arbitrator regarding the level of suspension of
concessions and other obligations that Brazil, Canada, Chile, the European
Communities, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, may request to apply,
respectively, in the case “United States — Continued Dumping and Subsidy
Offset Act of 2000”.
> Download the decision of the Arbitrator
Sixth introduction course on the WTO for LDCs concludes in Geneva
The sixth introduction course on the WTO for the least-developed countries (LDCs), organized by the Institute for Training and Technical Co-operation of the WTO, concluded on 30 July 2004 in Geneva.
> News item
Appellate Body issues report on softwood lumber dispute
Supachai consults on possible emergency meeting for textiles and
clothing adjustment challenges
Director-General Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi held informal consultations
on 3 August 2004 with a range of WTO Members on the request from
Minister J K Cuttaree of Mauritius for an emergency meeting of the WTO
Council for Trade in Goods (CTG) to examine the adjustment costs
related to the quota abolition due to come into effect on 1 January
2005 under the WTO’s Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC).
> Press release
DG appoints
arbitrator in tariff preferences dispute
On 4 August 2004, pursuant to the request by
India of 26 July 2004, the Director-General appointed Mr. John
Lockhart to act as arbitrator under Article 21.3(c) of the
Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of
Disputes in the matter “European Communities — Conditions for the
Granting of Tariff Preferences to Developing Countries”.
> Download
this document in Word format (1 page; 39KB)
The DSB establishes compliance panel to
examine Japan's measures concerning apples and refers US request for
sanctions to arbitration
At the DSB meeting on 30 July 2004, the US
requested the establishment of a compliance panel to examine the
WTO-consistency of the newly revised phytosanitary measures.
Simultaneously, the US requested the authorization to suspend
> Summary of the meeting
meetings produce ‘historic’ breakthrough
The WTO’s 147 member governments
approved on 31 July 2004 a package of
framework and other agreements, which Director-General Supachai
Panitchpakdi said will greatly enhance members’ chances for successfully
completing the important Doha negotiations.
> Summary of the
Members comment on new draft as chair warns of overload
delegations described the
of the July package decision as broadly an improvement, but General
Council chairperson Shotaro Oshima said he was concerned about the “sheer
number” of comments to deal with in the limited amount of remaining time.
> Summary of the meeting
welcomes input from the Five as a key first step
Agreement among five key members
on the agriculture text is a welcome and important input into the talks,
WTO Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi said on 29 July 2004. But he
cautioned that no WTO agriculture framework deal is possible without
support from the rest of the membership.
> News item
report progress as hours tick by
Consultations on the key issues in
the “July package” are progressing gradually and a realistic estimate of
when a revised draft text will be circulated is “very, very late” this
evening, or early the following day, WTO members heard today, 28 July 2004.
> Summary of
the meeting
Libya given green light to negotiate WTO
WTO members agreed on 27 July 2004 to start talks
with Libya on its membership bid, bringing the current number of applicant
countries to 25.
> News item
Brief report on on-going work, with revised text planned by
Council chairperson Shotaro Oshima and Director-General Supachai
Panitchpakdi reported briefly on work in key issues when heads of
delegations met informally on Friday 23 July 2004.
> Summary of
the meeting
First draft discussed as chairs warn of 30 July ‘drop dead’ deadline
members broadly welcomed the first draft of a package of “framework”
agreements when they met on 19–20 July, although they had reservations —
sometimes serious — about some parts of the text. However, General Council
chairperson Shotaro Oshima warned that agreement would have to be reached
by the “drop-dead” deadline of Friday 30 July, and WTO Director-General
Supachai Panitchpakdi urged delegations not to make too many changes at
this stage, but to leave other concerns for the next phase of
> Summary of the
DSB considers the United States’ reports on implementing four
dispute rulings
The Dispute Settlement Body considered, on 20 July 2004, status
reports from the United States on progress in the implementation of
recommendations or rulings that the body has adopted.
> Summary of the meeting
Supachai urges members to reach agreement as talks start on first
draft Doha Agenda text
Supachai Panitchpakdi called on WTO member governments on 19 July 2004 to
make every effort over the next two weeks to strike a deal on a framework
accord in the Doha Development Agenda which would pave the way for the
elimination of all forms of farm export subsidies, enhanced trading
opportunities for all countries and more equitable rules for global trade.
> News item, press release, and
draft text
Panel report out on Argentina-US anti-dumping
The WTO, on 16 July 2004, released the report of
the panel that had examined the dispute over “United States — Sunset
reviews of anti-dumping measures on oil country tubular goods from
Argentina” (DS268).
> Download the panel report:
Twenty-five officials from developing countries and transition
economies completed the 29th WTO Trade Policy Course on 16 July
2004. This 3-month course was in French; the next, starting in
September, will be in Spanish.
> News item
Belize and Suriname praised for liberalization
but urged to notify more
Belize and Suriname have been praised for their
autonomous and regional liberalization and other reforms. But in their
first trade policy review on 12 and 14 July 2004, WTO members also urged
the two CARICOM countries to fulfil their outstanding WTO notification
obligations, if necessary with the aid of the WTO Secretariat.
> Press release of Belize
> Press release of Suriname
Supachai Urges G-90 Ministers, All Ministers To Show Flexibility
Supachai Panitchpakdi urged Trade Ministers from the G-90 group of
developing countries to adopt realistic and constructive negotiating
proposals when they meet on 12 July 2004 in Mauritius and warned that all
147 WTO Members stand to lose a great deal should WTO Member governments
fail to agree on a framework agreement later this month in the Doha
Development Agenda round of global trade talks.
> Press release
> Director-General's statement
distributed to G-90 Ministers
Spain donates 192,000 euros to WTO technical
The Government of Spain, on 7 July 2004, pledged a
contribution of 192,000 euros (CHF 290,000) to the WTO technical
assistance fund.
> Press release
DSB establishes panel on Mexican tax measures
on soft drinks and other beverages
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 6 July 2004,
established a panel to examine the Mexican tax measures on soft drinks and
other beverages (DS308).
> Summary of the meeting
Dr. Supachai: Ministerial support must be translated into Geneva
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in his
opening remarks to the Trade Negotiations
Committee meeting on 30 June 2004, said that the many Ministers he had met
since the last meeting have given strong political commitment to the
success of the negotiations. “The onus is now fairly and squarely on
negotiators in Geneva to do the deals that our political leaders clearly
want us to achieve,” he said.
Members encourage Benin, Burkina Faso and Mali to move ahead with
WTO members, at the conclusion of the trade
policy reviews of Benin, Burkina Faso and Mali on 30 June 2004, emphasized
trade as a tool for development and encouraged the three African countries
to pursue the implementation of their reform programmes.
> Press release of
> Press release of
Burkina Faso
> Press release of Mali
WTO Secretariat publishes its first
dispute-settlement guide
The WTO Secretariat, on 29 June 2004, published
A Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System. “The primary purpose
of this training guide is to explain the WTO dispute settlement system to
an interested person with little or no knowledge of how this system
functions,” according to WTO Legal Affairs Director, Mr. Bruce Wilson, in
his preface.
WTO to hold IT symposium in October
The ITA Committee, on 28 June 2004, agreed to hold
the WTO Information Technology Symposium on 18-19 October 2004 in Geneva.
> News item
DSB considers panel requests by the United States and Canada
The DSB, on 22 June 2004, considered for the
first time two requests for panels: by the United States to examine
Mexican tax measures on soft drinks and other beverages, and by Canada on
US injury determination concerning hard red spring wheat from Canada. The
two requests were blocked by the respondents.
> Summary of the meeting
Fifth introduction course on WTO for LDCs
concludes in Geneva
The Fifth introduction course on WTO for the
least-developed countries, organized by the Institute for Training and
Technical Co-operation of the WTO, concluded on 11 June 2004 in Geneva.
> News item
Singapore commended as “exemplary” member
WTO members, in concluding their trade policy
review of Singapore on 16 June 2004, said the openness of its economy has
helped it weather recent economic shocks. They commended Singapore's
continuing reforms aimed at promoting an economy that is “globalized,
entrepreneurial and diversified”.
> Press release
Members praise Viet Nam’s new offers, but seek improvements and more
The 63 WTO members negotiating a membership
package with Viet Nam praised the Southeast Asian country on 15 June 2004
for considerably improving its market access offers for goods and
services, and its programme for applying WTO agreements.
> News item
Dr. Supachai calls on UNCTAD XI to deliver clear message in support of
the Doha Round
WTO Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in a
speech to UNCTAD XI in São Paulo,
Brazil on 14 June 2004, stressed that “if we want trade to work as an
engine for growth and development, it is indispensable that we succeed in
the Doha Round”. He added that the negotiations are at “a crossroads, and
common ground must be found quickly”.
WTO launches first Asia-Pacific trade course
in Hong Kong, China
The WTO, in partnership with the University of
Hong Kong, officially launched its first Regional Trade Policy Course for
Asia-Pacific on 9 June 2004 in Hong Kong, China.
> News item
Supachai calls for constructive outcome from UNCTAD meeting
WTO Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, on
11 June 2004, called on members of the XI meeting of United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development to use their upcoming meeting in Sao
Paolo as a catalyst for progress in the Doha Development Agenda round of
global trade negotiations.
> Press release
Report detects shifts in services and agricultural trade patterns
International trade patterns have changed in two
significant areas over the past two decades with growth in services trade
no longer clearly outstripping growth in goods, while agricultural trade
has shifted away from commodities towards processed products, according to
a WTO report released on 11 June 2004.
> Press release
Ten Years After Marrakesh: the WTO and
Developing Countries
Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, in a
speech to a conference hosted by the
Moroccan authorities to mark the 10th anniversary of the signing of
Marrakesh Agreement establishing the WTO said “we should be immensely
proud of the achievements of the last decade. The trading system has shown
its resilience in the face of financial turbulence and it has contained
and resolved over 300 trade disputes between its Members, providing for
greater stability and predictability in global commercial exchanges”.
ITA membership expands with enlarged EC
The European Communities announced, at the meeting
of the WTO Information Technology Agreement Committee on 4 June 2004, that
its commitment on zero tariffs for ITA products extends to the enlarged EC
membership, including Hungary and Malta, which were not previously
participants to the ITA.
> News item
Supachai commends negotiators, urges more progress
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, on 4 June
2004, commended negotiators for their success in narrowing differences in
critical agriculture negotiations during the week, but urged them to make
every effort to build on this progress and cautioned that time is rapidly
running out to achieve a framework agreement in farm trade by the end of
> Press release
DSB adopts panel report on US-Mexico telecoms
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 1 June 2004,
adopted the panel report on “Mexico — Measures Affecting
Telecommunications Services” (DS204).
> Summary of the meeting
Africa stands to gain from successful trade negotiations — Dr. Supachai
Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, in a
speech during the opening of the
Conference of the African Union Ministers of Trade on 27 May 2004 in
Kigali, Rwanda, said that the meeting will be “pivotal” in
determining whether the trade negotiations “will take a substantial step
forward by the end of July”. He stressed that “no one questions” that
development concerns must be reflected in the July package.
> Speech by President Paul Kagame of
WTO publishes its 2004 annual report
Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, in his foreword to the
WTO Annual Report 2004
issued on 26 May 2004, said that this and the organization's three other
annual publications are “part of the WTO's continuing efforts to work in a
manner which is transparent, informative and in tune with the expectations
of the public around the world”.
Dr. Supachai opens WTO public symposium
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in his
opening statement on 25 May 2004 at
the WTO public symposium “Multilateralism at a Crossroads”, said that
trade negotiators are facing a “historic window of opportunity” and urged
civil society to add their voice in WTO's work to “further improve and
reform the multilateral system”.
> Programme
Fifth introduction course on the WTO for LDCs
opens in Geneva
The 5th Introduction Course on the WTO for Least
Developed Countries, organized by the Institute for Training and Technical
Cooperation of the WTO, opened on 24 May 2004 and will end on
11 June 2004.
> News item
Supachai welcomes “encouraging political signals” for Doha progress
The United States pledges US$
994,100 to WTO technical assistance
The United States Government, on 14 May 2004, pledged a contribution
of US$ 994,100 (CHF 1.3 million) to the Doha Development Agenda Global
Trust Fund for 2004.
> Press release
WTO launches training courses over
the Internet
The WTO is introducing online courses for governments officials from
developing countries with the inaugural course “Introduction to the
WTO and its Basic Principles” starting on 21 June 2004.
> News item
31 import licensing notifications
reviewed amid concern that not enough received
The WTO Import Licensing Committee on 5 May 2004 reviewed
31 notifications submitted under various provisions of the agreement,
a situation some members described as an improvement but still
> News item
Appellate Body issues first
annual report
The WTO Appellate Body, on 7 May 2004, issued its
Annual Report for 2003
(Word format, 43 pages, 698KB) containing information about changes in the
composition of the Appellate Body, appeals filed, Reports circulated,
participation of WTO members in appeals, amendments to the Working
Procedures, technical assistance and other developments that took place
last year. The Annual Report was accompanied by a
Communication from the AB
Chairman to the DSB Chair
(Word format, 1 page, 41KB).
WTO Agreement extended to the 10 new member States of the European
The WTO’s
Government Procurement Agreement was extended on 1 May 2004 to
cover the 10 new member States of the European Union: the Czech
Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta,
Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia.
> Press release
Dr. Supachai underlines importance of Doha progress for LDCs
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in his address to the Third LDC Trade Ministers’ Meeting in Dakar, Senegal on 4 May 2004, stressed that “now is the time for all WTO members to show realism, flexibility and a determination to make progress” in the negotiations. He warned that “a loss of momentum will have a direct impact on the areas in which LDCs have a key interest”.
GC Chairman urges “tangible outcome” in July
General Council Chairman Amb. Shotaro Oshima, during an informal meeting
of Heads of Delegation on 29 April 2004, urged members to deliver concrete
results by July to “ensure the continued progress in the negotiations”.
> Chairman's speaking points
> DDG Rufus Yerxa's report
Goods Council agrees on chairpersons of
subsidiary bodies
The Council for Trade in Goods, on 27 April 2004,
agreed on a slate of chairpersons of its subsidiary bodies for this year.
> News item
Eighth Geneva Week to be held 10-14 May
Briefing sessions for WTO Members and Observers
without representation in Geneva will be held at the WTO from 10 to
14 May 2004.
> News item
Dr. Supachai lauds IMF's new policy
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in a
statement before the International
Monetary and Financial Committee in Washington on 24 April 2004, cited the
IMF's Trade Integration Mechanism for developing countries as “a welcome
contribution to the Doha Round, in particular to attaining ambitious
market access results”.
Korea contributes US$ 200,000 to WTO technical
The Government of the Republic of Korea, on 27
April 2004, made a contribution of US$ 200,000 (CHF 250 000) to the Doha
Development Agenda Global Trust Fund.
> Press release
Three months of WTO training for 25
developing-country officials
Deputy Director-General Roderick Abbott, on 26 April
2004, launched the 29th WTO Trade Policy Course organized by the Institute
for Training and Technical Cooperation.
> News item
WTO Caribbean Trade Policy Course concludes
Thirty-one government officials from 17
countries/territories attended on 22 April 2004 the closing ceremony
marking the conclusion of the Caribbean Regional Trade Policy Course,
organized by the WTO Secretariat in partnership with the University of
the West Indies.
> News item
adopts panel report on US investigation in softwood lumber from Canada
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 26 April 2004,
adopted the panel report on “United States — Investigation of the
International Trade Commission in softwood lumber from Canada” (DS277).
> Summary of the meeting
WTO membership rises
to 147
Kingdom of Nepal, on 23 April 2004, became the 147th member of the World
Trade Organization.
> News item
Appellate Body Chairman notes with sadness the
passing of Dr. Said El-Naggar
The Chairman of the Appellate Body, Mr. Georges
Abi-Saab, has noted with great sadness the passing on 11 April 2004 of Dr.
Said El-Naggar, who was one of the original seven members of the Appellate
> News item
Dr. Supachai: “We must redouble our efforts”
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in his
remarks on 21 April 2004 as chairman of the Trade Negotiations Committee,
warned negotiators that “the coming days and weeks are critical”. He said
Ministers “are more determined than ever to succeed,” and that “the onus
is clearly on the negotiators in Geneva to turn this political will into
concrete results”.
> News item
DSB adopts reports on EC's GSP scheme
At its meeting on 20 April 2004, the Dispute
Settlement Body adopted the Appellate Body and panel reports on India's
complaint concerning the EC's GSP scheme (DS246).
> News item
WTO Secretariat reports significant decline
in new anti-dumping investigations
The WTO Secretariat reported, on 20 April 2004,
that in the period 1 July-31 December 2003, 14 Members initiated 115
anti-dumping investigations against exports from a total of 30 different
countries or customs territories. This represents a significant decline
from the corresponding period of 2002.
> Press release
Third Regional Trade Policy Course in Nairobi
Twenty-four government officials from 22 African
countries attended on 14 April 2004 the opening ceremony for the Third
Regional Trade Policy Course, organized by the WTO Secretariat in
partnership with the University of Nairobi.
> News item
Amendments proposed to the Working Procedures
for Appellate Review
The Chairman of the Appellate Body, on 8 April
2004, sent a letter to the Chairperson of the Dispute Settlement Body
requesting comments from Members on a number of possible amendments to the
Working Procedures for Appellate Review.
> News item
Panel report out on
Canada-US softwood lumber dispute
The WTO, on 13 April 2004, issued the report of
the panel that had examined Canada's complaint regarding “United States —
Final dumping determination on softwood lumber from Canada” (DS/264/R).
> Download the panel report:
The WTO issued, on 6 April 2004, the reports of a panel that had examined a United States’ complaint against “Canada — Measures relating to exports of wheat and treatment of imported grain” (WT/DS276/R).
> Download the panel report:
Stronger than expected growth spurs modest trade recovery
Propelled by higher than expected economic growth in Asia and the United States, world trade recovered at an increased rate in 2003, and could expand further in 2004 should the global economy continue to improve, according to the WTO’s latest figures, released today (5 April 2004).
> Press release
WTO issues panel report on
US-Mexico telecom dispute
The WTO, on 2 April 2004, issued the report of
the panel that had examined the United States’ complaint regarding “Mexico
— Measures affecting telecommunications services” (WT/DS204/R).
> Download the panel report in
format (256 pages; 2098KB), in
format (256 pages; 898KB)
> All
documentation on the case DS204
> More on Dispute
Officials from 56 developing countries
complete WTO courses
Participants from 56 countries, on 2 April 2004,
attended the closing ceremony of the 27th and 28th WTO Trade Policy
> News item
Dr. Supachai opens WTO African workshop on cotton
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in his
opening remarks to the WTO African
regional workshop on cotton in Cotonou, Benin, on 23 March 2004,
underlined the importance of establishing a constructive partnership
between the trade and development communities.
> Summary conclusions (Word
document, 5 pages, 56KB)
Panel report issued on Canada-US lumber dispute
The WTO, on 22 March 2004, issued the report of
the Panel on the case United States — Investigation of the International
Trade Commission in Softwood Lumber from Canada (WT/DS277/R).
> Download the panel report:
Dispute Settlement Body establishes panels to
examine US' methodology for calculating dumping margins (DS294), and EC's
shipbuilding subsidies (DS301). The DSB elects Ambassador Amina Mohamed of
Kenya as its Chairperson.
> News item
Norway donates 10 million Norwegian Kroner to
WTO technical assistance
The Government of Norway, on 15 March 2004, made a
contribution of 10 million Norwegian Kroner (1.8 million Swiss Francs) to
the Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund.
> Press release
Dr. Supachai says small countries too have a responsibility to strengthen
the trading system
Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in a
speech during Mauritius' National
Day celebration in Port Louis on 11 March 2004, stressed that “only
multilateral negotiations can ensure that poor and vulnerable countries
are not left out in the cold”. He said Mauritius' economic miracle has
shown the world that a small developing country “can compete and compete
very effectively”.
express support for Sri Lanka's reform and peace efforts
WTO members, in concluding their trade policy
review of Sri Lanka on 5 March 2004, encouraged the authorities to
continue trade reforms, which they said along with lasting peace would be
essential for sustained economic growth and poverty reduction.
> Press release
Dr. Supachai says US must lead in Doha talks
WTO Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi, in a
speech to the National Press Club in
Washington on 26 February 2004, warned that the alternative to the Doha
Round is “a fragmented world, with greater conflict and uncertainty”. He
stressed that US leadership is “indispensable” to the world trading system
and the success of the negotiations.
WTO hosts its annual public
symposium: “Multilateralism at a crossroads”
The WTO will host its annual public symposium from
25 to 27 May. Participants from governments, parliaments, civil society,
the business sector, academia and the media are invited to debate the
stakes and challenges ahead in the most crucial and final phase of the
Doha Round of negotiations.
> News item
Arbitrator issues award in US — 1916 Anti-Dumping Act
An arbitrator, in a decision (WT/DS136/ARB)
issued by the WTO on 24 February 2004, concluded that the European
Communities may suspend trade obligations against the United States,
subject to certain specified limits, after the failure of the latter to
bring its Anti-Dumping Act of 1916 into conformity with the WTO.
> Download the decision of the Arbitrator in
Word format (48 pages;
313KB), in
pdf format (48 pages;
> All
documentation on the case DS136
> More on Dispute
DSB adopts reports on softwood lumber dispute
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 17 February 2004,
adopted the Appellate Body and panel reports on Canada's complaint
concerning the United States' final countervailing duty determination on
certain softwood lumber from Canada.
> Summary of the meeting
WTO chairpersons for 2004
The General Council, on 11 February 2004, noted
the consensus on the slate of names of chairpersons for WTO bodies and
elected Amb. Shotaro Oshima of Japan as its new Chairman.
> Press release
WTO members extend Cambodia’s
ratification deadline
The General Council today (11 February) agreed to
give Cambodia another six months to ratify its membership agreement and
join the WTO. The decision extends the deadline from 31 March to 30
September 2004.
> News item
Members welcome unilateral reforms by The Gambia
WTO members, in concluding their trade policy
review of The Gambia on 6 February 2004, noted that economic
liberalization has contributed to The Gambia's high growth rate since the
late 1990s. They encouraged the country to consolidate reforms aimed at
promoting investment and diversifying exports.
> Press release
Luxembourg contributes
115,000 Swiss Francs to WTO Technical Assistance
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, on 19 January
2004, made a contribution of 75,000 euros (CHF 115,000) to the Doha
Development Agenda Global Trust Fund.
> Press release
DSB establishes two panels to examine US and
EC measures on Korean semiconductors
At its meeting on 23 January 2004, the Dispute
Settlement Body established two panels to examine Korea's separate
complaints against the United States (DS296) and the European
Communities (DS299) concerning, respectively, countervailing duty
investigation and countervailing measures on Korean semiconductors.
> Summary of the meeting
Requests for sanctions sent to
arbitration in Byrd Amendment case
At the Dispute Settlement Body meeting of 26
January 2004, requests for suspension of concessions to the United States
from eight countries in the case “United States — Continued dumping and
subsidy offset act of 2000” (DS217 & DS234) — also known as the “Byrd
Amendment” case — were referred to arbitration following the US' objection
on the level of these sanctions.
> Summary of the meeting
27th and 28th WTO Trade Policy Courses begin
Government officials from 56 countries attended on
12 January 2004 the joint opening session of the 27th and 28th WTO Trade
Policy Courses.
Dr. Kipkorir Aly Rana, Deputy Director-General of the WTO chaired the
brief opening ceremony.
> News item
Dr. Supachai says Saudi
accession an “imminent reality”
Supachai Panitchpakdi, in a speech at
the Jeddah Economic Forum on 19 January 2004, said that there is a
“realistic chance” that Saudi Arabia will accede to the WTO before the end
of this year. Earlier, in an address
in Dhaka, Bangladesh to the International Chamber of Commerce, he urged
the business community to give active support to the Doha Development
Appellate Body issues report on softwood lumber dispute
The WTO Appellate Body, on 19 January 2004,
issued its report on the case “United States — Final Countervailing Duty
Determination with Respect to Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada”. It
upheld the panel's finding that the US did not violate trade rules in
determining that a financial contribution was being provided to Canadian softwood lumber
producers but did not agree with the panel's interpretation of “benefit”
under the Subsidies Agreement.
> Download the Appellate Body Report in
format (76 pages; 368KB), in
format (76 pages; 226KB)
> All
documentation on the case DS257
> More on Appellate
> More on Dispute
Policy review praises US leadership but queries compliance and regional
WTO members have praised the open US economy’s
role as an engine of world growth and the US leadership in WTO work. But
in the latest review of US trade policy on 14 and 16 January 2004, they
also expressed concern about the country’s twin deficits, its uneven
record of compliance with WTO rulings, and some aspects of its involvement
in regional trade agreements.
> Press release
DSB establishes panel on cigarettes and adopts reports on US sunset
The Dispute Settlement Body, on 9 January 2004,
established a panel to examine the Dominican Republic's cigarette
importation and internal sale measures. It also adopted the panel and
Appellate Body reports on the United States' sunset review of anti-dumping
duties on carbon steel products from Japan.
> Summary of the meeting
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