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Learn how to achieve fast, long-lasting relief from back pain, headaches, sciatica, migraines, joint pain and stress with the amazing

Bowen Technique Video & DVD

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Gentlest, Most Effective
Pain Therapy Ever!
If you’re suffering from back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain or other forms of chronic pain, you can be pain free and experience a full range of motion instantly!

Fibromyalgia Relief At Your Fingertips

Although her husband had no body work experience, (and was "all thumbs," according to her), he used the Bowen self-help video to help guide his hands. And after just three Bowen sessions, she experienced fibromyalgia relief.
                                             (READ ARTICLE)

Bowen Technique and Migraine Relief

Thanks to the results of a new study, there is
documented work to show that the Bowen Technique can dramatically reduce the severity and frequency of migraine attacks.

Gentle Touch Produces Miracles

After just three sessions of the Bowen Technique, her back pain and sciatica were history!

Pain Zapper

Zap back pain, headaches, sciatica, migraines,
neck pain and other chronic pain with the amazing Bowen Technique. - a wonderful self-healing tool you can use right away.

Bowen Technique Offers
Fibromyalgia Relief

All participants of this study experienced improvement, including back pain relief, better sleep, neck pain relief, ease in walking, cessation of vertigo and less exhaustion.
Bowen Technique Reduces Labor Pain

Midwife and Bowen Therapist Rick Minnery has
begun a long term study on the effectiveness
of Bowen in reducing labor pain and low back
pain during pregnancy.

TMJ Pain Reduced With Bowen Technique
In a research project conducted by Dr. John Bauman, DDS, immediately after the first Bowen treatment, one-third of the patients felt dramatic relief from their symptoms.
Bowen Technique Reduces Anxiety
Ashley Pritchard at Swinburn University Department of Psychophysiology, Melbourne, Australia, demonstrated that the Bowen Technique consistently reduced subjects' levels of anxiety, tension, anger, depression, fatigue and confusion.

Bowen Technique and Frozen Shoulder

Virtually 70% of the patients in this study experienced significant improvement. These results are astonishing, especially since they only received 3 treatments!


            Unexpected Recoveries

People with chronic disabilities such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia,
MS, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and arthritis have shown a gradual improvement in the condition and also in quality of life. It is always worth trying the Bowen Technique because in many cases it has been known to trigger surprising and unexpected recoveries when nothing else has worked



An Awesome Teaching Tool!

"Gerri guided me through every single
step. The Bowen video leaves absolutely no room for error. I highly recommend it!"

-Annie, Wales, UK

Excellent! Excellent

"Wow, what a tremendous teacher Gerri is! She is so clear & thorough in demonstrating the Bowen method."
-Veronica, North Carolina

Fibromyalgia Relief!

"Right after I received the video, my husband and I tried it. He followed along step-by- step. Gerri made it very simple, as he has NO MASSAGE EXPERIENCE!
After 3 sessions it is working!"

-Deborah, Georgia

My Dad's Headaches Are History!

"My 87 year old dad was in constant pain from headaches. What a blessing! His headaches are history after two sessions! I am so excited about the Bowen Technique!"
-Jean, Indiana

"This work, done properly, will take care of 85% of most all pain problems.  It is absolutely amazing."

 -Dr. Joseph Mercola, Director
                  Optimal Wellness Center, Chicago, Illinois

"I have been able to notice results even in chronic situations such as rheumatism, TMJ, chronic asthma and emotional
-Dr. Frederick Menier
"Clients who present with both acute and chronic pain are consistently free of their problems within a very short time by using Bowen. In fact, most clients require only 2 or 3 sessions to achieve long term benefits."
- Dr. Michael Buckmann
"Bowen Therapy is the single, most important hands-on healing technique in medicine."
-Dr. JoAnne Whitaker, M.D.
"Of all the modalities I have used, Bowen Therapy has helped so many of my patients that I would never want to give it up."
-Dr. Ted SLeigh
"I consider the Bowen Technique to be a blessing in my practice because of its simplicity, results and patient satisfaction."

 -Audrey Butko, M.D.


"I am thrilled to have Bowen Therapy as a resource for myself, family, friends and patients." 

                              -Dr. Christine Staub


“Ordinary Miracles”

"New practitioners obtain frequently outstanding results even before having completed their training.  I recently taught a level 3 refresher  where a level 2 student practitioner was able  in one session to totally alleviate a women who had been suffering chronically for 20 years from acute lower back pain due to herniated disks.

This woman had tried many different forms of therapy  and seen various  kind of practitioners for years. They all came to the conclusion that she had to live with it. Some days her pain was so bad that she couldn't get out of bed, walk or dress herself unassisted. 

I personally met this women months after and she was still totally symptom free!!! That one session changed her life.

All this to say that as a patient... if no experienced long time practitioners are available in your area, it is still worth trying a new practitioner, even a student practitioner, still in training.... as the Bowen Technique can often achieve what some of us refer to as  "ordinary miracles".

                                -Patrik Rousselot, Bowen Instructor


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