Our service is free to you. Health insurance premiums are determined by the health insurance company and regulated by every state. You will not find a lower premium for any of the insurance plans quoted on our website. No one can offer a lower premium. These premiums would be the same if you were to purchase your medical insurance directly from the insurance company. There is no additional fee for our services.

Professional Customer Service. Our customer service representatives are on hand to answer all of your questions and help you make an educated decision in finding an short term or travel insurance policy. For individual and small business health insurance, please visit any or all of the advertisers listed on the appropriate states Health Insurance Marketplace. With most licensed health insurance agents, you will receive continued support, including assistance in understanding your health insurance options, assistance with the application process and continued support after your coverage has been approved by the insurance company. HealthInsuranceFinders.com strives to be your most comprehensive source for finding health insurance quotes in the state where you reside. All of the advertisers on our website are eager to earn your business by providing you with the most competitive and comprehensive health insurance quotes available. You can choose to obtain your health insurance quotes instantly online, or other sites may assist you in contacting a local health insurance specialist in your area.