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Online Parenting Classes for toddlers, school age children and teens.
Parenting Matters

Parenting Matters offers online parenting classes appropriate for children of all ages from toddlers to teens. Our Online Parenting Classes are based on the STEP (Systematic Training for Effective Parenting) program. We offer parent education and parent training classes so you can learn how to use limited choices and natural and logical consequences as discipline techniques instead of reward and punishment. With result oriented parenting skills, you can start raising responsible, cooperative, independent children.

Imagine this...
You enjoy your children more
You parent without stress, anxiety and guilt
You have more time for fun
You avoid spanking and other forms of corporal punishment
You actually stop bribing, nagging and cajoling
Children in your family learn from their mistakes
Children are responsible for their schoolwork
You don't have to be the referee in your children's squabbles
You find real, doable solutions for tough problems
You respect your kids like your friends
You have the respect of your children

Put common sense back into parenting.
Sound to good to be true?
Are you willing to take a parenting class to learn how to have a family like this?
Are you ready to get started now?

We guarantee this is possible when you start using the parenting approach taught in our online parenting classes.

"I initially did not want to take this course because I felt I had read enough and did not need ANY more parenting advice. We have used many strategies presented in this book and have noticed a change in all of our behaviors. I am an avid fan of giving choices and observing how smoothly things run when our son is given choices for that alone I say thank you. I have referred the book and the online course to friends and the Social Worker at the agency from which we are adopting our child." -Joy, Washington DC

No one is born, knowing how to parent.
So, you probably chose one of two parenting styles.

You vowed never do to your children what your parents did to you. Or you actually parent exactly the way you were parented. Unfortunately, either of these two styles are operating unconsciously in most people. It is time to actively educate yourself through a parenting class and choose a parenting style that works.

There is a better way using the STEP (Systematic Training for Effective Parenting) approach available through our Online Parenting Classes.

"This class was definitely worth the money. I am glad that you provided such a service for those of us who find it hard to attend classes."- Angela Smith, Missouri

Parenting is one of the most important jobs on the planet. Yet for many stressed out, busy parents, it is frustrating, upsetting and anxiety producing. And, this most important job has very few if any pre-requisites. There is however a unique, practical and workable approach that is based on the premise that children naturally want to cooperate and learn and as parents we are here to guide not control.

As the facilitator in the online parenting classes, my goal is to provide a convenient way for parents to learn positive parenting skills. I am committed to making a difference in bringing joy and common sense back into parenting, to support parents in being effective and influential in their children’s lives and to have families who relate to each other with love and respect.

You can learn to be a confident parent ready and able to meet the Parenting Challenge of raising cooperative, capable, independent, responsible children.

Parent without using punishment or being a slave to your children demands.
Have your expectations of cooperative, respectful children become a reality.
Use the goal of misbehavior as a guide to discipline without punishment.
Experience more joy, laughter, love and respect for one another in your family.

As a parent it is easy to feel you must always defer to "experts" to parent effectively and there is so much information and so many books it is difficult to know what to do. The flood of information can actually feel like it is undermining your own instincts and be confusing when you are dealing with needs specific to your particular family. One aspect I really like about the STEP approach and our online parenting classes, is they are based upon common sense principles and once the principles are learned they can be applied to any situation. After learning this approach and seeing the results, you will be able to trust your parenting style. You can become masters at influencing your children without permissiveness and without stifling their individuality.

The world today moves at an astounding rate. How often does your entire family sit down to eat and talk together. In many western cultures individual family members are so busy, many of them rarely sit down to share a meal together. Issues facing children today are more intense and complicated than a generation ago. Parents experience confusion with all the conflicting information, do not want to raise their children the way they were raised, but don't know what else to do.

With young children can you tell the difference between developmental stages and misbehavior?
Looking for a better parenting style for your school age children?
Problems with your teen and looking for new parenting strategies?

The answer to the busy schedules and the desire to use a common sense, non-punitive but respectful and effective parenting style is the purpose of the online parenting classes. No more scheduling conflicts, watching out-of-date videos or listening to boring instructors.

Start experiencing the benefits of an online parenting class immediately.
There is no time like the present to start improving your parenting skills. It is never too late to be a better parent and our online parenting classes have been created to assist you. The sooner you start the sooner you will see results. You and your family deserve the best environment possible.

We offer 5 online parenting classes. All include a free parenting book upon which the class is based. Four of the classes use a natural and logical consequences approach providing practical and easy ways to implement discipline that is respectful to both parents and children. We also offer an online book study class on the impact of divorce on children.

Our online parenting classes are guaranteed to be acceptable by the courts. It is always advisable to check before you register so we have provided information about the facilitators and the online parenting classes that you can print out and take to your social worker, lawyer or family court. If you have received your Certificate of Completion and it has not been accepted by the courts, we will refund the cost of the class $30 (less the cost of the book). If you need a refund, please contact us.

Use the descriptions below to determine the appropriate class for you. All classes include a free parenting book and offer Certificates of Completion.

This book study class is the quickest way to obtain a Certificate of Completion. You can register at anytime. You will receive a FREE copy of the STEP (Systematic Training for Effective Parenting) Parent's Handbook. After reading the material, you take the online test. After passing the test, your certificate is immediately available for printing. This class is appropriate for parents of children of all ages who need a certificate of completion for custody issues, court ordered parenting classes, parent educators, etc.

Parenting Together Through Divorce Online Book Study Class
This online book study class can fulfill the 4 hour requirement for parents who must complete a class on the impact of divorce on children. It is based on the book 'Divorce Book for Parents, Helping your children cope with divorce and its aftermath'. After reading the material, take the online test. After passing the test, your Certificate of Completion is immediately available.
This class is appropriate for divorcing couples with children.

Respectful & Effective Parenting Online Class
An online class that provides the basic approach to move from control and domination to a practical and self responsible method of parenting. Learn and use practical ways to discipline and raise more cooperative, happy children. This is a consistent, positive, and democratic approach to parenting. This class consists of 8 lessons and a Certificate of Completion is available.
Appropriate for children of all ages.

Parenting Young Children (under six) Online Class
An online class that gives you the tools to take on the special challenges of parenting infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Learn the skills to guide and encourage your young child as he/she grows and changes. This is a consistent, positive, and democratic approach to parenting. This class consists of 8 lessons and a Certificate of Completion is available.
Appropriate for children under six.

Parenting Teenagers Online Class
An online class that can teach you the skills to guide your teen toward being more responsible, independent and cooperative. It is never too late to have a good relationship with your teen! This class consists of 8 lessons and a Certificate of Completion is available.
Appropriate for children ages 12+.

Join with other parents who want to improve their parenting skills and enjoy their role of parenting by taking one of the convenient online parenting classes.

Articles and class content contained in LifeMatters are educational in nature and not intended for and should not be interpreted as medical advice or psychotherapy.
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