Understanding your traffic citation (key areas) What if the next scheduled event is "must comply by? How do I pay a traffic fine online? How do I pay a traffic fine that I am unable to locate online?
What types of violations are not payable through the Internet? What accident cases may not be paid for through the Internet? Why is a case with an Activity note not payable? Why is a case with a Defendant note not payable? Why is a count with an open activity not payable?
What if I have been charged with a Driver's License, Registration, or Insurance violation? Why can't I pay for License, Insurance, Tag or Registration violations through the Internet? What if I have been charged with an Improper Equipment violation? What if I have been charged with a Moving or Non-Moving violation? What if I have been issued a Tri-Rail Fare Evasion Citation? What if I have been charged with a Smoking violation? What if I have been charged with a Toll or Sunpass violation?
How do I know how many times I have attended driving school? What if I have elected to attend driving school? How do I qualify for 4-hour driving school? How do I qualify for 8-hour driving school? Where do I send my completion of driving school? What if I am unable to attend driving school, or I no longer want to attend driving school?
How do I view a court date? What if I am unable to appear for my scheduled court date? Can I pay my fine through the Internet if my plea is not guilty? How do I submit a Plea by Mail for a non-criminal traffic infraction? How do I submit a Plea by Mail for Traffic Criminal or Misdemeanor violations? What if I change my address and I have a pending case?
What is a D6? What is the mailing address for traffic and misdemeanor payments? What are my options for a payable traffic ticket? How many points are assessed for my violation? What if my fine is overdue or I need an extension? How do I request copies of Traffic or Misdemeanor court documents? How do I request a driver's license history record?