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ON THIS PAGE: Tariffs Sensitive products Other elements Special & differential treatment Issues not agreed |
home > trade topics > agriculture > negotiations > backgrounder > market access: august framework |
AGRICULTURE NEGOTIATIONS: BACKGROUNDER August 2004 framework: market access This was the most difficult of the three pillars to negotiate. As agriculture negotiations chairperson Tim Groser pointed out, all countries have market access barriers, whereas only some have export subsidies or Amber or Blue Box domestic supports. Therefore the range of interests involved in the market access side of the negotiations is more complex. Most governments are under pressure to protect their farmers, but many also want to export and therefore want to see others’ markets open up. Among developing countries, some are less confident about importing and exporting and take a defensive position, while others are more confident and want to see more South-South trade as well as increased exports from poorer to richer countries. |
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This briefing document explains current agricultural issues raised before and in the current negotiations. It has been prepared by the Information and Media Relations Division of the WTO Secretariat to help public understanding about the agriculture negotiations. It is not an official record of the negotiations. |
Tariffs: the single approach using a tiered formula back to top The framework does not spell out the formula; it sets the scene for the next stage of the negotiations. It states that the formula must take account of members’ different tariff structures (for example some have tariffs that vary widely from product to product, others have more homogeneous rates), and it spells out key principles for the formula, aimed at expanding trade substantially:
Left for further negotiation are the levels and number of tiers, and the type of tariff reduction in each tier. Two controversial questions — whether the formulas should define overall maximum tariff rates (“caps”) and how sensitive products should be treated — are handled in a delicately-worded sentence: “the role of a tariff cap in a tiered formula with distinct treatment for sensitive products will be further evaluated”.
Sensitive products back to top The number of sensitive products each government may select is to be negotiated. Even for these products, there has to be “substantial improvement” in market access, which can partly be achieved by creating or expanding tariff quotas. The fine print carefully strikes a balance between different positions by saying the final result should also reflect “the sensitivity of the product”, and it sets some criteria for negotiating the expansion of tariff quotas that are open to all members (“MFN-based”, as distinct from quotas that are set aside for selected members).
Other elements back to top These include: reducing or eliminating in-quota tariff rates; improving the administration of quotas (how quotas are allocated among importers or exporters); reducing or eliminating tariff escalation (higher duties on processed products than on raw materials, to be tackled through a formula); tariff simplification; and the current special agricultural safeguard (which some countries want to cease). Broadly, these remain to be negotiated.
Special and differential treatment back to top The purpose of special treatment: for rural development, food security and livelihood security. Specifically, special treatment is to be given to developing countries in “all elements of the negotiation”, including “lesser” commitments in the formula, the number and treatment of sensitive products, “lesser” tariff quota expansion, and a longer implementation period. Special products: developing countries will be given additional flexibility for products that are specially important for their food security, livelihood security and rural development. How many, how they will be selected, and how they will be treated, has to be negotiated. Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM): a new contingency measure for developing countries. Details are to be established. Other issues to be addressed: the “fullest liberalization” of trade in tropical agricultural products, and products used as alternatives to illicit narcotic crops; long-standing preferences (the importance of preferences is “fully recognized” and “paragraph 16 and other relevant provisions of TN/AG/W/1/Rev.1” — the March 2003 draft “modalities” paper — “will be used as a reference”).
‘Issues of interest but not agreed’ back to top Includes sectoral initiatives (usually meaning scrapping duties on specific sectors), and geographical indications. |
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